Via Talk Left:
One more thought: The claim that Bush has a mandate is a joke. This was a squeaker. 51% voted for Bush. That means 49%, virtually half of the country, opposes him.
– More people voted for Bush than any other candidate in the history of the nation in the highest voter turnout since 1968.
– Bush picked up two states, so that he actually carried 30 of the 50 states (unless my math is wrong).
– We picked up 4 seats in the Senate, including defeating the Democratic Minority Leader, the first time a Senate leader and incumbent has lost an election in 52 years.
– We picked up 3 seats in the House.
This is a mandate. Quit fooling yourselves, guys. Facing reality is going to be the first step towards recovery. And while you are at it, tere are some bright spots, chief of which is Barack Obama.
more people voted for Kerry as well (1M + more than Reagan in ’84)
Bush has a mandate. He’s in charge now. You finally have to stop blaming other people when shit goes down.
Ralph Gizzip
Then will your side finally sit down, shut up, and let us run things the way they’re supposed to be run? No more obstructionism on judicial appointments. We’ll also make you a deal. If you start supporting Bush on the War on Terror, we’ll keep hammering him on Big Government.
Harry in Atlanta
But Ralph big government is the one thing that lefties like about Bush. They only said that John Kerry would be more fiscally conservative than Bush because they wanted to pry loons like Andrew Sullivan away from Bush, and it worked. But it was a lie and the left knows it, hell, just look at Kerry’s plan for health care. When it comes to lying for the left in the country it’s the V. Lenin doctrine the ends always justifies the means. Lying is just another tool in the left’s playbook.
Screw ’em.
If you start supporting Bush on the War on Terror, we’ll keep hammering him on Big Government.
I’d like for you to name a single policy issue on which Bush has not gotten 98% of his way from the Democrats with regards to American security.
We can’t “start” supporting Bush on the War on Terror; our Presidential candidate voted for everything Bush asked for.
Before he voted against it, sure.
OK, OK, hold up. I’m willing to consider this.
What measures of suppport in the war on terror would you like?
Before he voted against it, sure.
I don’t think that voting on a particular way to fund a particular appropriate precisely counts as a major deviation from Bush policy.
Further, Kerry was outvoted massively by fellow members of his Party on the issue.
The Dems have been right behind Bush, lock step. I think that’s a big part of why he won; why vote for the pale shadow?
>>>One more thought: The claim that Bush has a mandate is a joke. This was a squeaker. 51% voted for Bush. That means 49%, virtually half of the country, opposes him.>>>>
Think of it this way friend, over 50% of eligible voters didn’t even vote at all – so we don’t know where they stand! Bush received 51% of the votes from those who voted. Why is that not a mandate?
Just to keep the record straight about 40% didn’t even vote at all.
About 120 million people voted including absentee and provisional ballots. That is just under 60% of the eligible voters in this country, and the highest percentage turnout since 1968.
Those that didn’t vote we don’t need to give a crap what they think.
Let’s see, how many judges were tied up in filibusters again? Not to mention the bills that were DOA because of Dasshole and the filibuster crew. I’m almost happier about HIS loss than I was over Bush’s win.
What does filibustering 2% of Bush’s judicial nominees have to do with the War on Terror?
All I’ve heard about this election is that it’s a referendum on Bush, that all the Dems had to do was throw out a viable alternative and the country would dump him.
Well, it didn’t happen. Just like in the 2002 elections, Bush gave the Dims a giant ass whipping.
So yes, that’s a mandate. A mandate for Bush and the GOP to ram their agenda down the Democrats throats and there’s jack squat you can do about it.
They control the Presidency, Congress, and SCOTUS. So shut the fuk up and sit down. You just lost your Senate leader because he was an obstructionist.
Floyd McWilliams
The real mandate is not 51% of the vote. It is that Kerry ran on pretty much the same platform as Bush, albeit with the occasional nudge and wink to the Michael Moore crowd.
Thomas J. Jackson
I get tired of the hype surrounding Obama. Lets see what his record is like in the next four years. Somehow I doubt it will be anything that Kerry will be ashamed of. I’d rather see more Democrats like Zell Miller but they were ordered out of the party in 1968.
Thomas J. Jackson
Bush didn’t get a mandate? Hey moonbats can you explain to me why Clinton had a mandate in 1992 with 40% of the vote.