Jeff Goldstein has written the greatest headline ever discussing the loony left’s disgusting behavior regarding Jeff Gannon:
If there is a weblog award for titles, this deserves to win.
Jim Treacher
So this Gannon fellow is a homosexual, then?
capt joe
gawd forbid!!!!
Um, well this is about a little bit more than the fact that the man is gay, if in fact that is even true.
1. The man was a hooker. His prospective clients were men. This doesn’t necessarily mean Gannon is gay, just that he was a hooker.
2. A man who was a hooker was given access to daily press breifings(and one Presidential press conference). The Whitehouse either knew he was a hooker, in which case one wonders why they would allow a hooker into daily press breifings, or they didn’t and one wonders how a hooker passed their vetting process considering a few bloggers were able to figure it out.(See Kerik).
3. Said hooker was given (quasi) exclusive access to confidential material about the outing of Valerie Plame as a CIA agent. Who is leaking such material to a fucking hooker.
This has nothing to do with Gannon being gay (if he is), and everything to do with how a fucking hooker was granted access to the Whitehouse.
If it had been Clinton Gannon was lobbing softball questions to and it turned out that he a)was using a false name b)was connected to a prominent Arkansas Democratic activist d) that he ended up with confidential materials that dicredited Paula Jones c) that he was a male prostitute with d) $20,000 owed in back taxes, the right and the mainstream media would have fucking exploded over the ‘Gay Clinton Sex Scandal’ and don’t pretend otherwise.
With Bush, you get the “Marriage Amendment” right suddenly being uncomfortable with outing gays and the media clucking about how unfair those nasty liberal bloggers are being.
Here’s a clue, when you leave evidence all over the web that you are a whore, it is no longer personal. It’s public.
Man I gotta let my in-laws know that Bush’s little shill is a gay hooker. That’s just too funny.
Dr. Weevil
Could someone (perhaps Kimmitt or the coward who calls himself None) kindly explain what evidence there is that Gannon is or ever was a prostitute? All I’ve heard is that he registered three domain names that sound (to those who know) somewhat gay-porny and that there’s a picture of him somewhere on the web in his underwear. That isn’t even 10% of the way to proof of prostitution. Until I hear why he registered the domains and for whom — people have been known to register domains for their less computer-literate friends or business associates — I’m not entirely sure why everyone assumes he’s even gay. Calling him a prostitute sounds like an invitation to a massive suit for defamation — unless you’re a coward like ‘None’, in which case you can defame with impunity, as long as you trust our host to keep your IP unknown.
Hooker? Hard to prove. A whore for the administration? Easy.
The fact that there is even discussion relating to the personal life of any individual is rather grim. And face it bo weevil, Mr. None’s comments (regardless of their basis on fact) are clear and correct. Republicans attempted to impeach a President over a blowjob for Christ’s sake! While the Bush boy purports an agenda that, albeit a crock, will “free” mankind. Stick to issues that mean something. Don’t waste time (left, right or in between) discussing issues (fact or fiction) that have nothing to do with reality when it comes to political issues.
Dr. Weevil
The contempt for simple facts on this thread is astonishing. Republicans succeeded in impeaching Clinton (but failed to convict him) for perjury. If he hadn’t lied under oath about his relationship with Lewinsky, they never would have gotten enough votes to impeach.
Bob might want to amend his own statement to something more truthful like this: “Hooker? Easy to prove, if true, and highly unlikely, since no one has offered any evidence at all, and plenty are looking. Whore for the administration? Only if your definition of whore is so broad as to include (e.g.) Chicimoto as a whore for Clinton, in which case you have a bad case of dramatic exaggeration — not mention potty-mouth.”
Sorry for my democratic ignorance bo. But I have to think you get the point (you seem like a fairly intelligent person, just a bit adrift).
I’m not going to get into the unproven allegations or the accuracy of your analogy, because I don’t have to. I’ll grant the total of your hypothetical and allow that the right would be screaming foul over it.
Can you tell me the left would have done anything other than shrug their shoulders and say “So what?”?
They didn’t care that Clinton lied to a court of law, after all.
Robin Roberts
Fear not, Weev, Kimmitt won’t let the fact that he hasn’t any evidence slow down a slander.
