Also via LGF, I see that John Conyers has really outdone himself with this one:
Text of My Resolution Regarding Relgious Intolerance
I received a large number of comments, and quite a spirited debate, concerning my resolution opposing religious intolerance, including desecration of the Quran. I appreciate all of the comments, both those supporting and opposing my actions. I continue to believe that given recent events, it is worthwhile for the Congress to actually express its support for the freedom of religion. The resolution was drafted to oppose all religious intolerance. To the extent it mentions the Quran and Islam specifically, that is obviously to respond to those who believe our nation would tolerate disrespect of that religion or its holy book. Clearly we should not, at least in my opinion…
Resolved, That the House of Representatives
Politics is theater. All of it, all the time.
Just when I thought the indignant commentary on Newsweek couldn’t get any weirder…in strolls John Conyers.
BTW…what would be the secular punishment for abuse of the books of religion?
File under “knee-jerk Conyers-bashing”.
Really, this is an asinine criticism. What does the resolution say that is so repellant? Nothing. There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE for your tortured conclusion that Conyers is going to defend the Koran to the point of ignoring the First Amendment. NO EVIDENCE.
What does the (proposed) resolution say? Only that the Koran “as any other holy book of any religion, should be treated with dignity and respect.” My word! How offensive! Treat the Koran like you would treat the Bible. Is there any evidence that Conyers would ignore the First Amendment if someone spoke ill of the Bible? No.
Newsweek’s retraction as to the source of the Koran-flushing notwithstanding, it is well-established that incidents involving the desecration of the Koran or insults to Muslims qua Muslims have occurred far too frequently.
BTW, a resolution isn’t legislation.
Crap. This means I’d have to start treating The Urantia Book and Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health with dignity and respect.
Christie S.
Hey, John, I can agree that writing a resolution just expounding on our 1st Amendment right of religion is a waste of time; however, I can’t see where that’s unAmerican.
Stupid and a waste of time yes…unAmerican, no. What did I miss in your post? I can usually follow your thought processes, but I’m lost on this one.
It isn’t unAmerican, just a waste of time and a bit of showboating. I think Conyers has better things to do.
I am a harsh critic of the right when they try to interject religion into politics…and I am as equally harsh on polticians on the left who try the same thing. Let’s get religion out of our politics. I think Conyers (and democrats in general) are trying to court the wingnuts…why I don’t know.
I gotta agree with ChristieS; this is a waste of time but both harmless and well within the American tradition.
Christie S.
“In fact, meaningless resolutions from COngress are, to the contrary, American to the core.”
How sad that this is so true.
Right, given the actual text, I’d say the truly idiotic part is LGF’s belief that this is a step toward Shari’a.
Well, what’s happening in Italy is pretty idiotic, too.