For a nice, refreshing change, here is a link to Michelle Malkin that I totally, 100% agree with- a depressing summary of the spending habits of this administration and the Republican congress.
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Politicians spend your money to keep themselves in office:
Yesterday I spent some time on the air detailing the spending habits of the Republicans since they gained control of both the legislative and executive branches of our Imperial Federal Gover…
Tim F
This idea that Democrats are somehow more fiscally irresponsible than Republicans appears to be the strongest remaining tie between you and what the Republican Party has become. If it became clear that historically the economy and average Americans always does better under Democrats, there wouldn’t be much left besides James Dobson and the Southern Strategy.
Many, not necessarily yourself John, cling to that idea with an unbreakable death grip. No matter how embarrassing the GOP gets it serves as a life raft against being cast ideologically adrift.
James Emerson
Jeebus…We’re descending into the greatest economic maelstorm in history, and Malkin now complains that the USS Ship of State might have a few leaks?
“We’re descending into the greatest economic maelstorm in history….”
Jesus H Christ on a pogo stick! Overstate much?
John, one of the main reasons i stop by your blog so much is because you’ve done a great job detailing what it is about today’s Republican party that you find so frustrating and what it is about them that is pushing you away. I’ve agreed with you about almost everything.
The downside of this is that this new stature as the left’s favorite Republican has brought out idiotic, braindead Kossacks and Atriettes like this guy James above.
By all means, James, document how we’re heading for the greatest economic maelstorm in history.
Personalities aside & keeping things general, the next to last sentence was a keeper, Jeff. For reference, look for “Dobson” and “Southern strategy” instances that occur. Not quite the red flags that “Halliburton!”, “Enron” or “Scaife” cause (since “Gannon’s c*ck!” is no longer item number one) but still a dead giveaway.
Well done.
The lefties do keep things interesting, though. The Republicans are lucky the Dems are in disarray on fiscal and national security issues, or the Republicans would have already been punished for their complete lack of spending control.
James Emerson
OK Jeff – The maelstorm comment was in strict reference to Malkins rather untimely observation that Republicans spend too much. I thought you would see that. I feel more than a little frustration with rightwingers…like Malkin…who seemingly have suddenly “got religion,” but who in reality are part of the machine. Look for the proposed spending cuts to fall on America’s favorite program per Grover Norquist.
Obviously the fall of the Roman Empire may have been a bigger disaster because of the ensuing dark ages, which…Monty Python’s humour aside…only highlighted the failure of an advanced civilization to address its decline. And of course, the RE had to calculate its finances in Roman numerals…an onerous task…and the fact that news travelled on horseback may have conspired to prevent them from seeing catastrophe bearing down on them. More likely, the RE fell because the leadership was incapable of dealing with the reality that there were these “Barbarians at the Gate,” and they were pissed because of the constant stream of Roman betrayal heaped upon their lives.
But let me spell it out. The specific point I was alluding to is this. Where is the fiscal sanity in our Republican controlled government? Where?
Since when do we wage war AND cut taxes? Why are record deficits that stretch over the horizon of no import to the administration? What is sane about an economic policy that requires us to borrow heavily from a communist country finance our debt? How is that “giant sucking sound” of a deflating industrial base securing our national security? When…if ever…can the defunding of education spell a brighter American future?
Did I forget anything? Oh yeah…there is the fiddling thing…or maybe its the brush cutting thing.
I would take the time to provide you with all the links a fair minded person would require to see proof of my point. That would take some time and effort to do it right and be completely thourough. I could do that. But I haven’t yet established whether you are fair minded, or are just another rightwing hack wasting my time.
Tim F
I’m with Jeff, at least WRT post #2. You can always tell when a freeper who doesn’t get out much comes by here, and the same surely goes for Kossacks and Atriosians. You could say that the comments here serve as a sort of decon station between fringes; melodrama on either side tends to get the ridicule it deserves.
Tim F
Not to say that I disagree with James in substance. Our budgetary and trade deficits guarantee that our economy is in for a whole world of hurt in the near future. All it would take is either a oil price spike or a housing slump to push us into stagflation territory, and both at the same time would pretty much bring the American Century to a rapid halt. We can thank Bush for that.
So yes on substance, but if you phrase it in a way that’s easily dismissed then you will get easily dismissed. Advice for the occasional freeper guests as well.
You might want to read this.
Future meltdown
I wonder if we could get one program we all ageree could be cut?
I nominate firing all High School Career Guidance Counselors.
Any other obvious ones?
Obvious ones? How about the Department of Education? :^)
Why are record deficits that stretch over the horizon of no import to the administration?
This was a Reagan Administration idea: deficits are SUPPOSED TO keep the legislators “in-line.” If they see deficits, they don’t increase spending. One can always defend budget cuts that way, too. In the 80s, this approach had great impact. Well, it had an impact. It’s not so much anymore. It’s disheartening.