I never thought I would see this day, but the NY Times has come out against Bambi:
Forgive us if you are among the millions of gardeners, farmers, bird-watchers, drivers, fence builders, claims adjusters, body-shop operators, roadkill scrapers, 911 dispatchers, physical therapists and chiropractors who know this already.
White-tailed deer are a plague.
In their overwhelming abundance, they are prime examples of an ecosystem badly out of balance. They denude forests, making life impossible for vulnerable native plants and birds while allowing invasive species to thrive. While deer profoundly vex suburban gardeners, that annoyance pales next to the lethal danger they pose to drivers.
Now, even bird lovers want the deer subdued. The New Jersey Audubon Society, in a report last week, urged the consideration of lethal means to solve the problem, arguing that fencing, contraception and other gentle tactics have proved largely ineffective. The group wants the government to rethink conservation policies it says are intended to maximize herds for hunters, and to consider – especially in the suburbs, where hunting is too dangerous – bringing in sharpshooters.
*** Update ***
Don’t get me wrong, here. I live in WV- I know the trouble an out of control deer population can be. I am just making fun of the NY Times belated acknowledgment of the issue. The call for sharpshooters over hunters was kind of amusing, too.
I recommend that all communities suffering the plague of white tailed deer start introducing mountain lions and/or wolves into their areas. The deer problem will end.
Michael Thompson
Heh, indeed. I know more than a few people who’ve been hit by deer, including suburba of major cities. Suprisingly, the little Saturn manageed not to get to beat up when the deer hit it broadside.
wild bird
Hey at one time these urbanites though having deer in their yards was just the cutest thing around they called it having bambi in your backyards now they are calling them rats with antlers well sorry you damn fool urbanites but this is what happens when you let disney channel type nature programs run everything how about a few mountian lions and a whole pack of wovles to solve your problems?
sharpshooters, not hunters, because it’s in the suburbs not the woods. I grew up in the Colorado foothills- similar problem, but with mule deer. Very hard to cull deer without blasting people and pets – amateurs (i.e. hunters) just can’t be trusted.
People are the real plague.