Lots of oppressed Christians today, and here are some more:
An Indiana congressman accused Democrats of waging a “war on Christianity” Monday, as a debate over religious tolerance at the U.S. Air Force Academy erupted in shouts and finger-pointing.
Work in the House of Representatives ground to a halt for 30 tense minutes after Rep. John Hostettler, R-Ind., blasted Democrats for trying to use a $409 billion defense spending bill to take a stand against “coercive and abusive” proselytizing at the academy’s Colorado Springs, Colo., campus.
Academy officials have acknowledged dozens of complaints about incidents of religious intolerance in recent years, prompting an ongoing investigation. But Hostettler said legislation condemning the situation was part of a “long war on Christianity” being waged by “the usual suspects, Democrats.”
“Like a moth to a flame, Democrats can’t help themselves when it comes to denigrating and demonizing Christians,” Hostettler said.
Democrats burst to their feet, pointing and shouting.
Rep. David Obey, D-Wisc., demanded that Hostettler’s words be “taken down.” That’s a rare parliamentary sanction for a breach of decorum. Had it been approved by a House vote, it would have taken away Hostettler’s right to speak for the rest of the day.
Confused murmurs rumbled through the chamber, as Republicans huddled around a stoic Hostettler and Democrats rallied around Obey.
At one point, Rep. John “Jack” Murtha, D-Pa., wandered across the aisle, put his imposing, former Marine’s frame just behind the seated Hostettler and said that he goes to church as often as Hostettler does.
Pointing into Hostettler’s face, Murtha, a Vietnam veteran, kept repeating: “Ever been to combat? Ever been to combat?” Hostettler stayed seated and Murtha walked away scowling.
Pitiful, on all accounts. This is good, I suppose:
On a mostly party-line vote, the House rejected an amendment by Obey that would have strongly condemned “abusive religious proselytizing” and demanded that the academy submit plans to congress to fix the problems.
By a voice vote, they approved a compromise version by Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., which strikes any condemnation of the academy but requires reports on the religious climate to be submitted to lawmakers. Final action is now pending in the U.S. Senate, where the provision might or might not survive.
I see no need to rebuke the ‘academy,’ but would appreciate them following up on the issue. At some point, Republicans are not going to get away with demonizing Democrats on this issue. I think that started today.
*** Update ***
Oh, good grief. Yes, Rep. Hostettler is the same guy we talked about the other day.
“Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” -Mark Twain
Alternatively, at some point the Democrats are going to encounter push-back (or whatever stirring, call-to-the-barricades phrase the left likes to employ in defense of its issues) over their sins of demonization.
I think that started today. Indeed. Or “heh.”
Say, John: anyone been able to help you with your plea at the head of Comments? Hopefully, such a savior will also be able to increase the font in coments.
Didn’t this guy Hostettlier do something stupid or criminal last week? His name has been popping up lately.
Wasn’t this the guy who wanted to change Interstate Highway 69 to Interstate Highway 63 because I-69 was immoral?
And didn’t he carry a gun through airport security a couple years ago?
Isn’t he the guy that was trying to prevent the government from enforcing a court decision about removing the Ten Commandment monuments from a courtroom?
wild bird
Call them the DEMONcrats i mean they are so biggoted just look at that wretch VIC FAZIO back a few years ago and what TED TURNER has said is even worse
Geek, Esq.
I eagerly await Republican calls for him to be censured for his defense of anti-Jewish bigotry.
“Alternatively, at some point the Democrats are going to encounter push-back (or whatever stirring, call-to-the-barricades phrase the left likes to employ in defense of its issues) over their sins of demonization.”
Wouldn’t they actually have to engage in the “sin of demonization” first? Silly me–of course not! As long as you claim it frequently enough, no matter how speciously, it simply must be true.
Mike S
You either worship their God, their way, or you will be called a “Demoncrat.”
I used to go to the Academy Chapel every Sunday in the early 70’s. It’s one of the most beautiful in the country. The priest was a rabid football fan who would do his sermon in the mascot costume. IIRC there were different floors for different religions. I liked that idea because it didn’t feel like one was better than the other. It appears that that is no longer the case.
I don’t get the defence of this. I don’t understand why any qualified man or woman who wants to serve should be put through the shit they do for worshiping in a different way. They’re there to learn how to best protect our country, not to be converted.
I also don’t get why we can’t have adults run congress on both sides of the aisle. I don’t understand why everyone is made to hate the other side. I don’t agree with much of what John believes and even less of what many others here do but I don’t think they hate this country. I just think they are wrong.
This country is on a path to ruin if everyone keeps demonizing their opponnents. No one is blameless.
Mike S
If you have Mozilla, go to your tool bar, click on view and select text size. That let’s you enlarge it.
Mike S.
Thanks, but gotta that thing.
As long as you claim it frequently enough, no matter how speciously, it simply must be true.
We rightwingers have been taking notes since about 1968; we know about pushing the victim buttons.* Not the left’s monopoly anymore. ;)
* And I hope I’m hitting John’s.
James Emerson
Too bad Murtha didn’t deck the bastard. Even the mainstream media would have covered that. Hey…Everybody loves a war hero more than a chicken hawk…right?…
AI may have begun the fight against political hegemony. Durbin landed a solid rhetorical blow. It’s only a matter of time before physical violence erupts. Wanna bet that the Demoncrats have more combat vets than the Rethuglicans?
Jesus. There’s going to be a day when people get tired of the crazy shit going on on both sides of the isle.
I see no need to rebuke the ‘academy,’ but would appreciate them following up on the issue
ah yes, the “if we study a problem long enough, maybe it will just go away” approach….
When the Air Force Academy tolerates treating its recruits like Iran does when it comes to religious indoctrination, its time to raise holy hell about it, not just “study” and “follow up” on the issue. This scandal is far more of a symptom of what is going on in this nation — the takeover by the Xtian Right of American institutions that were designed to be non-sectarian.
What is especially disturbing is that these recruits will be dropping bombs on those they are being indoctrinated to regard as “infidels” in the not too distant future. And the last thing this nation needs is a bunch of General Boykins in embryo making up the “middle management” of the United States Air Force in the coming years — especially since it is these cadets that will be rising to the top of the Air Force hierarchy in 20 years.
This guy Hostettler does want to change the name of I-69 because it’s anti-Christian. He is the guy who was busted carrying a gun through airport security. He was trying to get a law passed to strip the government the power to enforce court decisions.
This guy is a loon. The latest survey gives Congress a 17% approval rating. Is there a connection?
Hostettler is a wingnut. Hopefully Indiana’s Bloody 8th will get a little bloodier.