I don’t know, but please tell me the answer isn’t “Because they redefined what qualifies as a violent crime.”
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by John Cole| 4 Comments
This post is in: Domestic Politics
I don’t know, but please tell me the answer isn’t “Because they redefined what qualifies as a violent crime.”
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Well, here in the Disaster of Columbia, violent crime is down… if you stick to strict rules about cities. While violent crim in the peoples republic of DC has dropped it has skyrocketed in PG County, which borders the district. Essentially, the statisticians are just re-arranging deck chairs on the titanic. If there are more murders in PG county than the district, what’s to stop the criminals in PG county from making a 10 minute car ride to kill me? Nothing.
Last time, when they were up a little, the police chief shrugged and said something like, “Some years, people kill each other. Some years they don’t. I have no idea why.” I think that’s pretty accurate.
Ben Regenspan
Was it here that I read about (federal-level?) plans to redefine certain types of dealer-level drug possession as “violent crime”? I don’t really see that one going anywhere, given how much major cities want to cut those rates.
tom scott
Do you suppose that more incarceration and for longer periods of time might have an effect? It’s long been postulated that about 7% of criminals are responsible for the majority of crimes committed. Programs like 3 strike-you’re out and other similar ones are having their affect.
An excerpt from this study: