Pat Sajak has a question:
Somewhere in the world, a filmmaker creates a short documentary that chronicles what he perceives as the excesses of anti-abortion activists. An anti-abortion zealot reacts to the film by killing the filmmaker in broad daylight and stabbing anti-abortion tracts onto his body. How does the Hollywood community react to this atrocity? Would there be angry protests? Candlelight vigils? Outraged letters and columns and articles? Awards named in honor of their fallen comrade? Demands for justice? Calls for protection of artistic freedom? It
Now that was one acidic statement.
Hollywood’s silence is more eloquent than any of it’s statements.
One issue is that the Republican Party has so politicized the US security situation that merely noting that Islamic terror exists can be seen as endorsing US policy toward it.
I don’t think it’s fear for one’s self — it’s fear for ones politics, among many other things (the distance, the “dog bites man” aspect, et cetera).
Whereas making statements like the above can be seen as sniveling. So much for the value of can be seen as, as an excuse for not noting the obvious.
Josh Martin
I didn’t think it was possible to blame Hollywood’s silence on the GOP, but Kimmitt, you pulled it off. It was a pretty lame result, but at least you tried.
The ritual pointing of the finger at the Republicans aside, I think Kimmitt is on to something. The Hollywood crowd is being quiet because they feel speaking up would help George W. Bush, and not helping George W. Bush is more important than anything else in the world to them.
M. Scott Eiland
Pat Sajak is still alive?
Whoever his agent is should be put in charge of designing the next generation of stealth aircraft. . .]:-)
Justin O.
Team America FUCK YEAH!
Ralph Gizzip
Would you want to die when your workday consists of ogling Vanna White?
This filmmaker was not known in Hollywood, so why would anyone there get upset?
Sajak has a point, but I sure hope I am not being held accountable for failing to denounce whatever the latest outrage du jur is.
You guys might want to check out for Adroso’s research into past racist & sexist remarks made by Mr. Van Gogh. Sure, few deserve to die the way he did, but not everyone who makes film deserves a Hollywood sendoff.