David Frum and Chris Matthews discussing what is going on in Washington right now (in a conversation loosely about Social Security Reform):
by John Cole| 18 Comments
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David Frum and Chris Matthews discussing what is going on in Washington right now (in a conversation loosely about Social Security Reform):
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S.W. Anderson
Yeah, couldn’t be anything to it. It’s just the loony left fantasizing and acting out.
I seem to recall people saying just such things a few years back. It was all just loony, just a publicity stunt, just the lefty media trying to bring down a perfectly innocent president and his key people. Just left wingers in Congress out to do in an old political enemy.
Never happen. They were saying he actually plotted a break in at Democratic headquarters, can you imagine? They even said he deliberately erased some of his secret tapes
GWB was decieving the public by pretending that the reporters asking him questions were real reporters.
John Cole
Yes, SW.
Everyting is Watergate. Just like whenever our troops are deployed, it is Vietnam.
Meh, given that Watergate was Watergate, maybe something else which was that egregious has happened at some point in the history of the country too. Maybe it’s even happening now.
S.W. Anderson
Why do I supposed that if I’d written this …
Yeah, couldn’t be anything to it. It’s just the loony right fantasizing and acting out.
I seem to recall people saying just such things a few years back. It was all just loony, just a publicity stunt, just the right-wing propaganda industry and a cabal of rabid lawyers trying to bring down a perfectly innocent president.
Never happen. They were saying he actually, well, did oral sex with a White House intern young enough to be his daughter . . .
your response, John, would’ve been completely different.
The point of my previous comment is valid: some seemingly unbelievable things can and do turn out to be true. That there’s precedent doesn’t mean such is happening now, but it does serve to balance your presumptuously dismissive post somewhat.
Tin Foil Hat Wearer
From S.W. Anderson: “The point of my previous comment is valid: some seemingly unbelievable things can and do turn out to be true. That there’s precedent doesn’t mean such is happening now, but it does serve to balance your presumptuously dismissive post somewhat.”
I guess what he’s saying, at least in part, is that we should probably push the media to cover the increasingly disturbing reports about treasonous behavior on the part of Dem staffers and possibly a couple of actual members of the Defense Committees in the House. Providing information to al Qaeds and the insurgents in Iraq about our troop deployments is pretty bad. This happened during some of our earlier wars, and, as Anderson suggests, who knows, it may be happening again relative to the current Congress.
S.W. Anderson
If any members of Congress or their staff members are knowingly providing information that imperils our troops, or are deliberately helping the enemy, they should be investigated promptly and thoroughly. Appropriate legal consequences should follow. Party shouldn’t be a consideration.
I’ll plead ignorance about any particulars because this is the first I’ve heard of this.
“some seemingly unbelievable things can and do turn out to be true.”
At what point was Clinton screwing around unbelievable? I remember those seven months of denial but even Susan Estrich admits that was all BS until Clinton half-assed admitted the truth.
TJ Jackson
Of course Jimmy Carter isn’t a traitor? Now tell us how would the Left describe a former President (GOP) who conspired with our foreign enemies to defeat an incumbent Democrat?
How again is Jimmy Carter a TRAITOR?
Misguided, yes…but traitorous?
Gannon/Guckert was another part of Bush’s free press, or at least his “bought for a relatively cheap price” press. G/G had an in (so to speak) with the White House and they leaked things to him, often lies for him to inject into the right-wing noise machine.
It’s looking like the alleged memo indicating Plame was campaigning for her husband to go to Niger was a fake or never existed. Just one of the little dirty tricks in which Guckert participated. Right now it looks like he played a role in the 60 Minutes fake documents thing as well. Finding out how and from whom G/G got his various leaks would help to unravel the workings of Rove’s little cointelpro. My guess, though, is that G/G isn’t going to talk, one way or another, so we are going to have to rely on our invigorated corps of investigative reporters to figure this out. I’ll be tuned in to Fox for latest updates.
There are historical parallels. Lucy Goldberg, mother of Jonah Goldberg and venerated crone of the Right, has had a similar career. While she posed as a reporter she spied on the McGovern campaign in 1972 as part of Nixon’s CREEP strategy, using the cover of the North American Newspaper Alliance or NANA, a CIA cover outfit, by the way.
Then, two decades later, she’s involved with Linda Tripp and Monica Lewinsky in bringing down another Demo.
And she was the avowed racist/Nazi-lover LAPD detective Mark Fuhrman’s literary agent and presumably landed his deal with Regnery Press.
BOHICA, bully boys, here comes your news.
George Saras
Welcome back, Bob, you old useless moron. I’ve missed your posts, which always provide a window into the depraved and ludicrous minds of the paranoid and highly schizophrenic loons over there on the Left.
Apparently you aren’t on the meme distribution as the word has come down from the leading Leftists to downplay this silly matter since it now develops that there are far more “problem White House reporters” on the Left than the right. See, for example, the work of one Russell Mokhiber, a Nader acolyte, or Bill Jones, a Lyndon LaRouche foil, or Manny Stroies, an associate of many Left bloggers.
Even more disturbing to the Left are reports that a number of revelations about prominent lefty journalists are coming out that will make the Gannon ones seem tame by comparison. There also reports that stories are about to pop on a couple of lefty bloggers.
And what’s your hidden story, Bob?
The grand unified Gannon theory can be found at:
Cold fusion hasn’t been worked in yet…
George Saras, that’s what I like about you. When all else fails, make some baseless claims about all those “liberal” reporters who work for all those “liberal” newspapers who are even more what, even more gay prostitutish than Gannon/Guckert and somehow the fear of revelations keeps them in line. Curious theory, but there aren’t more liberal reporters in the White House briefings unless your scale views anyone to the left of Mussolini.
And we’re not talking about private lives, or even illegal prostitution or whether Scott McClellan got punked by the hunk. The story isn’t, as John Cole seems to believe (or what others to believe), the wonder of Gannon/Guckert’s sex organ.
The story is the generation of shit that passes for news, now directly generated by White House underlings. We’re only a step away from the old Pravda. No, that isn’t the story. It’s how easily the turds slide down your throats.
By the way, Saras, how was freedom of the press under the fascists in Greece?
George Saras
Hey, Bob, you stupid old farthead!
How are things going in the Twilight Zone in which you occupy space? You get a little more freaky with each passing post. Are you off your meds again? You may want to check yourself back into the VA. Either that or “take the pipe.”
I guess that means you don’t like veterans, eh George?
Well, at least John Cole’s repeated praise of Gannon/Guckert’s sex organ at least keeps the story alive around here. I would have thought you guys had gotten your orders to not mention it anymore.
George Saras
Come on, Bob. We all know that you were kicked out of the VA for diddling one of the youngsters in a coma. As I said earlier, TAKE YOUR MEDS! They’ll make you feel better….or take the pipe.
TJ Jackson
You either don’t understand treason or are very forgiving. When an Ameircan citizen goes to an enemy in time of war (the cold war was in full force) and conspires with them to alter a election exactly how would you describe such aan action, patriotism?