As for the fact that he got a press pass, the background check for those is of a slightly lower level that for code word security clearance. If it wasn’t, half the press corps wouldn’t get in.
I thought the saying went, “Prostitution is the worlds oldest profession.”
Since when is someone’s profession a “personal” matter?
Jim Treacher
Wow, I can’t believe the White House let in some guy in a Tom of Finland outfit. That’s the sort of thing a fucking hooker wears, right?
The evidence.
Dr. Weevil
Being at work, I have no intention of clicking that link. However, I find it hard to see how any website could possibly prove that someone is or ever has been a prostitute. There are millions of Americans whose friends and former friends have naked pictures of them. It would be very easy for a malicious person to slap a few of them up on the web and attach plausible-looking messages offering sex for money. In order to assume that the case has been proven, we have to assume that the pictures are of Guckert and not someone who looks like him (not always easy to tell), that any commercial messages that may go with them were written by him (how do you prove that?), and much more. I really don’t see how evidence presented on any website other than his own could possibly convict him, and even his own could theoretically be subject to hacking.
To put it another way:
I suppose when you see “for a good time call Susie” (or “George”) scrawled on a bathroom wall with a telephone number following, you automatically assume that Susie (or George) wrote it? It wouldn’t occur to you that someone who dislikes George (or Susie) might have put it up to ruin their lives? Now who’s being naive?
Anyway, for those of us at work, especially those who are none too eager to visit a site that is apparently both defamatory and pornographic, how about briefly summarizing just what this site supposedly proves, and how you can be absolutely certain that the pictures are of Guckert and prove his participation in prostitution?
“The man was a hooker. His prospective clients were men.”
So then it’s on par with the Washingtonienne scandal, which didn’t get far past the gossip columns…
George Saras
You just know something’s wrong with the world when good old Bob is less obnoxious than such regular simpletons as Kimmitt. I guess the latter has never heard of “facts” or “evidence” as necessary ingredients prior to one’s asserting without qualification that someone is XXXX or YYYY. Let’s give Kimmitt’s approach a try….”Kimmitt is a fool”…wait…that’s too easy…God knows he’s proven that by his own actions on numerous occasions.
Man, this story gives a whole new meaning to the rumor of the casting couch, eh? I mean, how did Gannon make it to “the top” anyway? Boy, I’d love to be a fly on the wall in the Whitehouse men’s room. LOL.
Ohh… I just love Republican humor. Joke’s on the rest of the world: It’s not that he’s a phony clown posing as a objective journalist. He may even like show tunes! You know who likes show tunes… those guys.
PS Any rebuttals claiming that journalists aren’t objective fall way short of my claim. It is our hope and their duty to attempt to be as such.
Gannon/Guckert is the personification of Truth in the Bush Administration. That is, he is a Lie. He’s not what he pretends to be, he’s not what the White Office press office pretended he was. His presence in the White House press corps reveals the lie of the administration’s fetish for security. His role in the White House press corps shows the administration’s lack of respect for the idea of freedom of the press.
Here’s my headline:
“Gay male prostitute posing as a reporter, fluffs President Bush at Prime Time News conference.”
Once again, Jonny, you miss the central point. It’s not that Guckert is gay. (Although, he is somewhat of a hypocrite on that score). It’s that he’s a gay PROSTITUTE. Or, if you prefer, a Hustler.
Frankly, it wouldn’t matter if he was heterosexual. The story is that he’s a prostitute, with strange access to the White House.
Normally, this would be plastered all over Drudge, and would be pounbded to death by the rightwing-o-smear.
Should I go back and check your archives to see what you wrote about Alex Polier and John Kerry? Oh wait! Here’s what you wrote, you hypocritical piece of shit!
“Looks like John F. Kerry is emulating his idol, Kennedy, and his predecessor, Clinton, becuase he appears to now have his own bimbo eruptions.
Based on the evidentiary standards created by the Democrats over the Bush military records story, I hereby proclaim that Kerry is an adulterer.
In order for Kerry to prove his innocence, he must, release records showing where he was, every minute of every day for the past ten years. This shouldn’t be too hard- they expect Bush to be able to do this for a period thirty years ago.
