Oliver doesn’t like Geraldo Rivera’s coverage of the elections much. Sayeth the ‘moderate’ Democrat:
Geraldo Rivera and Fox News, a match made in propaganda heaven.
Here is the offending Rivers quote (via Media Bistro via Johnny Dollar):
“They are casting their ballot for the first time. It was so inspiring. It was one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen in my entire life. It really is like the Berlin Wall going down in 1989. It really is like the beginning, like the dawn of the civil rights era, when black people could vote for the first time. It is the most amazing sight. Only a hard-bitten cynic, only a person with absolutely no upside to their feeling of optimism, could look askance at what is happening, truly happening today.”
Oliver Willis yesterday:
You know, I really wish Iraq were having an honest, safe, real election. But that isn’t happening, and that’s a shame. Even if you were and are opposed to this war, as I am, you would wish the Bush people would do things right just for the simple reason that it would help our standing in the world. But they can’ even do that.
The Daily Kos, today:
This Election is simply, in my estimation, an exercise in pretty pictures.
Matt Yglesias, today:
It’s time to prepare for three weeks of gloating from the hawks before they realize that nothing has really changed and they return to previous hawk practice of not mentioning Iraq.
Geraldo, meet your hard-bitten cynics.
Holding up Geraldo Rivera as the paragon of journalism. You guys really are that stupid.
Jeff G
John –
Your link to Matt’s post is fouled up. YOu’ve got an apostrophe at the end of the link that you need to get rid of.
Feel free to delete this comment.
Robert Crawford
Eh? Who was holding him up as a journalist? What I read sounded more like he was stating an opinion, and you guys were doing your best to make it true.
On the other hand: Geraldo looking like a reasonable journalist as compared to Oliver: priceless.
Oliver Witless
No! You guys are dumb!
Robin Roberts
Paragon, Oliver? Nope. Better than you? Yep.
capt joe
Baghdad Blob (willis) has spoken.
Maybe Geraldo would have more credibility in Oliver’s eyes if had taken Soros money…
Ernest Brown
Not even Geraldo is that morally degraded.
I’m sure Geraldo is hoping that he gets that choicy gig of transcribing Michael Savage.
Jim Henley
John, maybe by “gloating” Matt means that this site and others would become an orgy of “find the most disagreeable things our opponents have to say” items, ignoring more thoughtful and even positive items on places like Crooked Timber, Thomas L. Knapp’s site, The Agitator and Political Animal, to name a few. At least Chrenkoff and Vincent are able to devote the bulk of their energy to expressing their enthusiasm for the event itself. All you seem to manage is carping about your enemies. Can’t YOU take any more pleasure in events than your betes-noires? Is the extra sleep doing you so little good?
Oliver the partisan hack says, “Holding up Geraldo Rivera as the paragon of journalism. You guys really are that stupid.”
He does this all of the time guys. He’ll ASSume and ASSert things that nobody said.
I don’t know why you guys pay so much attention to this attention whore. You’re playing right into his game.
Joan of Argghh!
If the voting was just an exercise in pretty pictures, then the previous 50 years were an exercise in really horrific ones.
Holding up Geraldo, Clinton’s #1 butt-buddy, as some right-wing kook, you really are that stupid.
They probably lost some money.