Poor Jim Lampley. If you have not followed the shenanigans of Lampley at the Huffington Post (my remarks here, here,here, and here), you probably should get up to speed before reading this:
Since the election outcome and the exit poll are two possible views of the
Couldn’t let this blog sit commentless.
As a general centrist, living amongst avowed leftists, and as one who voted for Bush, I can personally vouch for the alternative non-election-stealing theory.
I kept my vote for Bush like a state secret. In fact, after I told one friend I was voting for Bush, and she replied, “I am going to throw up”, I pretty much learned to keep it to myself. And I wasn’t the only one. My mother told us not to tell my brother and sister-in-law that she was voting for Bush and made us all promise her that we would tell them she was voting for Kerry.
Now if you multiply this effect all over the country, its no wonder Bush was trailing in the exit polls. Especially as it seems that many voting places are in the city center, and as pollsters are probably minimum wage political activists (Democrats), they are not the people you want to be telling you voted for Bush. Not if you want to get out of the place in one piece.
By the way, John Cole, although I like your quote, you should be careful not to use it too liberally. You shouldn’t use it as a crutch to dismiss others arguements (arguments? God I miss spell check) as well-meaning tripe, because that may be easier for you than actually seeing the point in what others say, but it might end up making you the one with a shielded mind. Just because you think it’s misguided sincerity, doesn’t mean it is.