I simply do not understand. When an entire wing of a news department spends five years investigating the President regarding fraudulent charges, and then intentionally airs a program defamingthe President with only forged documents to make their case, nothing happens.
Cut into CSI:NY with a news alert, and it is off with your head:
CBS News has axed a news producer who cut into prime-time programming Wednesday night to report the death of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.
The staffer, a female senior producer for CBS
I agree, but I think the Arafat debacle was pretty darn bad too. Seemed deserving of an axing.
S.W. Anderson
First, CBS decided not to air another report that might’ve reflected badly on He Who Is Without Error.
Second, CBS named an independent panel of outsiders to look into the case of the inadequately vetted story about Bush and his Air Guard service.
Third, the downsized, entertainment-subjugated remnant of what was once TV’s leading news organization got beaten up savagely. Much of the beating up was by people who don’t care jack squat about journalistic ethics or practices when their point of view and favored pols are benefiting, but scream bloody murder when the other side might come out ahead.
Sorry, but you’re just wrong that nothing happened.
As for cutting into the end of entertainment program, yes, that showed poor judgment. After all, it’s not like someone who was worth his weight empty matchbooks had croaked. But firing the person responsible comes off as feckless pandering to whoever yells loudest and last.
Anyone who missed the last few minutes of the show had a moment or two of annoyance and that was that. Big deal. If they’re really that put out, they won’t have to wait long before the networks revert to their mid-winter reruns
The Truth Hurts
“First, CBS decided not to air another report that might’ve reflected badly on He Who Is Without Error.”
Oh! Well goody goody for them! Gee, they sure are fair, aren’t they? It couldn’t have had anything to do with them getting their arse handed to them on the bogus story they’d already run in conjunction with the Kerry “fortunate son” ad campaign, huh?
Shut up, hippie.
I think it is because they are involved in an investigation of JFK’s supposed less than honorable discharge that was changed to an honorable discharge initiated by Carter in 1978 and the reinstatement of his medals 6 years after the fact. They were looking for the original DD214 but it wasn’t on JFK’s website. They couldn’t decide which story to run so they dropped them both.
Wishful thinking.
“CBS decided not to air another report that might’ve reflected badly on [Bush]”
In short, come on! look at all the fraudulent hatchet-jobs they didn’t run! You fools, getting all wound up over one little forgery!
Uh, sorry. Inadequately vetted story, was what I meant to call it.
And they could have vetted it til the cows came home. They spent, as they proudly announced, weeks proving it was true before they ran it.
Of course, as it turned out they didn’t spend one afternoon (which was all it took) trying to disprove it, just to see if it could be done.
Tony Iovino
Why? Cause CSI pays the bills.
Whenever there appears to be hypocritical conduct, look first to the wallet.
Dave Violence
Tony I is 100% right-on. The viewers of CSI would’ve had no problem waiting until the 11 pm news to hear of YA’s death.
Lying, bias, etc. are perfectly acceptable. But this is show business and the show must go on. What, they didn’t teach that in J-school or communications school? Good for CBS.
I’m amazed that you’re all shocked – shocked! – that people don’t give a rat’s ass about international politics (or politics in general, for that matter).
Step out of the beltway, boys, and see that people care more about entertainment than international intrigue.
My God, are you people still living the delusional lie that George Bush actually showed up National Guard service?
Did CBS screw up by not properly vetting those particular memos? Absolutely. But the fact they were fakes in no way negates the reams of uncontested Bush records which indicate that Bush still bailed on his service.
Ummmmm, Bush showed up for his NG service. He wound up with more hours than he needed, as a matter of fact.
So much of the “Bush was AWOL/deserter/shirked his duty” has always been based upon a lack on understanding of the system, a lack of understanding that any journalist truly interested in honest reporting could rectify quickly.
1. “Oh, but his Fitness Report said he was ‘Not Observed’ at his assigned duty station.” Standard terminology that means “I have to write a report on this guy, but he hasn’t been here (temporary duty somewhere else) or not long enough for me to make a meaningful comparisson against all the other folks woring here.” Any service member, active, reserve or NG, that does not have at least one “Not Observed” report is a rare beast.
