Thank goodness for Jeff Goldstein, who is keeping us on top of Jeff Gannon’s Cock (nope- not going to apologize). While Jeff’s coverage has ben good, I don’t know how I missed this:
BREAKING NEWS: Gannon reportedly knew about Iraq attack four hours before it happened by John in DC – 2/18/2005 09:57:00 AM
A news producer for a major network’s local affiliate just told me that Gannon told the producer the US was going to attack Iraq four hours before President Bush announced it to the nation.
According to the producer, Gannon specifically told them that in four hours the president was going to be making a speech to the nation announcing that the US was bombing Iraq. The producer told me they were surprised that Gannon, working with such a small news outfit, could have access to such information, but “what did you know, he was right,” the producer said today. The producer went on to say that Gannon often had correct scoops on major stories, including information about Mary Mapes and the Dan Rather BUSH/AWOL scandal that this news outlet got from Gannon before any had the information publicly.
I am trying to think of a way to include the phrase “Jeff Gannon’s Gay Hooker Cock” and ‘shocke and awe’ in a coherent sentence, and I am coming up with nothing.
I am pleased, however, to report that Sen. ‘Harry’ Reid and Sen. ‘Dick’ Durbin want to investigate Jeff Gannon’s cock. Jeff Gannon, for his part, is back, and promising not to back down:
Criticism of my work and my journalistic background is fair game, but the intensive scrutiny into my personal life, especially things from the past have startled many in the journalistic community. Now Democrats in Congress are demanding that the White House do more thorough investigation into the personal lives and sexual histories of reporters. Is this what they want, to give the Bush administration a mandate to make this kind of information relevant to the vetting process for journalists? What kind of reaction would there have been if the White House has announced such a plan two months ago?
If I had been a liberal reporter with the salacious past now attributed to me, I would be the Grand Marshall of the next Gay Pride Parade as well as a media darling, able to give softball interviews. But because I am a conservative, they continue to try to smear me with allegations of behavior that they otherwise would vigorously defend.
This episode is so rich with irony that it will take me many columns and a book to deal with it all. What is most telling about the Left is how quickly it was able to abandon its sacred principles of free speech and privacy to attack someone it disagreed with. The justification for this was based on erroneous characterizations of my reporting.
In other Gannon news, David Corn, whom I wrote about here and whose complete heresy is chronicled here, is being taken to task by his commenters. As the Myopist notred, it might be time to start a David Corn Watch, for his days may be numbered before he is sent off to the Lieberman dungeon:
Anyone feel like starting a pool on just when the heretic gets burned? Because he will, you know. He can fulminate about Social Security privatization and Negropointe all he likes, but the guy’s transgressed against one too many Angry Left shibboleths-of-the-moment, and the blackshirts already hate him for his analysis of their hijacking (and subsequent marginalization) of the antiwar movement. The knives are being sharpened as we speak.
The awesome thing about this prediction is that when and if the supposed knife-burying doesn’t happen, it’ll be long-forgotten and therefore won’t affect the thinking of those involved.
Look, for those saying that the Left demands ideological purity, I have two words for you: Harry Reid. Reid is well-supported by the grassroots Democratic left, and he’s pro-life!
If I had been a liberal reporter with the salacious past now attributed to me, I would be the Grand Marshall of the next Gay Pride Parade as well as a media darling, able to give softball interviews.
This isn’t precisely true, but there’s a kernel of truth to it. The reason is simple — those of us on the Left who are working our asses off to make it so that people can live their lives as they see fit feel pretty goddamn burned when someone who belongs to a class of people we’ve supported uses their power and new legitimacy to oppose the agenda which supports them. It’s the ashy taste of being stabbed by a friend that you vouched for.
You might should’ve waited a few comments before you undid your earlier Harry Reid comment. Either he’s an emasculated neuter who really won’t do anything to oppose abortion or you’re really not all that steamed at him for opposing your pro-choice agenda.
Spin away!
Hey, he can always lie, smear and cheat, then do a David Brock and you guys will welcome him with open arms and even more open wallets.
But it’s not ideological purity…..heaven forbid someone accuse you guys of that!
“The awesome thing about this prediction is that when and if the supposed knife-burying doesn’t happen, it’ll be long-forgotten and therefore won’t affect the thinking of those involved.”
If you’re that worried about it, feel free to send an email in two months to remind me to update about what if anything’s happened to the poor guy. Which, btw, it’ll be nice if nothing actually does happen to corn: it’ll show that the Democratic Party’s getting a handle on its nuttier wing.
Al Maviva
When David Corn is too right wing for you, you’ve gone seriously beyond the pale in a leftward direction.
Shocking news considering I knew Bush was going to attack Iraq 48 hours before he did because I saw him say it on TV.