This is an open thread for those of you who have seen it and can’t wait to spill your guts.
Warning, there will be spoilers…
by John Cole| 21 Comments
This post is in: Movies
This is an open thread for those of you who have seen it and can’t wait to spill your guts.
Warning, there will be spoilers…
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Turns out, Yoda is Leia’s father.
Ted Barlow
I had a nit to pick on another board, which I’ll re-pick here:
So Yoda has to confront the cruel and terrible Sith Lord who has just gained total control of the galaxy. The stakes could not be higher. The point where he walks into the room and just effortlessly Force-pushes the guards into the wall is one of the coolest, funniest details in the film. He and Darth Sidious have a great Jedi battle, and the crowd goes wild. They
Ok, I’ll agree that I thought that was poorly done (he gave up way too easily), but Yoda HAS to live to train Luke! What else could Lucas do?
I enjoyed the movie very much! I was kinda bored in the beginning, but it finished with a pretty good ending. It is the best of the new trilogy and wrapped everything up nicely. I only wish that that last scene of infant Luke and his adoptive parents staring at the Tatooine sunset had melted into the scene from Star Wars of Luke climbing the sand hill to gaze at the setting twin suns of Tatooine and then fade to black. That would’ve been way cool!
I enjoyed the movie very much! I was kinda bored in the beginning, but it finished with a pretty good ending. It is the best of the new trilogy and wrapped everything up nicely. I only wish that that last scene of infant Luke and his adoptive parents staring at the Tatooine sunset had melted into the scene from Star Wars of Luke climbing the sand hill to gaze at the setting twin suns of Tatooine and then fade to black. That would’ve been way cool!
Gary Farber
Ted, I’ve not yet looked into the Supporting Matter on your point (nor seen the movie yet, but don’t worry about it), but I’m reasonably sure that the reason is that Yoda realized that he, like the other Jedi, had been engaging in the flaw of arrogance (he had lines on this in AOTC about even the most experienced Jedi falling for it), and that he wasn’t powerful enough to beat the Emperor one-on-one, and, not illogically, that he wasn’t going to get another chance (even Yoda has to surrender to sufficiently overwhelming odds, if he can’t escape; powerful in the force is he, but not that powerful).
Trying again immediately would have been futile, and trying again later wasn’t going to be an option. This seems entirely reasonable to me, at least.
I thought the movie was bad ass. I liked the focus on all the lightsaber battles, and the subtle way Anakin was turned to the dark side.
Favorite scene was Yoda flicking the red guards into the wall, followed closely by the duel in the Senate chamber. Poor Yoda, he underestimated the power of the Dark Side.
The Wookies looked pretty damn cool, and I wish their scenes were longer. And Anakin going into the Jedi Temple was chilling, as well as the whole massacre of the Jedi by the clone troopers.
My husband and I will see it again on Sunday. We didn’t feel that way with the last two, so this one ranks pretty high on the Star Wars list. My geek blood is singing right now. Trying to calm down.
I haven’t seen it yet, but now that I’ve read all these mostly good reviews, I can’t wait. Honestly, this is the first movie I’ve been excited to see in a longtime.
I just saw the movie and all I have to say is intense!!!!!!!
I realy felt it in my heart!You know I mean it ran deep,real deep
Anakin: “If you’re not with me… you’re my enemy.”
Obi-Wan: “Only a Sith thinks in absolutes.”
Think that says it all.
The Disenfrachised Voter
Just got home from seeing the movie and overall I enjoyed it. Having said that I should note that I have not read the books, so my experience would obviously differ.
I only had a few complaints about the Ep. 3 and I will list them here:
1) Not enough background on Gen. Grievous, I knew little about him.
2) No way in hell should have Obi-Wan kicked Gen. Grievous’s ass so fast. The dude had four fucking arms, each with a light saber. He’s obviously KILLED other Jedi, so how in the fuck does Obi-Wan own him so easily? This is probably my major complaint.
3) No black suit Vader action? What the fuck. All I have is his “duels” with Ben and Luke? Fucking lame. The jump from episode III to episode IV is too big. Episode III should have lasted a little longer in years; to see how Vader reaks havok on the galaxy.
Other than that I throughly enjoyed the movie. It seemed to start out slow (the very beginning where they are flying peacefully) and then BOOM you were launched into a war. I was surprised to see Dooku die so fast but I think it was an interesting choice. It got the story rolling fast. The dialogue throughout the middle could have been better but no biggy, Lucas isn’t known for his amazing dialogue.
I would probably pay the 9 bucks to see this movie again if I wasn’t broke.
When Ep. III concluded, I could finally see how this is Anakin’ story. With both I & II, I kept thinking, this is just background to the story of Luke, Leia, and Han. When RotS concluded, I finally could flip my perspective around to see IV-VI as Anakin’s story, too. Obi-wan is not just some crazy old hermit who sacrifices himself to the villain’s lightsaber. The Emperor is not just a shadowy figure who plays no significant role until RotJ. Yoda has his own ghosts — his own failures — to confront when traning Luke. Overall I think it enriches the entire Star Wars universe, and allows us to get new perspective on our old friends.