2. “Oh, but he was ‘Removed from Flight Duty Status’. This must mean something sinister.” Members’ service records contain the documentation of lots of qualifications and statuses. Often there are administrative requirements to document them. In the absence of any prejudicial reason for this action being documented, Occam’s Razor makes it sound to assume there was none. Best explaination I heard is that his flight physical lapsed, and this remark was simply to ensure that he would not be placed into a flight status billet at a new command until he completed the physical.
3. “Oh, but he left the service early. Probably to avoid the flight physical since he was a coke head.” Lots of people get permission and leave service early. In fact, my dad had six months left on his NG enlistment when the company he had drilled with for several years broke up. Rather than making him find another unit, do all the inprocessing, orientation, etc. the division SM just held his discharge paperwork a couple of months and submitted it after it would be too late to reassign him. Nothing nefarious, he was already getting out and they just didn’t make it hard on him. As for the physical, I may be off (before my time) but don’t believe drug testing was a common medical practice at that time anyway.
4. “Oh, but there’s no record of him even drilling for _______ (fill in the time period).” Personally speaking, if I didn’t intend to retire, I wouldn’t care what my drill point count said as long as I got paid. I’m sure he felt the same way. Anyone in the reserves will tell you points are always wrong unless you take active steps to make them right.
All things that the tinfoil hat brigade build into a chilling indictment that can be easilly dismissed by a ten minute conversation with anyone who has been in the NG or reserve for more than four years. The true shame is that there are more reporters who seem interest in stirring up a story than digging up the truth.
The Truth Hurts
“My God, are you people still living the delusional lie that George Bush actually showed up National Guard service?”
To which my reply, having served in the guard/Reserves for some time now, would be:
My God, you wanks aren’t still under the delusional meme about Bush being “AWOL” are you? Let me teach you something you probably didn’t know about weekend drills: Unless a member is on Active duty orders (Bush was NOT), and only doing normal annual duty (Bush WAS), then there IS NO AWOL. AWOL simply doesn’t NOT EXIST for normal AT/IDT drills. That’s it. I hope you learned something today.
Class dismissed. Go home and study some more, Space.
Nate/The Truth Hurts:
Sorry, losers, TANG service was not optional. When Bush signed up, he made certain promises. Those promises included maintaining his flight status, which he lost by failing to take his flight physical. And they included training a minimum number of days per year, which Bush did not do.
The consequences of failing to fulfill his duty, included being shipped off to Vietnam, which did happen to other National Guardsman who similarly failed to do their duties.
1. Bush was “not observed” at his base for a year.
2. Bush was suspended for failing to get a flight physical 4 years into a six year service commitment. He never flew again. He was essentially worthless at that point and an utter waste of taxpayer’s dollars.
3. Leaving the service early was not a problem. However, when Bush left TANG he promised to sign up with/contact the Massachussets Guard. He never did.
4. There is no evidence that Bush ever showed up in Alabama. Period. Nobody saw him during the period he claimed he was training there. Period.
5. As I mentioned above, Bush was a suspended pilot. Even if he had shown up in Alabama, sitting in an office reading Sports Illustrated is not proper training. He was paid to fly jets. He quit.
I’m sorry the truth hurts. Personally, I don’t really care that the guy dodged his service commitment thirty years ago. I just wish he and his sycophants would stop lying about it.
The Truth Hurts
“Sorry, losers, TANG service was not optional.”
True, he was required to do 50 points per year. Which he did–there was no set schedule–he could front-load all those points into the beginning of the year or back load them onto the end of the year: servicemember’s perogative.
“When Bush signed up, he made certain promises.”
Which he fulfilled.
“Those promises included maintaining his flight status”
Wrong–maintaining flying status is nowhere in the contract.
“which he lost by failing to take his flight physical.”
Because he was no longer in a flying billet. Know what that means?
“And they included training a minimum number of days per year, which Bush did not do”
Excuse me–yes he did. The lowest number of annual points he earned during his whole time was 56 (during his stint with the AL guard). And what did I tell you the minimum was? 50? That’s riiiiiiight!