Second, everyone on the planet must agree that he is innocent- otherwise the charge still stands, and since it is such a serious charge, we simply can not let it go. Yesterday a reporter asked the Bush/Cheney PR guy: ” Does it bother you that these questions have been raised about your candidate?” That really is all that matters- that a question has been ‘raised.’
Kerry must also provide several witnesses- people who will attest that the only person he has ever slept with since marrying Heiress #2 was in fact the Heiress. Then he has to take a lie detector test. Then maybe I will believe him slightly- but then I can start a meme that his statements were lies, the lie detector test was doctored, etc.
The Democrats want to play these games. Fine. I have put up with this faux outrage from the Dems for three years, and I have tried to be reasonable. The last two months let me realize what kind of people we are dealing with. Bring it on.”
Of course, the Bush guard story was true, and the Jerry affiar turned out to be grade a bullshit, didn’t it? CXBS documents notwithstanding.
Just like the proof that Guckert is a male hustler, got daily press passes to the White House, and got to ask Bush at least Two very friendly questions at press conferences.
John Cole
Wow, Hesiod. You really are as dumb as I remember- that whole post clearly shows that I DID NOT THINK THAT KERRY HAD AN AFFAIR.
So, to recap, I write a post showing how irresponsible I think baseless rumor-monguering is, and Hesiod tries to use it as proof that I am a rumor monger. Priceless.
I need some smarter trolls.
However, I find it hard to see how any website could possibly prove that someone is or ever has been a prostitute.
Well, when you have a website advertising escort services along with naked pictures of you, that’s a strong indication.
Being at work, I have no intention of clicking that link.
Then don’t talk about it.
Dr. Weevil
I’m sorry to say that I clicked on the link last night. What Kimmitt didn’t tell us is that:
(a) All but one of the numerous naked men in the linked site have their faces entirely or mostly obscured, in several cases entirely cut off by the edge of the picture, thus providing zero evidence that they belong to Gannon/Guckert.
(b) The separate section giving several faces allegedly from porn sites and several more allegedly of Gannon/Guckert doesn’t prove anything either. The faces supposedly from porn sites were not taken from the naked bodies, and may (so far as I can tell) have come from anywhere. It’s hard to tell, but the faces also look to me like they came from at least two, if not three or four, different men. That’s the thing about shaving your head, as I do: it makes you look a lot like every other man of the same race and build and eyebrow-color who shaves his head. Some of those pictures (the heads, not the bodies) would look a lot like me if I they were a little bit plumper, and I’m not Gannon/Guckert, or a male prostitute.
Sorry, the site proves nothing except that the compiler is one sick puppy, and that anyone who urges others to visit it is an asshole.
Now I need to buy some soap. Uggh!
Dr. W… following the soap purchase, I strongly suggest you “rinse” your hard drive of any parasites, worms or any other nasty little bits of uninvited crap it may have attracted during your venture into the ethers.
The argument over Bush’s military is still being obscured here. The facts, and what can reasonably be presumed from the facts, are these:
1. George Bush got into the Texas Air National Guard by political favors (presumption: his dad or a friend of his dad helped get him in).
2. He tried to transfer to the Alabama Air National Guard at a time when he was having “problems” in Texas (presumption: drugs). He never participated in military service in Alabama (which was irrelevant because his transfer was denied, making him AWOL in Texas).
3. He moved to Boston for graduate work where he failed to sign up with any guard unit there, was again AWOL for his last year of service and thus failed to complete his six-year military commitment.
Reviewing the military documents, he was AWOL from service anywhere from two to four years of his six-year commitment. There has been speculation that he was cranked up on coke (which would explain his failure to show up for his physical, putting him in a non-flight status), there is speculation that he lost his nerve and was incapable of flying. He may have just gotten tired of wearing a uniform.
The record is there, and if anyone doubts it, I can steer them to places where they can review the facsimiles of the papers. The “60 Minutes” letter was a fraud, the kind of thing that Rove does. I found it kind of strange that the night the “60 Minutes” show ran that the White House was making the letter available to reporters.
