I am 35 today. Place your erectile dysfunction jokes, discussions of male pattern baldness, and walker jokes in the comments.
Got copies of Don Giovanni and Porgy & Bess in the mail from mom, as well as some Reagan USPS stamps and a Steelers display.
My cat’s gift was to eat the tuna I gave him for breakfast with a speed and ferocity unparalleled in the animal universe and to then vomit on the living room floor.
I fogot- I also got a bottle of Teddy Kennedy’s “Sauced” Hot Sauce
*** Update **
I also got a birthday card with a picture of a stern looking (is there any other kind) nun on the front, with the message: “Happy Birthday- Celebrate it however you like.”
On the inside, it said: “You are going to burn in hell anyway.”
The card was from my mother.
Carpet or hardwood? And did he go for distance or maximize the splash factor?
Happy Birthday, John!
does this mean that you will now be supporting the idea of throwing a couple of hundred more American troops into Iraq, making a draft (for which, at your advanced age, you would be ineligible) necessary?
make that “couple of hundred thousand more American troops”…
Hey, at least you won’t have all those erections knocking your walker over and making you fall on that bald head any more.
A very happy birthday to you, friend.
John Cole
Carpet, Mary. It was gross. But at least I found it with my eyes rather than my feet…
A few show tunes and a vomiting cat always helps livens up a birthday, I always say. No ED jokes, you’re still a young vibrant blogging machine. Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday John.
Happy Birthday! Remember, if your birthday ends in a 0 or a 5, you deserve an extra special gift.
I have a bulemic cat, who’s head nearly spins around while spewing. The Bissle Spotlifter, $29.99 Target, will work wonders. Also, give only 1/4 can to your kitty, he may slow down.
Happy Birthday, John, and many more!
And just to make us ALL feel older in sympathy, I just realized that there will be high-school freshmen in the fall who were not yet born when “Smells Like Teen Spirit” was released. Yikes.
Jon H
Happy Birthday, John. I’ll be 35 in about a year and 3 months.
BTW, where are you located relative to Poca, WV? My Mom was born there.
Jon H
“And just to make us ALL feel older in sympathy, I just realized that there will be high-school freshmen in the fall who were not yet born when “Smells Like Teen Spirit” was released.”
And one of them will probably be Tom Cruise’s next wife (after Katie Holmes).
“And just to make us ALL feel older in sympathy, I just realized that there will be high-school freshmen in the fall who were not yet born when “Smells Like Teen Spirit” was released.”
Was that by the backstreet boys?
Happy Birthday!
Tim F
Happy birthday John!
Let’s see whether I can use my pull with the White House to arrange a dinner with someone special.
Ron Beasley
Happy Birthday John
chris Muir
Happy Birthday, John!
Now, back in the Permian Age, when I was born…
I’m 23 years your senior, so you’ll understand when I say, Happy Birthday, kid.
( wheeze )
Michael Demmons
Happy Birthday, John.
Perhaps someone will give you one of these as a present.
Happy Birthday … whippersnapper.
Nathan Lanier
Hey, all right. Happy Birthday.
35, eh? That’s not so bad.
Which means that you are almost halfway to . . .
But seem to be enjoying the trip, nonetheless.
Robert George
John, Happy Birthday! Take my word for it: If you think the jokes are bad at 35, just wait another five years!
Keep up your fantastic — and incredibly prolific — work here.
Huh…so when I first started reading your blog (back when it was grump.blogspot.com), you were exactly my current age. You write with authority, so it’s odd to think of you as more or less a contemporary. Anyway, thanks for all the diverting reading, and I hope you have a great birthday!
Happy birthday – youngster!
You know you’re getting up there when you feel tempted to click some of those spam links before deleting them…
John Cole
You know you’re getting up there when you feel tempted to click some of those spam links before deleting them…
Bwahaha.. You made me laugh.
Mike S
Your mom sounds cool. Happy B-day.
Happy Birthday.
Feliz cumpleanos. So, you’re mother is one of those religious nutters, huh? What would Sigmund F. make of that, I wonder.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Happy Birthday John. Hope you had a great one.