It appears that Jennifer Wilbanks is alive and well:
A Georgia woman, who was found in New Mexico early Saturday and who said she had been abducted, admitted today she had made up the story because she was nervous about her upcoming wedding, police said.
Albuquerque Police Chief Ray Schultz said Jennifer Wilbanks, 32, had told them she had taken a bus to Las Vegas, Nevada, and on Saturday had taken another bus to New Mexico.
Earlier, Wilbanks had told family members and police that she had been abducted by a man and a woman in a van. She was to be married Saturday.
“Agents and detectives learned Miss Wilbanks had become scared and concerned about her pending marriage and decided she needed some time alone,” Schultz said.
Glad she is alive, but a two things:
1.) Many modern weddings are a ridiculously cruel joke, and by my observations, have little to do with the relationship and everything to do with wasteful displays of extravagance and opulence. I have seen women ruin up to two years of their lives planning weddings, because everything has to be perfect. It puts an obscene financial burden on many parents, causes undue stress, and the myth of the perfect wedding needs to be stabbed in the back and buried face down. If and when I get married, I hope we elope, marry at my bride’s parents house, or in a small church. We can have fried chicken, rigatoni, wedding soup, and green beans served buffet style, and if the guests don’t like it, well, they can then quite literally eat cake.
Classy, aren’t I?
2.) Now that I know Wilbanks is alive and well, it would have been nice if she could have kept up the ruse for several more days…
Why, because by then we could have humiliated and ruined the career of the Nancy Grace, the loudmouth bitch who systematically condems anyone charged with a crime. The woman does nothing but posion the well for anyone charged with anything, is vindictive, nasty, spiteful, dishonest, and she contorts everything to create a presumption of guilt. When you confront her with her behavior, she always claims something along the line of “Presumption of innocence doesn’t mean I have to suspend my personal opinions.”
Can’t you just hear her saying things like this:
Why won’t he just take another lie detector test? Why does he want it to be videotaped? Why can’t he account for his time better that night? Look at him- he is well over six feet tall and she is just a skinny thing- that doesn’t say something to you? You know, I have heard rumors about him and other women, and they don’t look happy in their pictures together.
If you can’t imagine Grace saying all those things, it is because you haven’t been paying attention to Cnn’s own judge, jury, and executioner, whose own tragic past has turned her into a loathesome blight on society. I really enjoyed the time Scott Peterson’s father dressed her down. More here about “Hang em High” Nancy Grace- the woman is a real blemish on society, including this greatest hit on Richard Ricci- the man who was wrongly accused of kidnapping Elizabeth Smart, who died shortly after being arrested of an aneurysm (yes- Nancy Grace is enough to give you an aneurysm):
CALLER: Hi. Is it possible for the FBI or the law officers involved in the case to use sodium pentothal on Mr. Ricci and find out if he has any involvement with this girl
I agree that weddings have become a major beat-down. I will never get back the wasted hours from attending shower after shower after shower, and all for the same couple. Give me a break. I had a small modest wedding and paid for it myself when I was 22. Five years later, I regretted not getting married in a simple ceremony on the beach, surrounded only by family.
As for this spoiled bride, she needs to be charged for all the wasted money and resources spent on her disappearance.
I despise any news segment revolving around court cases, and I fast-foward through any courtroom scene on Law and Order. Grace sounds like a real pip.
She’s a pip, alright.
And someone, I don’t know who … some pit bull prosecutress talking head …
… was saying today, within hours of the “missing” woman’s reappearance, that SHE should be charged with a crime. “A lot of money was spent looking for her.”
Uh, is it a crime for an adult to get on a bus and leave town without getting permission from mommy and the boyfriend?
Are we all required now to check in with Faux News and CNN to find out if “a lot of money” is being spent on us, and report in to headquarters?
Well, the real point, to me, is that these morons on tv don’t have a clue about anything. They just run off at the mouth and the only saving grace here is that fewer and fewer people actually listen to them much anymore.
another thing alot of people are neglecting to mention is the fact that jennifer wilbanks DID commit a crime.she made a false report to police when she stated she was kidnapped by a hispanic man and white brought to mind the susan smith case in which she accused a black man of abducting her kids and a black man was arrested before she cracked.if police had not been so persistant some poor hispanic guy probably would have gotten the same treatment.she bought the bus ticket a WEEK before she got “sudden cold feet”she should have to reimburse the costs and receive probation like that college student that faked her abduction did.also i agree nancy grace is more like a disgrace.she is in constant search for a male to lynch.even if shes giving her own opinion she is still on a news show and should not take her hatred of men out on every man accused of a crime