It really is true- in the future, everyone will be Hitler. Today’s Hitler invocation comes in opposition to a bill allowing gay marriage in Spain:
“Marriage can only be between man and a woman,” said Agustin Cruz, 41. “It’s a divine and natural law. Marriage of homosexuals is a lie. You have to call things by their name. The first lie begins when you start calling queers ‘gays.’ They’re queers, it’s not an insult, it’s the definition of that race of people.”
Banners reading “Family=Man+Woman” and “A mother and father for every child” could be seen up and down the demonstration, which was attended by families and individuals of all ages. Handfuls of priests and nuns mixed with lay protesters.
Chants for Socialist Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero to resign resounded continuously.
“This demonstration is the people’s response to the government’s provocations,” said Fr. Jose Ramon Velasco. We’re not against homosexuals but allowing them to marry degrades matrimony.
“And they shouldn’t have the right to adopt because if those children turn out to be homosexual, who will be to blame, the government?”
Velasco compared the bill to the beginnings of Nazi Germany in the 1930s.
“Back then the majority of people also backed Hitler just like the majority back this law,” he said. “I’m serious, give it time and it will destroy the moral fiber of Spain and the West.”
Because, as Bill McCabe notes– “Gay marriage, gassing Jews…what’s the difference?”
Idiot! Matrimony has been degraded already, and not by gay people. Most homosexuals do not “choose” to be gay, and I don’t think it will cause children in their care to “turn” gay. What a moron.
Unless they are actresses, then they turn gay to further their career, or land the rich lesbian. Happens all the time.
“Unless they are actresses, then they turn gay to further their career, or land the rich lesbian. Happens all the time.”
Yeah, comming out *really* advances ones career, uh huh.. And the only reason someone might come out is for money or their career. I’m sorry but there is no money in being gay. Comming out isn’t something people do on a whim. Everyone knows it’s for the toaster oven, sheesh. :)
However, I *can* imagine someone who is shallow and doesn’t really know herself very well falling for…say…Ellen. Then slowly realizing that this isn’t for her. I’d count that as a learning experience. Albeit something she ought to have learned about herself when she was a teenager.
“Most homosexuals do not “choose” to be gay,”
Most? Actually, I’ve never met *any* who chose to be gay. Zero. I think there are just as many people who “choose” to be straight. that is, none.
Sorry about being so picky, I just wanted to set tthe record….(wait for it)
I am penning the next greatest xmas song evah!
Hitler got run over by a reindeer…..leaving capitol hill xmas eve……some may say they don’t believe in Hitler….but as for me and Santorum, we believe.
Brenda – you read my mind with the Ellen reference.:) I was being tongue in cheek.
I have friends who were bi in college, then chose to go straight or strictly gay. That is why I qualified my remarks with “most”. Some people experiment, but I do believe one is born with a gene that determines their sexual orientation. But people are funny creatures, and not all behavior can be explained in a strictly black or white way. I hope I am making sense, I am on the first cup of coffee. :)
Don Meaker
Every lesbian I have met had been raped or molested.
Every one. To me that indicates a really avoidance mechanism is at work.
On the other hand, some who were raped or molested do not turn gay. I submit that most women who consider investigation of, or drift into a lesbian lifestyle would be better served by therapy.
I have not enough datapoints for gay men to make any conclusion.
Hey Don
Well, many if not most women that I know have been abused in one form or another. If you include physical abuse then we should add men to the list also.
This is a murky area but the evidence that I am aware of suggests that gay men are born and most lesbians are made. I’m doubtfull about that last one, just not sure.
But…I had a friend who was a prison guard. She was over 6 foot tall and a big woman. Yet she was not in the least bit gay and a real sweetie once you got over *your* preconceptions about her.
I think everyone should have a therapist. Everyone is messed up. But there is only so much therapy can do. Someone once said “Give the child till 7 and I will give you the man.” Same goes for women, I’d say.
Our minds are sort of like jello and reality is a warm stream of water. In other words, we have a history, one that isn’t changed easily. Unlike jello though, we *can* make new connections, learn new skills and change old behaviors late into life. We just can’t make new neurons.
Does that mean that gay men or women chould change with therapy? Boy I don’t know. I suppose that if anyone wants to do anything they probably can if it’s physically possible. Could a straight man, with therapy, change his sexual orientation? If he really wanted to, yeah, I guess so. But why? Well, the same is true for gays, they say “why?” Your sexual orientation is a part of your core identity, who you are and who you percieve yourself to be. That stuff is very resistant to change, no matter if it’s biological or not.
I see homosexuality as entirely natural if not entirely normal. That is not to say that I support it. I contend that it doesn’t matter if they marry or not.
Every time I invoke the Bible in discussions like these, I get yelled down, insulted and sworn at, so I will avoid that subject. Let’s forget, for a moment, that the Bible describes homosexual intercourse as ‘abomination’. Let’s talk natural selection and the opposite of the religious idea of Creation, evolution.
In evolution, the fittest members of any species, pass their survival genes on to the next generation. Members of a species who are not survival material either don’t live long enough to reproduce or can’t reproduce in the first place, generally speaking. I don’t see homosexuals as another race as I saw posted here. I see them as non-survival aberrations of our own species, who, as a natural result of their aberrant condition, cannot reproduce.
Therefore it makes little difference whether they marry or not, they can’t reproduce, their lives are little more than ripples in the gene pool. They can’t pass their homosexual tendencies on to adopted children because, as has been pointed out here several times, people are born that way and don’t ‘learn’ and can’t be ‘forced’ to be homosexual, (though I have spoken to more than one ex-con who might disagree…).
My email address is good here, so some folks can either blast me or agree with me. It’s a temporary one and only good for 10 emails so hurry up.
(I KNOW I’m going to get some feedback for this…)