The Center for American Progress is but one of the left-liberal sites that is tapdancing along the border between insane and paranoid (see Media Matters, MoveOn.Org, etc.) yet still tries to pretend that it is a non-partisan organization:
The Center for American Progress is a nonpartisan research and educational institute dedicated to promoting a strong, just and free America that ensures opportunity for all.
A paragraph later we note that one of the goals for the Center for American Progress is “responding effectively and rapidly to conservative proposals and rhetoric with a thoughtful critique and clear alternatives.” So much for the nonpartisan bit.
So what sort of lofty goals and high-minded deeds are our intrepid progressives undertaking these days? Well, of course- looking out for the little man:
[Ed. Note: To clear up any confusion, this is not a parody. These are actual profiles clipped from Hannity
I think the non-partisan part is supposed to reflect upon that they consider themselves beholden to liberal principals and not the Democratic party.
That’s pretty damn inappropriate for such an organization.
S.W. Anderson
John, you are right about this, and so is the commenter who gets it.
CFAP can do better than this and should, never mind about partisan vs. philosophical distinctions. If nothing else, ridiculing in a public forum people never met and not really known reveals something pretty unflattering about those doing it.
I’ve seen the ads for dating connections for people on both the left and right, and wondered how worthwhile it really is to screen prospective romantic interests on the basis of political orientation. Ingrown things become problematic. And then there’s the more-serious trouble with inbreeding.
But then, the thought of hooking up with an Ann Coulter or Laura Ingram intrudes, like a fistful of dry ice dropped down the back of the shirt collar, and I come to my senses.
To close on a serious note, it’s good that you posted this. Hope the CFAP wise up.