Can’t say I didn’t warn you that they were going to come after Judge Whittmore. Let the smears begin:
The Rev. Patrick Mahoney, director of the Christian Defense Coalition, who has sometimes commented on the case on behalf of the parents, said today: “The arrogance of Judge Whittemore is extraordinary. How dare he wait 24 hours to issue this ruling?”
Mr. Mahoney added: “He shows a profound lack of respect for the disabled of America by denying her her constitutional rights. He has robbed Terri’s legal team of literally a day and a half of the appeals process.”
He said the family was hopeful of a successful outcome in the appeals court, adding “Florida has just not been good on this.”
And the lunatic fringe is taking their cue:
Though valiant efforts have culminated this Palm Sunday weekend in both Congress and the President in seeking life for the 41-year-old, it appears as if once again America bows to one particular judge.
Jeff Shaumeyer
Perhaps they’re all just whipping themselves into a revival frenzy, preparing for Ms. Schiavo to rise up this Easter Sunday, miraculously whole and doing calculus problems in her head. That would show those nasty activist judges, if she turned out to be Jesus’ new incarnation, although it might irritate more than a few that he’s come back as a woman. God, obviously, is no stranger to irony.
Okay, if that happened, I’d convert. To whichever sect I happened to see first.
Jeff, your comment is really distasteful. Not only is it pretty blasphemous, but it’s also an ill attempt of making this situation funny. Way to go, two birds with one stone.
I agree with Derek that Jeff’s comments are tasteless.
Anyway, as someone who has seen a “brain dead” relative recover, I think Mr. Schiavo made the wrong choice to have the feeding tube removed. However, as an American, I feel that Judge Whittemore made the correct decision in making sure the government butts out of this private matter. People make these decisions all the time.
As a Catholic, I can do nothing but pray for the families involved.
Steve Talbert
I thought Jeff’s comments were not meant to be funny. He describes the very frenzy that DeLay, Frist, Santorum and all the rest are working themselves into. Read their public statements the past few days and they are literally using Terri as a Christ figure. That is what should be considered blasphemous. This is such a waste of time and money. So many other people have and are facing the same situation with higher brain function still intact and ability to recover so much better. However, they aren’t getting the press, and don’t have the photo ops.
Scott Ricketts
As a church going follower of Christ, I think Jeff’s comments are not only spot on but totally hilarious. I laughed my butt off.
Steve Talbert
Oh, and the ‘brain dead’ that everyone refers to means that the higher functioning part has LIQUIFIED. All that’s left is the stem function. She responds to some noise and light – but only like a plant would. That’s why it is called ‘persistent vegetative state’. There is no brain material left to rewire. That is why ‘recovery’ is misguided at best and a lie at worst.
Well Greg, your relative obviously wasn’t ‘brain dead’ if they recovered, since the inability to recover is part of brain death’s definition.
@greg: It is fortunate that your “brain dead” relative has recovered, but in the Schiavo case, the brain cortex has atrophied and liquified. Recovery is physically impossible. How many times must this be repeated?
Can you provide some links that show Tom Delay, Bill Frist, and Rick Santorum as using Terri Schiavo as a ‘literal’ Christ figure? I would like to read them.
I assume that you have more evidence then a Palm Sunday Bill.
>>Can you provide some links that show Tom Delay, Bill Frist, and Rick Santorum as using Terri Schiavo as a ‘literal’ Christ figure? I would like to read them
Well, I’d say that DeLay talking about Terri’s “passion weekend” during the Sunday vote would qualify as a link.
Dan Schneider
Would this even have made the local news were Schiavo, ala Nicole Simpson, Laci Peterson, and JonBenet Ramsey, not white?
I don’t know about that, but the lady here in Houston, Texas who wanted her terminally ill baby kept alive did make the local news and she was not white.
The hospital made the decision for her. They disconnected the infant after giving her 10 days to find another facility that would take him.
It made the news, but it sure didn’t cause much of a stir in this strongly pro-life area.
I agree, the passion statement was lame and a pretty bad attempt to bounce off the film and the Easter holiday. I actually hadn’t read that until now. However, I haven’t read anything similar from the other two men.
Dan, where are you going with this? I really don’t think racial profiling in the media is a facet of this case. It looks you’re digging a little too deep.
Scott Ricketts
I think Dan is exactly right. The congresscritters behind this are using this soley for political gain. If this was really about a “culture of life” Sun Hudson’s death would have gotten a special law passed. These people don’t give a shit about you if you’re not a white fundamentalist.
What’s consistently missing in this debate is what Terri Schiavo wanted.
Considering that her anorexia and bulimia created the potassium deficiency that caused her heart to stop functioning, I think it’s clear that she would not have wanted any type of feeding tube in her.Especially if it resulted in the, frankly, pudgy and unsexy figure she currently sports. Let’s comply with her consitent, lifelong wish to starve herself to death.
Of course, it’s particularly hilarious to see cries of “judicial activism” in this case, given that the source of the federal judicial power to review a state court’s interpretation of state law in this case was…Congress. I think it’s clear who’s abusing power here, and it ain’t Whittmore…
Ted Sardonius
The GOP and George Bush may have now started in full the second term curse. This overreeaching is not only offensive to us Republicans but I have centrist friends who say they will NOT vote for a Republican for many years. Hopefully there are Republicans who are going to let the party and White HOuse know that they’re blowing it more than Monica did.
Hossman, I can’t believe you just wrote that. Really shows your intellect and true being.
Bravo for being such a prick.