Disenfranchised, I agree with you about Grievous’s background, but luckily I got to see the Clone Wars animated series on Cartoon Network last weekend. It fills the gap between Eps. II & III. We see Grievous kicking a lot of lesser-jedi ass, but Dooku specifically warns him not to get arrogant, because he has yet to face a truly powerful jedi, and that as far as Dooku is concerned, Grievous will get PWNed. As fate would have it, Grievous does finally face a jedi master in Obi-wan, and Obi-wan proves Dooku’s point. So I don’t think it was that big a deal. It’s not like Grievous was a four-armed sith master — that would have been different. He was a cyborg who’d learned how to wield lightsabers in a fancy way.
That may be one of Lucas’s greatest crutches – the extended universe. I wouldn’t be surprised if he purposely left Grievous’s background vague so that Lucasarts could make a video game, novel, comic book, or animated series. He’s never been overly concerned about introducing us to the background villains (I mean, c’mon, it took us over 20 years to get him to do Vader’s story). I don’t see why he’d start now.
I also thought Lucas did something he’s failed to do in the first two episodes — he often left the actors on screen without forcing them to say anything – actually allowing emotion to be acted rather than expressed through clunky dialogue.
To that end, I thought the most passionate scene I’ve seen between Padme and Anakin occurred when they are standing miles apart, staring longingly out the windows, while Anakin contemplates his decision as to whether to obey Windu or assist Palpantine. I’ve not seen the two of them show that much longing for each other in the rest of the prequel.
That leads me to want to interject in the common whine about the relationship between Padme and Anakin. When I first watched AotC, I really thought Lucas (and by extension, the actors he directed) did a poor job of creating any kind of believable chemistry between Padme and Anakin. But upon watching it the second time, I concluded that we’re not *supposed* to like Padme and Anakin together. This is not your normal happy but troubled teenager relationship that you get to watch on WB Monday nights. This relationship is totally f***ed up, and it shows. Anakin tells us at the beginning of Ep.2 has been doing nothing but lusting after Padme since we last saw him in Ep.1. He stalks her, she finds it really creepy, but finally she lets her guard down because they are thrust together. Anakin doesn’t love Padme, he wants to possess her, and in his pride he wants to show the world that he possesses her (his desire not to have to hide the thing he cherishes so much). There is nothing healthy about this relationship that ultimately leads to the destruction of both of them (as Padme predicts in AotC) and contributes significantly to the fall of the Republic.
Now, I don’t suppose we’ll ever know if the relationship is written that way because Lucas intended it, or whether it reflects an immature view of relationships on Lucas’s part. I’m hoping it’s the former. But watch Anakin and Padme in II & III with the thought that this is really supposed to be a disturbing relationship rather than a loving one, and I think you’ll appreciate it more.
My friends & I were noticing the two main characters who DON’T get foreshadowed/worked-in in the prequels: Han Solo & the Millenium Falcon.
We decided that there should’ve been a scene of a young Solo walking by a decrepit-even-then Falcon and muttering, “what a piece of junk!”
Such editorial revisions aside: I hated Phantom Menace, was disappointed by Clones, & really enjoyed Sith. It’s not any more perfect than any other SW movie, but it’s quite good. Anyone who liked “Star Wars” or “Empire” needs to go see this one.
I would’ve liked to have seen how Han Solo and Chewbacca hooked up.
This ain’t like dusting crops, boy. -Han Solo, best Star Wars Character, ever
The Disenfrachised Voter
I never liked Han Solo. He reminded me of a cocky bastard who talked big but wasn’t shit.
I guess I just never “got” the appeal of his character.
Han was hot. I’m shallow.
The Disenfrachised Voter
Well, at least you’re honest. I guess that cancels out the shallowness then. :)
wild bird
And if DARTH VADER is lukes father then he is lias father as well becuase luke and liah are brother and sister and how dose LANDO CALRIZIAN relate to HAN SOLO? and in what way id JABBA THE HUTT related to SALCIOUS CBUMB?
darth sader
I agree with The Disenfrachised Voter that the whole Star Wars is Anakin’s Story. I watched Episodes IV to VI to see if my opinion’s right. Episodes IV to VI, when watching without the HEROIC things turns to be Darth Vader’s story.
Regarding Tuscus, “LUST” thing. George Lucas is a MALE, and men do not do much on emosions.
Though, entirely, the whole series is great. I do not think the reasons presented for Anakin’s turn to the dark side is enough. It is not enough to change someone who had been so kind (Episode 1) and definitely good (a symbol of a good kid better than even his children when they were on the same age) to be so DARK.
Analysing George’s idea, Anakin is supposed to be Jesus – as the prophesied one who took time to fulfill his mission. I do not share others claim that Luke is the chosen one. Maybe George would make another movie placed between Episode III and IV. Here he should show that Anakin as he was, at times playful and not following Darth Sidious to explain why there is a possibility to redeem him. Showing and thinking him as only DARK and the PEACE DESTROYER leads the last episode confusing.