“The consequences of failing to fulfill his duty, included being shipped off to Vietnam,”
Bzzzzzzt! Wrong! Doesn’t work that way. Deployment to Viet nam was NOT a punishment for ‘failure to perform duty. Not sure what oriface you pulled that nugget from, but feel free to stuff it right back in there.
“which did happen to other National Guardsman who similarly failed to do their duties.”
Bullshit–see above statement
“Bush was “not observed” at his base for a year.”
I think you totally misunderstand the meaning of “not observed” in regards to Guard OPRs and evals. I suggest you RE-READ nate’s post above.
“Bush was suspended for failing to get a flight physical 4 years into a six year service commitment. He never flew again. He was essentially worthless at that point and an utter waste of taxpayer’s dollars.”
Again, wrong, as stated above. In the Alabama unit (the time in question) he was NOT in a flying billet. Hence, no need for a flight physical. Very common in the Guard/Reserves of that period, and today as well.
“Leaving the service early was not a problem. However, when Bush left TANG he promised to sign up with/contact the Massachussets Guard. He never did.”
You could’ve ended that screed with the first sentence and you’d be fine. He didn’t sign up with the Mass guard for the same reason he was allowed to leave the TANG early–there was no more room for flying officers with all those returning from Nam. Not sure where the scandal is in this point of yours, but, whatever man.
“There is no evidence that Bush ever showed up in Alabama. Period. Nobody saw him during the period he claimed he was training there. Period.”
Again…wrong. Plus, he did get a dental checkup while there. It’s in his records.
“As I mentioned above, Bush was a suspended pilot.” — Because he was in a unit (AL) that had aircraft he was not trained to fly–hence the desk jockey position; and no, he was NOT suspended. He was in a non-flying billet. man, you’ve really gotta get new talking points–these are all tired, worn out and debunked.
“Even if he had shown up in Alabama, sitting in an office reading Sports Illustrated is not proper training. He was paid to fly jets. He quit.”
More of the same repetative B.S.–I’ve debunked and fact-checked this enough already.
“I’m sorry the truth hurts. Personally, I don’t really care that the guy dodged his service commitment thirty years ago. I just wish he and his sycophants would stop lying about it.”
Yeah, the truth must really hurt your anus. And if you ‘don’t care’, then why don’t you shut the hell up about this AWOL meme when the facts are handed to you by someone with Guard/Reserve experience who knows what the hell is going on?
I get such a kick out of folks like you with NO practical military experience, let alone guard/Reserve experience (because someone with the above experience would know better than to make the B.S. claims you have), and you go apeshit over a term like “not observed” and you really think you have something. I swear, you must be one of about three people in the country wwho still cling to this AWOL meme.
By the way–you never did answer me when I gave you the FACT that AWOL does’t exist for a member who is not on active duty orders–which bush was never on (excepting UPT–pilot training). What’s your spin for that? What can you pull out of your backside to counter that? Oh yeah–nothing. End of argument.
Come back when Michael Moore issues you new talking points.
New talking points? The Left is going to get new talking points?
Don’t get me excited like that unless it be true.
wild bird
The news media was silent all during bill clintons reign and when george bush gets elected their up yapping all the time i mean they have never lifted a finger all the time while clinton was selling out our nations millitary secrets to the chicoms and lying to the courts over the MONICA LEWINSKI incedent they the liberal news media cant be trusted
Raging Dave
You know, CBS got caught trying to pass FORGED DOCUMENTS in order to impugn Bush’s NG service. Isn’t that enough to prove that the Left in all their hysterics is flat out wrong? You tried to make crap up to support your argument, but you got caught.
Now idiots like Space up there babble on as if nothing ever happened. Sorry Space, all your arguments are just rehashed BS that was slapped down months, if not years, ago. Do try to keep up.
“The news media was silent all during bill clintons reign…”
Wildbird: Congratulations, belatedly, for waking from the coma you were obviously in from ’92 to ’00. I trust the bedsores have healed, but I’ve heard it does take the drooling a little longer to abate.
