I am sick of the state of American politics right now.
I am sick of the arrogance of the Republican party and the impotence of the Democrats.
I am sick of people calling people traitors or un-American or anti-military or anti-Christian because they disagree with them on issues.
I am sick of everyone distorting everyone elses positions.
I am sick of the knee-jerk Bush apologists and the knee-jerk Bush attackers.
I am sick of people calling people pussies because they think chaining someone to the floor and forcing them to lie in shit for 24 hours is over the line.
I am sick of the Supreme Court consistently ruling against the individual.
I am sick of Congress passing inane and pointless laws.
I am sick of the disgusting spending.
I am sick of the assholes in my party who think they have an absolute and perfect view of truth and morality.
I am sick of the fact that Sean Hannity and his ilk represent the core values of the Republican party.
I am sick of the over-the-top hyperbole from political hacks and politicans, whose real priority is not the country, but the health of their political party.
I am sick and tired of it all. The Republicans, the Democrats, they can all go to hell. If I could do it over, I would vote for a Nader/Buchanan ticket to just to piss both parties off.
I am going to watch Buffy, Season Five. You guys have at each other in the comments.
*** Update ***
Karl Rove and Ted Kennedy are both trying to drive me insane.
I’m just glad it wasn’t Season Six. That sucker was bleak.
I’m not a big fan of either party and believe that the polarization is at the expense of the good of our country and the world. Relax, watch “Buffy” (whoever she is), blow off some steam and have a beer.
However I’m sure you recall that we have one hundred and twenty thousand troops in harms way in Iraq. At the risk of sounding high on my horse, remember they don’t have the luxury of throwing their hands up into the air when things get crazy. Neither do we.
Mike S
I have to say I agree with everything you wrote and add another. I’m sick of people in my party labeling people who try to find common ground “Vichey dems, traitors and Republican-lite.”
It’s time to get back to finding common ground and not distorting for partisan political gain.
John, it seems to me that you are sick of the GOP, and disappointed with the failure of the Democrats to provide the kind of opposition that would prevent the Republicans from being such assholes….
or am I just projecting? :)
Hmm, apparently you haven’t been pushed far enough to join the LP loony bin. As I’ve wondered before, what will be the straw the breaks the camels back?
I am sick of the arrogance of the Republican party and the impotence of the Democrats.
I see the problem: you have things 180 degrees out of phase there.
Stormy 70
Dude, FX is showing the Buffies in order, during the day. Two episodes every weekday, and they are on Season Three now. I still have 12 eps tivo’d, so I think I will join you. :)
M. Scott Eiland
“I’m just glad it wasn’t Season Six. That sucker was bleak.”
On the other hand, Season Six did have the musical episode–which was fun. Plus Xander ended up as the big hero in the last episode, which is cool.
M. Scott Eiland
“Dude, FX is showing the Buffies in order, during the day. Two episodes every weekday, and they are on Season Three now. I still have 12 eps tivo’d, so I think I will join you. :)”
Problem is that those F/X episodes are severely hacked up for syndication–a lot of good lines from the originals are missing for time reasons. Another selling point for the DVDs, I suppose.
Stormy 70
I will check out the DVDs anyway, since I missed most of the first season, and some random episodes. I only watched two seasons of Buffy, during the college run, towards the end, so these are all new to me.
We can finally find common ground. I even have something in common with stormy. Aaaaaah….Buffy
John Cole
Please- no more Buffy spoilers.
Stormy 70
gratefulclub – agreeing with me is the first sign of the apocolypse. All part of my master plan to turn you all into Star Wars/Buffy geeks, who like a wee nip of the scotch.
PS Really, no more Buffy spoilers. I’m only on season three, for the love of all that is holy!
Mike S
Dmanit. I agree with Rumsfeld.
Rumsfeld: Senator I certainly agree, I think you’ll find the tone in my remarks fit what you’re talking about. I think that it is unfortunate when things become so polarized or so politicized, and you’ve heard some of that here today. It isn’t helpful. In my remarks I pointed out that there are a number of questions that are raised by the public, by members of the house and the senate, and that’s a perfectly proper and legitimate thing to do. Our democracy permits that, we can live through it in a war time period if we do it in an orderly way, and a sensible way, and a civil way.
