I have some stuff to take care of, and since every thread morphs into a flame war around Clinton, tax cuts, Bushitler, I think I will just guide the flaming from now onk. So, here you go:
The topic is judicial nominations. The goal is to show (in the ‘logical’ way that appears only in flame wars) that the current acrimony over judicial nominations can be attributed to Jimmy Carter’s weakness in the Iran Hostage crisis.
Have fun.
I’ll start us off: Jimmy Carter had huge teeth.
Tim F
Reagan had good teeth, from his Hollywood career. That explains Bork.
No, it all started with Nixon’s defeat of Helen Gahagan Douglas.
You have to understand that Jimmy Carter was the product of the liberal Navy. All of those long days at sea in close quarters with the Village People and whatnot. Presumably Jimmy Carter supports the YMCA as well, but that’s just an aside.
The Hostage Crisis didn’t lead to judicial acrimony directly. It was simply a symptom of Carter’s cardigan-wearing, bunny-fearing, Village People loving, big-lipped, big-toothed homosexual liberalism.
The gays, with their Gay Agenda ™, had almost taken over the world. They needed but 4 more years under the Carter Administration to solidfy their control. Much to their chagrin, Ronald Reagan, with his very large penis, ousted Carter before the plot had ripened. Also an aside, but it bears mentioning that the liberal homosexuals were also very put out by the fact that Reagan’s Very Large Penis was for the exclusive use and benefit of Nancy Reagan and only with an eye toward procreation.
Their fury was palpable. After conspiring to bring down Nixon and lose the Vietnam War, the homosexuals had thought victory was theirs. They had suffered some defeats along the way, prominent among them, the firing of well-known queers Archibald Cox, Elliot Richardson, and William Ruckelshaus. It was simply intolerable to the homosexual cabal to have Reagan, his Very Large (but unattainable) Penis, and his long-oppressed but determined band of Christian supporters turn around and nominate Robert Bork, who patriotically followed the orders of his Commander-in-Chief Richard Nixon, in firing the well-known queer Archibald Cox when equally well-known queers Richardson and Ruckelshaus refused to do so.
That the attack on Bork during his confirmation hearings was spearheaded by liberal gays is made clear by the fact that Bork’s odd facial hair was the subject of scrutiny. Fashion consciousness during a Supreme Court nomination process? COME ON! The Dems might as well have started using a pink triangle as their party symbol. After the queers savaged the honorable Mr. Bork, then the honorable Clarence Thomas — primarily because of his affinity for HETEROSEXUAL porn — the Republicans had no choice but to fight back against the Gay Agenda ™ and the Gay Lifestyle ™.
I blame the color blue.
You misspelled “outed.” Reagan OUTED Carter with his huge penis. Rosalynn wasn’t fooling anyone.
James Emerson
OK…It wasn’t JC’s Iran crisis weakness that led us to todays probable judicial crisis, but his strategic foresight. By executive order, JC engineered the logistical infrastructure that lead to the development of the Middle East “Rapid Reaction Force,” the force logistical base system that allowed future presidents to free Kuwait and invade Iraq. The first Bush was either too inept or too scrupled to parlay his status as a wartime president into a second term. The second Bush…arguable the most inept President ever, but lacking his father’s scruples… did exactly that.
So it was JC’s foresight that allowed Dubya…painting Saddam a serious threat to post 9/11 America…to build the invasion force in a matter of months without the scrutiny that would have ensued if we first had to build the same logistical infrastructure. The secret of Dubya’s success…in war and electoral politics…was in the timing and swiftness between the war’s public disclosure and the actual invasion. In post 9/11 America, there was no time for a reasoned opposition to arise.
Therefore, it was JC’s brilliance as a strategist and engineer that paved the way for a later blundering, amoral, yet politically bold president to march us off to the quicksand. It was also the brilliantly timed and played meme of a “wartime president” that re-elected that blundering, amoral, yet politically bold president before concerns about the war arose in the form of an organized oppostion. And it was precisely this blundering and amoral president whose use of war and manipulation of fear got himself reelected, and in the position of nominating extremist judges.
So the current war over judicial nominations didn’t arise from JC’s weakness over Irangate, but was entirely due to his brilliance and foresight in strategic planning.
can we get real here? Blame Ike! If he hadn’t put that commie pinko queer Earl Warren on the Supreme Court, we never would have had Brown v. Board of Education — and Clarence Thomas would be sharecropping somewhere like he should be, rather than doing his Steppin Fetchit routine for Antonin Scalia at the Supreme Court.
Jimmy Carter? But he’s history’s greatest monster!
This never would have happened if Marge Simpson was here!
Brandon – are you attacking me?!? Troll!
None of you are willing to tell the truth. Our current partisan warfare began in April of 1979 when the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy launched a killer bunny rabbit in an attempt to assassinate Carter.
We’ve been knee deep in the dog’s business ever since.
We’re pathetic. We can’t even do a flame war right. The key words “murderer,” “Commie,” “Nazi,” “gaywad,” and “braindead sheep under BushHitler’s black magic spell” are nowhere to be seen here. Has civilization prospered under the new, “moderate” Balloon Juice?
Speaking of Carter, just made it down to Plains, GA and Americus (home of Habitat for Humanity) They made it look way cooler on TV. Left wing conspiracy perhaps? I thought I’d at least see a few Euro trash in beanies and holding tour books walking around worhsipping at the Carter temple. But no, nada. Just a few locals wandering about. Now that place is isolated.