Does anyone know if former Florida congressman Joe Scarborough, host of Scarborough Country, is sick or suffering from some sort of illness? He has missed a lot of shows lately, and he appears puffy in the face and looking unhealthy lately.
by John Cole| 7 Comments
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Does anyone know if former Florida congressman Joe Scarborough, host of Scarborough Country, is sick or suffering from some sort of illness? He has missed a lot of shows lately, and he appears puffy in the face and looking unhealthy lately.
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He has a bad back, is laid up in Florida I think.
Yeah, I think he had fairly serious misadventure to his back a few years back and has reaggravated it. Sometimes the only thing for the back is to lay flat on it for a week or two.
By the way, Scarborough was great on election night when he could manage to sit up straight. First, he was the only one to call flat bullshit on Trippi’s youth vote prediction. Then, he calculated off the top of his head that Bush was a lock in Florida long before anyone else, which rendered Andrea Mitchell mumbling sentence fragmenter for about the next hour of the coverage.
Errata: Andrea Mitchell should be rendered “a” mumbling sentence fragmenter above.
Let me, for the first time, chime in and say “Bloggerhead was right on the money”. Scarborough really has been more right on his predictions over the last year than anyone I can recall.
He said Dean was through 15 seconds after the scream, that Kerry was going to win the nomination, that Bush lost the first debate (for a Republican, it showed he was willing to be unbiased on Matthews’ show), that the Dem convention wouldn’t get a bounce, that Zell was a hit, etc.
Ron Reagan, IMO, is one of the more untalented people on television.
Scarborough is an honest conservative and has more of a No Spin Zone than O’Reilly and Matthews put together. Ron Reagan is insufferable hosting alone, and Pat Buchanan is hardly any better… I hope Joe gets better so we can finally have some sense on that channel.
Scarborough I think needs to be more opinionated (my opinion). buchanan is pretty good fill in, however. RR jr is a joke, however. ever the smartass looking for a sarcastic, screw turning comment. S-country is a great show in a sea of msnbc blather.
Ron Reagan was *terrific* …
… on Ronald Reagan IS the President’s Son back in the ’80s.
That sketch where he was shown running across a field towards a comely lass, shot of her running towards him … shot of him … shot of her … they’re getting closer.
Next scene has Secret Service agents running past RR and tackling the girl.
… other than that, Ron sucks.