As someone who served in the military at the same time that Dubya was AWOL (if you’re AWOL over 30 days you can be charged with desertion; there’s no statute of limitations and in a time of war deserters can be shot) I certainly can understand why he wouldn’t have wanted to be in the service. Like the rest of the deserters and draft dodgers who fled to Canada, I support George W. Bush’s amnesty for his treasonous acts thirty years ago.
John Cole
For the love of everything holy, even if Bush was awol for several months, and this is a big if, it would no way be on the same level with draft dodgers and deserters and it most certainly is not treason or treasonous.
Bleeding fucking idiots. Had you spend ont day in the military, one day in the National Guard or Reservem you might know better.
Under the uniform code of military justice, AWOLs of over 30 days is desertion. Draft dodgers would not be deserters since they were not ever in the military. Deserters who went to Canada, under military law, were the same as deserters who went to Massachusetts or Alabama.
The word “treason” is thrown around a little too easily today, I admit. There’s little “t” treason and big “T” treason, there’s not having a yellow ribbon sticker on your Dodge truck treason and there’s selling secrets to the enemy treason.
As far as whether or not I was in the military, well, you will probably never get any definitive proof, and after a point it’s pretty irrelevant. I’m not going to dig out my DD 214 for you. I was in the Army from 1971 through 1973, and assigned to a Reserve unit and was called up once after that for a couple of weeks in 1975. I was opposed to the Vietnam War before, during and after it.
That’s the difference. I was absolutely against the war. I agonized over my moral responsibilities to oppose the war versus my duties as a citizen, and I served. George Bush was for the war, didn’t mind other people dying, never publicly made a statement against it (was publicly for it, as a matter of fact) and yet wasn’t willing to put his ass on the line.
Sending people to their deaths when you, from your position of privilege, are secure: that’s what makes a great leader today.
Gee, I guess that makes me a veteran in this discussion. How about what Bush’s new budget will do to the VA system?
John Cole
Then Bob, two things-
1.) Thanks for your service.
2.) It takes a special degree of dishonesty to knowingly distort the way the National Guard and Reserve works, and I see that you are up to the job.
Perhaps rather than citing partisan wingnuts like the AwolBush sight, you look at the Texas Code of MIlitary Justice.
“A member of the state military forces is guilty of desertion if the member: (1) without authority goes or remains absent from his unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to remain away permanently.”
Nowhere in the TCMJ does it mentiokn this 30 day nonsense, and, as any self-respecting guardsman will tell you- for good reason. If that were the case, anyone who missed one drill couild be charged with desertion, as units only drill once a month. Miss one drill- and it could be 30 days to the next drill.
Also, it would be up the unit command structure toi pursue this- and, as they did not, and there is no evidence to contradict that he was given permission to go to Alabama. that is what one must assume. Unless, of course, you are on a partisan witch hunt and really don;t care about facts.
Such blatant dishonesty on the part of someone who should know better is pretty damned disgusting. But then again- when I was in the Guard I met a number of people who didn’t understand the rules there, too.
What pisses me off the most is that people like y9ou could call me a deserter. I didn’t report to drill for 6 months when I was in grad school. My CO and I made an informal arrangement, and I was not counted on the books for six months. Then, when I finished a large section of my graduate work, I came in after the fact and did 6 months of drill in a 2 week period.
Assholes like you would be calling me a deserter, because that is precisely what Bush did.
The 30-day absence becoming AWOL is for U.S. military service. Since reserve and guard units are under the federal government and federal jurisdiction, they are bound by federal law, and that would be the uniform code of military justice. That was my understanding then and I do not believe it has changed. I’ve never heard of federal military entities under the jurisdiction of state law, although if there is an exception it would be Texas.
Now, even if we use your definition of leaving duty with the intention of not returning, it’s clear that Bush did not go back to duty after he missed his physical in Texas and then went to Alabama. He didn’t even join a unit in Boston in the last year of his six-year obligation. Who rules on intent is another matter. And, yes, it’s up to the unit commander. No one has to answer to anything if no one asks the questions. So like everything else, there’s the big “D” Desertion for those who are charged and little “d” desertion for those not charged. Again we are dealing with “noblesse excuse moi.”
I was in a company where the company clerk disappeared for over thirty days. I think that when they caught him they chose to just go for charging him with AWOL and busting his rank because it wasn’t worth putting him against a wall or sending him to Leavenworth. Back in those days there were a lot of unhappy campers who tended to drift.