No spoilers, just to let you know, you haven’t got to the good stuff yet.
I like my scotch to be larger than a wee nip.
I grew up with Star Wars and staged battles Lucas would be proud of in the creek behind my house.
So, even though i find you full of it on most occasions, you can’t be all bad. Have a pleasant afternoon, work is over, time to go home and plot against america. (joke)
John, on my blog it’s a politics free summer and it’s been good.
Stormy 70
Have a great day, all you Plotters against America! :)
Karl Rove and Ted Kennedy are both trying to drive me insane.
Just don’t Ted Kennedy drive you at all. He’s killed more folks in his Oldsmobile than all our torturers in Gitmo put together.
Xander’s got a great arc in Season 5.
Tim F
He’s killed more folks in his Oldsmobile than all our torturers in Gitmo put together.
Kerry: 17
Ted: 1
George W: 0
Laura: 1
Patrick Nielsen Hayden
Dude, I feel for you. And your taste in self-administered therapy is first-rate.
Nice John. This should be required reading for all elected officials.
Let’s start a third party. I think America’s ready for one, I know I am.
The left and right can take their “base” and go home, let the grown-ups take charge for awhile
Agreed, re: Xander Season 5 arc.
David G.
I am sick of the assholes in my party who think they have an absolute and perfect view of truth and morality.
And I’m sick of those on my side capitulating to them, too. John, it’s nice to know you exist. If we were to go at it from the basis of political perspectives I’m sure we’d tear each other apart. I’m glad you see the hypocrisy, however. That’s what matters at least to start — it’s better than the “shouters” that dominate discourse nowadays.
Hey poster Rick! See the 10th line down on John’s incredible “Sick of it All” post. I think he’s talking about YOU, dude!
M. Scott Eiland
“Please- no more Buffy spoilers.”
Sorry, John–forgot this was first time through for you.
kevin lyda, co. galway
we’ve had vince foster conspiracy theories, outrage over hillary clinton holding closed hearings on health care, attacks for clinton’s interventions in somolia and kosovo (wag the dog?), helmes blocking clinton’s appointment of republican weld as ambassador to mexico, blocking dozens of clinton judicial appointments, impeaching clinton and tons more slime from the gop for most of the 90’s and NOW you’re sick of it?
now, when thousands of america troops are at risk in iraq in a war we chose to fight? now, when millions of americans face an economically fragile future? now, when environmental laws are being rolled back and people are more and more at risk? now, when the gop continues to push anti-gay/pro-hate legislation and rhetoric? now, when civil rights are under attack?
now is when you give up?
Welcome to the world…
I am ready to start a new party. It will be called the reasonable technocrats and willbe run by accountants and scientists….oh crap, weren’t they done as the Nazis?
Keep the faith!
Good analogy, the only problem is that during the Clinton years the wolf wasn’t at the door. We are now paying for cleaning Europe’s mess since the end of the 19th century and our own heavy handedness during the cold war!
By the way, I love Galway! My ancesters are from Ballinrobe in Mayo, even visited what’s left of their tower house, Cloonagashel. Man I love Ireland!
As for the civil rights, the only real attack to date has been the SCOTUS ruling in Kelo. Not a good sign..
firing karl rove would help:
J Caesar
Frankly I was sick of it back some time in 1995 when they were trying to railroad Clinton with a million false investigations.
So I turned it off.
Over the next 5 years I learned something.
That’s what the Republicans want you to do. It’s all part of their strategy. Get people to turn off politics so their wingnut whackadoodle can win the election easier.
Why do you think Karl Rove and Bill O’Reilly came out the other day and called Democrats traitors? Simple… their ratings are dumping and they need to distract America some more.
I’ll second the comment about being sick of people distorting others’ positions.
Don Surber
Wait, you call people a vulgarity then bemoan the tone of political discourse? Hmm. You might want to work on that