John Conyers and Jim Lampley might want to pay attention to this- actual voter fraud in the 2004 election:
A task force looking into potential voter fraud on Election Day said Tuesday that it found more than 200 felons voted illegally and more than 100 instances of people voting twice or using fake names and addresses.
The investigators found hundreds of fraudulent votes in all and counted 4,600 more ballots than registered voters in Milwaukee
I don’t know who you’ve been talking to. I dont know anyone who thinks that Ken Blackwell’s dual roles are proof of fraud. What I have heard people claim — repeatedly — is that the conflict of interest in allowing the senior election official of a state to actively participate in the political campaigns within the state is a recipe for disaster.
This isn’t a Democratic/Republican thing. I think the practice should be abolished entirely.
Space, ya gotta get out into the Final Frontier of conspiracy-peddling.
Blackwell’s status is reported breathlessly as a major element in the Ohio hi-jack, doncha know? Katherine Harris redux.
Oh, don’t get me wrong. Blackwell’s crookeder than Lombard Street. I just meant that I haven’t heard anyone make that accusation simply by virtue of his position.
As for his actions…
Yeppers; the Rovian plot rumbles onward, grinding the lovable, Ewok-like Progressive Gaia-dwellers in its jagged, steely maw.
If you want to explode John I did mention that on another thread yesterday. But it wasn’t in the context that I felt there was a “Conspiracy”. I felt it was inappropriate that anybody (Dem or Republican) should chair a candidates campaign. It raised questions and allowed all the conspiracy freaks go nuts.
But I did bring it up yesterday so if you want to flame me go ahead…
Steve Malynn
Blackwell’s “position” as “co-chair” of the Ohio comittee to re-elect Bush was an honorary one he shared with every other “constitutional” (Gov, Lt. Gov., Attorney General, Treasurer, etc.) elected R official. He did not have a job or any other connection with the Bush campaign.
Please don’t state that Particularly Black Ken Blackwell is crooked. Bad form/minority sensitivities, etc.
Libertine, just who is going to chair a candidate’s campaign? Unregistered citizens?
Anybody can chair a candidate’s campaign except people who are in charge of running the election. There are a ton of good republicans in Ohio…Bob Taft jumps to mind. And again…it should apply to both parties in all states. To me it is a conflict of interest. Supreme Court Justices recuse themselves from cases where they, let’s say, have might have holdings in a company involved in the litigation. That is my whole point…why even have someone in a position where questions will be asked?
and counted 4,600 more ballots than registered voters in Milwaukee
Milwaukee had 100% turnout in the “Bring out your dead” vote. Voters don’t die, they multiply.
Oh. You didn’t make that clear. In fact, it seemed you were advocating a candidate’s honorary campaign chair *not* be of the Democratic or Republican party.
But appearances aren’t terribly important, since elections are stolen in the trenches (precincts), and not HQs. Everyone’s watching the generals, but not the parties’ old sweats on the ground.
They say that they have solid evidence of double voting. I winder if there would be any deterrent if some of those were prosecuted and convicted? As it is, even if you do double vote, so what? Nothing happens even if you are caught.
Apparently the record keeping was so poor that creating a “beyond a reasonable doubt” paper trail would be darned nigh impossible. That is pretty convenient if you were wanting to mount a massive voter fraud campaign, no? Not that I have any evidence that it was a concerted effort to rig the vote.
Where were those tires slashed on election day? You know, the ones from the vans that were let by the Republican Party in the GOTV project. Wasn’t that also Wisconsin?
This story seems to be somewhat spurious, since felons in Wisconsin unlike FLA and other states are allowed to vote in local, state, and national elections. Also,since WI has same day voter registration and the voter doesn’t have to declare party affiliation I find it difficult to believe they could make their determination of un registered voters.