Before you start presuming what “people like me” would do or say about your specific circumstances, at least give me a chance to make my own judgment. There were a number of “early-outs” where soldiers on active duty who were within three months of getting out could get out to go to college or a job. I took one to go back to college. Of course, that was official and should be documented in my records in St. Louis if anyone gives a damn. Since I don’t plan on running for President I don’t think anyone will.
If it’s an unofficial pass from a commanding officer, it’s a little more problematic to prove thirty years later, although that doesn’t constitute AWOL because your commanding officer agreed for you to do it. Bush’s service record shows nothing of the sort. Bush has never claimed that he had an unofficial pass from his various commanding officers in Texas, in Alabama or in the unit he never joined in Massachusetts to cover all his absences.
Assholes like me wouldn’t call you a deserter, because what you did is not what Bush did.
Bush’s military record speaks for itself. He got into the reserves with his family’s political pull, presumably because he didn’t want to risk his neck in Vietnam. Then at a certain point he stopped showing up at his unit. He tried a couple of administrative dodges and eventually ignored his obligations altogether. No one followed through and put him up for active duty (as was the practice back then) or charge him with anything, no doubt because of his political pull. Theoretically, when he went to Boston in 1973 the war was beginning to wind down and maybe someone made a judgment not to pursue his failure to finish his commitment because they just didn’t need his body in a uniform anymore. Quite honestly, if his versions of events had in any way matched the record there wouldn’t be any controversy. Most Democrats aren’t as sleazy as, say, Daddy Bush’s friends, the swift boaters, who cooked up that pot of shit last August.
Bush supported the Vietnam War, he just didn’t want to risk his own neck. As such, he’s no different than lots of other wealthy scions. He was a hypocrite when others died. He still is.
Getting back to Gannon/Guckert, it now turns out that he was going to news conferences and asking questions before Talon News was even created, suggesting that he was someone even more special than what previously been revealed.
Rumors are floating, and my guess is that he probably was someone’s boyfriend, maybe Ari Fleischer. It’ll be interesting to see the Homeland Security report clearing him to wander around the White House. Maybe Monica hasn’t been the only one giving blowjobs in the West Wing.
John Cole
A.) It is not my definition. It is the Texas CMJ’s, which, I think we would both agree, is who should be defining things.
B.) National Guard units are only under federal authority if they have been activated for duty. While we have plenty of Guardsmen deployed overseas, they do not each act as 50 different military entities. They are under federal control. I think we can both agree that is a good thing.
C.) I am not going in to the rest of this again. Bush did nothing wrong. I am sure you can find that out with the help of google.
So, Bob, which unit were you in on our raid to Afghanistan in ’01?
Or did you not support the actions after 9/11 to get the Taliban?
Which was it?
John Cole, the U.S. Air Force is ultimately under the command of the federal government, and the rules of the National Guard require a six-year commitment. Bush, however you slice it, didn’t live up to his commitment. He didn’t even bother signing up with a unit in Massachusetts, much less attend any meetings.
If that’s not doing anything wrong, then there are lots of deserters who hope you sit on their court martial trials.
Further, I think it shows your need to deceive yourself to keep believing in this mess running the country into the ground.
RW, you seem not to get the point. Bush publicly supported the Vietnam War, but privately did not want to risk his butt in the war. Bush was of age to serve in the military at the time of the Vietnam War. I was of age for military service during the Vietnam War. I was publicly against it, but served in the U.S. Army.
I got out of the army in the early seventies, about the time when Bush was AWOL in Massachusetts. I finished my college and ended up working at a VA hospital for four years. You should visit a VA and see how fucked up war leaves soldiers. Take a look a the Bush budget and how it’s going to impact the VA, just in time to not serve the needs of all the men and women coming back from Iraq.
So where was my unit when the Bush’s team screwed up the Afghanistan invasion and allowed bin Laden to escape to Pakistan, our ally that can’t seem to deliver al Qaeda’s leader? I don’t know, I was out of the army for thirty years when that went down.
Where were you? And if you were in Afghanistan, how did you feel about your commanders letting Osama slip away?
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