How do you get conservative NY politicians to rush to the defense of public housing denizens? Easy:
Thousands of New Yorkers living in public housing could soon be banned from smoking in their apartments.
Brooklyn Democratic Assemblyman Felix Ortiz said his legislation would immediately require public housing complexes to make 50 percent of their apartments smoke-free.By 2010, smoking in the projects would be outlawed completely, Ortiz said.
Amen. And I’m a Californian and a (conservative) Democrat.
I hate Illinois Nazis, but I’m beginning to think the NYC Gau is worse.
Wow, they must have solved a lot of problems with Public Housing for this to be a priority.
Busybodies on the left are almost as bad as the religous busybodies on the right. Judging someone because they smoke in the privacy of their home is no different than judging someone because of what they may do sexually with another consenting adult. I’m ready for the MYOFB (Mind your own F—ing Business) political party.
Ortiz is a moron and a hack. I’m spared the embarassment of being represented by him, but Jeebus, this dope feeds every caricature of liberals known to man.
As a semi-regular on the Balloon-Juice message boards, and a New Yorker (from Queens), I want to make clear that I have no idea who this guy is and, to the best of my knowledge, am in no way related to him. Thank you. That is all.
wild bird
Here come the health nazis now making decesions for you becuase your too dumb to decide for your self i mean its like bill clinton and janet reno wanting gun control and saying ITS FOR THE CHILDREN then they send in their imperial storm troopers to kidnapp eliian gonzallas and send him back to that hell hole cuba they they again use their imperial forces to destroy the BRANCH DIVDIAN compound and they clinto supports abortion
Looks like someone got into the narcotics cabinet again…
Coincidently, it is Independence Day today. I can