What a bunch of assholes:
This July 4th is Flag Burning Day!
Every summer good Americans don their best red white and blue, and gorge themselves on beer and hotdogs to celebrate our independence from England, but from its very beginnings this country has been built on illegitimacies. The Indians helped the first few pilgrims to survive on thanksgiving and in return the colonialist settlers massacred the natives, stole their land and declared themselves sovereign. The
Very strong language that.
And a call to action in the largest city in the US.
However, this is the Strident Yet Pussified Left, so the over/under line on actual flags being burned by these chuckleheads is 1.
John, I think the last time I bothered to read anything like this was when I was listening to punk rock in junior high. I got over that phase and I’m sure most kids will too.
how does expressing radical views make them scum? How do you define scum?
John Cole
Because I said so. My blog, my rules. But mostly because they have no design to do anything constructive with this display other than to draw attention to their vile antics. How do I define vile?
Burning the flag for no reason other than recreational Amerikkk bashing.
See above.
The Lonewacko Blog
For a more disgusting Indymedia thread, see the link here. That discusses a play created by High School students in Baldwin Park CA featuring “Pottie” who had a “bad bottle day.” That refers to an incident where a 66-year-old woman was hit in the forehead with a full water bottle at a protest.
This incident will probably be news to many, as the MSM covered it up and very few bloggers covered it, but if you want an example of the far-left, that’s much better than flag burning.
M. Scott Eiland
“And now for the lighter side of the news: Schmuck with flag, lighter fluid and matches does a Human Torch imitation and sets a new world record in the 100 meter dash before officially becoming eligible for a Darwin Award.”
TM Lutas
Does Moveon.org repudiate indymedia “burn the flag” type stuff? If they don’t repudiate it, will the US Senators who have been embracing moveon.org repudiate them? The real problem isn’t three idiots and a lighter, but the more mainstream people who won’t discipline their extremists but cater to them.
No, Moveon.org does not bother to repudiate this sort of thing. Also on the list of organizations which have not repudiated the flag-burning:
1) Ronson
2) Zippo
3) The Cotton Council
4) American Oxygen Society*
5) The American Chemistry Association
…all of which are EQUALLY CONNECTED to this sort of thing.
Get a grip.
*I made that one up.
Best flag-burning joke:
“I thought we outsourced that to Pakistan.”
Can’t remember where I first saw it.
I agree–what a bunch of idiots. We have some serious loonies on both the right and the left, and it’s crucial to remember that they have far more in common with each other than either do with the moderates on either the left or right. While I am definitely left of center on most issues, I consider extremists on both ends of the spectrum to be exasperating at the least, and truly dangerous if allowed too much power. But at least the loony left hasn’t done much in the way of lynching or bombing (the Weathermen only blew themselves up).
The Disenfranchised Voter
“but the more mainstream people who won’t discipline their extremists but cater to them.”
Oh you mean the extremists who are trying to pass an amendment that goes against the founding ideals of our nation?
I am not participating in this flag burning even, nor have I ever burned a flag. However, the day that this amendment passes–if it passes–will be the day that I walk down the main street of my town with the stars and stripes ablaze.