“CBS got caught…Isn’t that enough to prove that the Left in all their hysterics is flat out wrong?”
Raging Dave: By that logic, the fact that Fox News continues to maintain that WMD have been found & Saddam/al Qaeda connections exist–and more importantly, that it’s viewers and the large majority of Bush voters believe it–proves that the Right is flat out wrong as well. So, we’re all wrong. What to do? Turn everything over to the kids? Might as well, they’re going to wind up having to pay for everything anyway.
(head bowed) God: Please, Heavenly Father, never cause me to have to endure another blog commenter tediously pulling rank by virtue of his purported intimate knowlege of Vietnam-era National Guard protocol to certify that President Bush, without any doubt, fulfilled completely and honorably his duty to the nation in a time of war. In exchange for sparing me this agonizing torture, I henceforth promise ever to acknowlege, when asked–and, please, make these moments rare–that the President did serve heroically, that those lost months in Alabama were in fact spent on a top-secret mission behind enemy lines, no, in Cambodia, with John O’Neill, and Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz and Rush Limbaugh, the entire Republican party–well, those alive at the time, of course, I’m not so foolish as to give the game away with a sloppy anachronism–everyone but John Kerry, for whom we know it was impossible to have been there. Amen.
Except, Boogerhead, no one but you, individually and collectively as a representative of Hippy Nation, is trying to claim that President Bush was doing anything heroic; we simply maintain, and the records prove, that he did what he was supposed to do, and then some, in terms of serving the country. Contrast with your buddy BJ Clinton, who in his own words deliberately ran like an SOB to get overseas and work against this country.
Shut up, Hippy.
The Truth Hurts
Well, nothing back from Space–I guess we can consider his hass permanently handed back to him now.
As for Bloogerhead:
Dude…where to start with that diahrea of a screed you just belched out?
WMD? Like the ones we found being used as raodside IEDs a few months agao, and several times since? Oh, wait…you very likely missed it as it occurred suring the Abu Ghraib PrisonPornFest 2004 coverage, and was given marginal, if ANY coverage on any network, other than Fox. And we couldn’t have evidence of WMDs breaking up the coverage of Abu Ghraib now could we?
Please, oh please try to tell me I’m wrong–I’d love to see you prove that the Army Chief of Staff briefings I read EVERY morning at work are wrong, just becuase Wolf Blitzer of Dan rather didn’t report it.
The Truth Hurts
And as for there being “no connection between Iraq and Al-Qaeda” (snort, guffaw):
You know that guy we’re chasing around Iraq right now? Al Zarqawi? Yeah–the Al-Qaeda frontman in Iraq? Yeah, him. He didn’t just show up there you know. He’s been training there for years–with the support of Saddam.
Oh, and that training camp south of Baghdad? Salman Pak? Why do you think that was there?
That’s okay, you take your time and let this all sink in. No rush.
I feel sorry for you.
Maybe That’s Why You Can’t Handle The Truth:
I’m just relying on the 9/11 Commission report, the Senate Intelligence Commission report & the Duelfer report. Sure, Fox serves as a counter-weight, of sorts, but more along the lines of Creationism countering Evolution.
Now if you’ll excuse me, the commune is setting out to harvest the Christmas Kindbud. Inasmuch as we never suffer a holiday dry spell, your pity is misplaced…man.
The Truth Hurts
“I’m just relying on the 9/11 Commission report, the Senate Intelligence Commission report & the Duelfer report.”
You mean the 9/11 comission report and Senate Intel Committee reports that more or less support Bush and the War On Terror (to include our actions in Iraq)?
Those reports?
Oh, you mean the very same Duelfer report that you lefites are only reading PARTS of–the parts that serve your specific purposes? The same report that said Saddam was still a threat? That one?
Cherry pick much?
Fox isn’t my single or even pirmary source of information–hell, I rarely watch it. But it’s fun to see moonbats such as yourself get your panties in a wad over the ONLY conservative news channel in a filed packed with left-oriented (even biased) media.
Now go play in the street.