I am sorry. I guess I am a small, shallow man, but I love reading things like this when the Democrats lose an election:
But, when all is said and done, Bush’s very convincing popular vote has one unmistakable cause: Kerry lost because more Americans indisputably like, trust, and feel more comfortable and safer with Bush than with Kerry.
Why? The unavoidably obvious explanation is that Americans are by-and-large morons. Simpleminded, uninformed and undereducated, intellectually lazy and proud in their ignorance to boot, self-important and self-righteous, arrogant and benighted idiots. They are a reflection of George W. Bush, and in him they saw themselves. That’s why they love him and trust him so. Their reality is the faith-based myth that America is blessed and always right and great and perfect and freedom is handed down by God and not manmade constitutional governments and cultures of tolerance and inquiry. The are certain that the “real” America is in the unpleasant, xenophobic, homophobic, red states in the middle, where everybody has a white picket fence in the brain and they don’t seem aware of their own squalor and the fact that they make ends meet only because the far more prosperous blue states continue to subsidize their light beer guzzling.
Americans chose Bush. They deserve him.
The people have spoken, the bastards.
The intellectual left, kind and gracious as usual.
In the words of Rudyard Kipling “He ain’t blind, Tommy sees.” The people this man disdains see, too. They aren’t fools, they know they are despised by the intellectuals, and they return the favor, in spades.
Ralph Gizzip
Wow! After reading that link I have to disinfect my computer.
Josh Martin
I do enjoy the occasional light beer.
Can we please have our red-state subsidies back?
This brings to mind the time when Michael Moore objected to the fact that the NYTC was full of people who didn’t vote for Bush. Dunno why; maybe it’s the underlying bitterness.
Italics off, damn you.
Dunno why; maybe it’s the underlying bitterness.
Ding. Go wallow in your own shit; stop crapping on my house.
Harry in Atlanta
Goddamn democracy and representative government. The serfs ought to leave governing to those who are smart enough to know what’s good for them. (sarcasm off)
Is it any wonder the French peasants lopped the heads off of the nobility and the intellectuals during the Reign of Terror. Arrogance is always a charming character accessory.
I hope this dickhead doesn’t work on Madison Av. because he would be starving.
In Russia they call this “tough shitsky.”
And what percentage of that is military spending, because we’ll defend the country and your ilk won’t?
Evil Otto
You’ll get nothing, and you’ll like it.
By the way, it’s GOOD to see you so angry. It warms my cold, unfeeling Republican heart.
And what percentage of that is military spending, because we’ll defend the country and your ilk won’t?
Other way around — your lot is disproportionately military because you haven’t the faintest notion of how to keep an economy running, so your kids don’t have a lot of prospects.
The Truth Hurts
“Other way around — your lot is disproportionately military because you haven’t the faintest notion of how to keep an economy running, so your kids don’t have a lot of prospects.”
Would that explain why the majority of Fortune 500 companies are run by CEO’s with Military backgrounds? Hmmmmm…….
Uhm “squalor”?
There is data that the “poor” in America live in homes (not apartments, condos or “flats”) larger in square footage than the average Euro, own two vehicles and generally have pretty much every modern convenience.
I have seen many “average” Euro’s apartments that were smaller than than the garage of my parent’s “average” home. They had combo clothes washer/dryer slid under the counter in the kitchen. Tiny little refrigerators, conduit and plumbing snaking all over the place because the building was constructed two centuries ago.
Almost every major/minor modern invention was made in America.
We grow so much food that farmers are paid NOT to grow crops. We put men on the moon so long ago we have almost forgotten how we did it and must now start from scratch.
We invented the Internet, the computer used to create the web was an American creation from the hardware to the software (NeXT started by Steve Jobs, who co-founded Apple and helped get Microsoft going by selling Word and Excel for the Mac first before there was a Windows).
Air Forces from around the world send their pilots here to train in our schools not only because we sold them the airplanes but we have the most experience in *using* them.
We fought and won two world wars started by Germany/Japan and then REBUILT Europe and Japan.
We just liberated 50 million people, 25 million of which just elected their first president after having lived under some form of primitive tribal theocracy since before there was a United States of America.
To the rest of the world: You’re Welcome.
The Lonewacko Blog
Is it possible to be revulsed by both Atrios and the fact that people can’t see that Bush is a phony? Maybe I’m just ex-agg-era-ting, but it shore seemed like his twang was a lot twangier in Hobbs NM than when he’s spoken from the WH pre-campaign. I mean, at one time I was reflexively saying “howdy” even if I’m in a blue state now. So, my confusion is in how most red staters could ever consider Bush really red state.
Wacko doesn’t appreciate the fact that Bush goes to the extra effort of speaking generic when addressing the nation. Seems right thoughtful to me.
The left in the west INVENTED the idea of “The Natural Rights of Man” where god in fact endowed mankind AT BIRTH with “unalienable” rights; i.e. rights that cannot be taken away by man.
It is very distressing to me that the left, in addition to abandoning God has now abandoned this simple, universal truth. NO wonder the American people won’t trust them with power.
Kimmitt, *on someone else’s blog* calls for people to stop crapping on others’ houses out of bitterness.
Hey, Kimmitt, don’t you have your own blog? Why are you telling people *here* what to do?
Other way around — your lot is disproportionately military because you haven’t the faintest notion of how to keep an economy running, so your kids don’t have a lot of prospects.
Blogroach Kimmit: the proprietor of this weblog is ex-military. It’s bad enough you insult millions upon millions of better men than you who agreed to defend your freedom, with their lives if necessary, but you could at least refrain from insulting your far-more-patient-than-you-deserve host.
I, too, am ex-military. I was raised by middle class parents with, between them, about twelve years of post-graduate education. My father was a Marine, as was my uncle. Both of my grandfathers served in WWII – one in Europe, one in the Pacific. One was a doctor who ran the only hospital in central KY for years, the other ran a medium-sized, family-owned insurance company, one of the largest in the state at the time.
My family is hardly unusual, – especially in the South, where military service is often a family tradition, regardless of wealth, education, or circumstances even today. I come from a family that has maintained that tradition in almost every generation – on both sides – since the Revolutionary War. Yet I have a graduate degree, as do each of my siblings. I would take grave insult at your remarks were you worth the expenditure of energy required to do so. Thankfully, you are not.
One is never surprised to see you talking out of your ass, since you are nothing if not proud to trumpet the depth and breadth of your ignorance from every rooftop, but parasites usually do a better job of placating their host than you do. It’s a wonder he puts up with you.
Thomas J. Jackson
Morlock Kimmit:
Perhaps the Left doesn’t understand it but Americans don’t like unelected people telling how to live their lives nor making rules. Thats the way that kings, autocrats, communists and democrats operate. Americans rejected the annointed vision overwhelmingly, even in Oregon.
Now go pack for Canada.
Dodd, there are, of course, people from all walks of life serving in the military. There are two million men and women in uniform, for goodness’ sake. But it’s a cliche to hear about a kid from a southern (or, for that matter, rust belt) town who joined the military because there just aren’t options back home for a reason.
I am highly amused, for the record, at the sudden leap to defend the honor of any man or woman who serves in the military juxtaposed with the dismissive comments elsewhere on this blog toward Senator Kerry’s highly decorated military service during wartime. Apparently, defending your country is only honorable if you vote for the right candidate.