Matt writes:
I’d been led by friends to believe that Seymore Hersh’s latest article was all about a secret plan to go to war with Iran, but the Iran-related material in the piece is rather thin. Basically, it tells us what we already knew — that many influential people want to launch a military counterproliferation strike, and many other people think this is nuts. Hersh adds the tidbit that, allegedly, covert surveillance operations laying the groundwork for this are already under way. I don’t find that all too shocking, even if true.
I would find it shocking if the actual operations are not under way. I would consider it a severe ereliction of duty. Maybe on some issues, Democrats and Republicans view the world so differently that we can never gulf the ideological chasm. And this is Matt Yglesias, who, by any reasonable standard, is a rather hawkish Democrat.
TJ Jackson
Hersh is a blow hard who would sell his mother for a headline. Why anyone would give him a minute’s notice is beyond me given his dependence on mystery sources.