How out of control is the stupid on the Cable News? We have now reached the point that Jon Stewart SHOULD be your source for sanity on the Schiavo issue.
When Randall Terry begins to villify Judge Greer, stating Greer ignored evidence and testimony because he “wanted her dead,” Stewart states:
“Florida Circuit Court Judge George Greer’s evil plan of being randomly assigned to the case is finally paying dividends.”
As a liberal, at this point, I could just say “I told you so.” It wouldn’t give me satisfaction though. For that, I would need to take some sort of pleasure in the current state of affairs, which I surely do not.
And I cannot blame you for not hearing the warnings of those on the left. After all, politicos of all stripes have a tendancy to cry wolf. The left shakes their fists, shouting “you’ll starve the children!” The right cries, “you’ll destroy the economy!” It’s easy to miss the guys that say in hushed tones, “you’d better check yourself, dude, a bunch of your guys have gone bat-shit crazy!”
After November, a lot of my conversations with Bush voters consisted of “get over it, you lost, we won, neener, neener, nyah-nyah.” My response was, “no, no you didn’t win.” My point was that we all lost, but they didn’t really get it.
Maybe we need some kind of flashing warning light, a red flag we can toss on the field to let the other side knows there’s trouble at their backs. Something we can’t throw out without due cause, at risk of losing a precious time-out.
When you see conservatives lamenting that Democrats aren’t being *partisan enough*, you know up-is-downism has reached some sort of milestone.
So John, come on over, the water is fine. Well, maybe not “fine,” maybe it’s just OK. It’s probably a bit chilly for your taste. And I don’t know what that thing is floating over there, it kinda smells. But dude, right now you’re skinny-dipping in a lake of molten sulfur, and that CAN’T be good.
An interesting side note in the world of up-is-downism, in case you hadn’t seenit yet. PIPA conducted a survey that contained an excercise where respondants were instructed to reallocate a “scale model” of the federal discretionary budget however they wished. It turns out that Democrats cut spending more than Republicans:
My favorite riff was the one on John “I talk to dead people” Edwards. He appeared on Fox as an “expert” qualified to pontificate on Schiavo….
I’m glad Stewart or his staff watch Fox so I don’t have to.
Ron Phelps
I saw that glen.. At one point toward the end Edwards said terri was aware of all this.. they cut him off and went to commercial.. The whole thing blew me away. It was surreal.
I started reading this blog this evening, while knocking back a couple swigs of Pepe lopez from the bottle and realized some republicans and some democrats aren’t that different. Perhaps they need a new party for us.. Maybe I should be a little more sensitive on my own blog. Maybe I should differensiate between the nuts and the people who are just like me and want a better world for their children. A world without so much DEATH and DUMBNESS.
These religious nuts, however, are a different story. I must confess. I don’t believe in a god. Those guys scare the Sh.. out of me. They have lost the ability of reasoning.
john stewart has always been a source of rationality when compared to cable news. youre way behind the curve.