In the aftermath of 9/11, there were few things more annoying and disgusting than the whole ‘Jews knew and didn’t come to work’ myth that was peddled ferociously in some circles:
With the announcement of the attacks at the World Trade Center in New York, the international media, particularly the Israeli one, hurried to take advantage of the incident and started mourning 4,000 Israelis who work at the two towers. Then suddenly, no one ever mentioned anything about those Israelis and later it became clear that they remarkably did not show up in their jobs the day the incident took place.
No one talked about any Israeli being killed or wounded in the attacks. Arab diplomatic sources revealed to the Jordanian al-Watan newspaper that those Israelis remained absent that day based on hints from the Israeli General Security apparatus, the Shabak, the fact which evoked unannounced suspicions on American officials who wanted to know how the Israeli government learned about the incident before it occurred, and the reasons why it refrained from informing the U.S authorities of the information it had.
It appears that the anti-Semites and the anti-Israeli forces quickly jumped into the fray after the tragic bombings in London:
Israel was not warned about possible terror attacks in London before at least six blasts ripped through the city, Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom said today.
A Foreign Ministry official had said earlier that British police warned the Israeli Embassy in London of possible terror attacks minutes before the first explosion.
As should all reasonable people, whatever their party.
Non-Fat Latte Liberal
I want to say something to encourage temperence. Particularly when I read the line “I hate these people.” But I can’t these people have created and are perpetuate a machine of hate that that has killed and continues to kill a staggering number human beings, Arab, Jew and otherwise. Such conduct is dispicable.
I hate these people too.
I hope the Poet Laureate of New Jersey waxes on this fresh event.
Mike S
I hope the Poet Laureate of New Jersey waxes on this fresh event.
Right after Robertson blames it on the gays.
And right after Michael Moore expresses outrage, not at the act itself, but that it was done in blue states rather than red ones.
Michael Moore is a nobody. Unimportant. I hate these people too.
A Foreign Ministry official had said earlier that British police warned the Israeli Embassy in London of possible terror attacks minutes before the first explosion.
John, which people do you hate? The “Foreign Ministry official” who said the Israelis were warned minutes before the first explosion? (and btw, that sounds like the Israeli Foreign Ministry, but it too ambiguous to say for sure.)
*** Update ***
This comment was made prior to I (John Cole) edited this post, so it really makes Lukasiak’s comment seem bizarre and out of place. Sorry for the goof.
the above comment was composed prior to your editing the post and including the crap from Raimondo…
As someone who followed this event in real time this morning at various British websites (including Guardian chat) it is quite easy to see how timing was confused here initially — at one point, there were supposedly seven explosions, including three bus explosions, being reported.
Raimondo is an ass.
Would any int’l Zionist conspiracy worth its salt leave this Raimondo fuckhead alive?
John Cole
My apologies, P lukasiak- my editing did really make your comment look different.
I should have thought about that when I edited, but I am real hesitant to delete comments. I will edit your intial comment to reflect that.
Baraka’s not the Poet Laureate anymore, you know.
They abolished the position, because they couldn’t get rid of him any other way.
Mr. Bubble
No, no. You guys are missing the point. It’s ALL a Zionist conspiracy. 9/11, 3/11, 7/7…all of it designed to make sure it looks like there’s real evil in the world. Al Queda doesn’t even exhist. It’s all a conspiracy hashed by Karl Rove. Oh, and Elvis lives. In my goldfish. .
Taking the Poet Laureate title away from Baraka was the only thing McGreevy did that I liked.
Zionist? 3/11, 9/11, 7/7 – I figured it’s either numerologists or craps dealers.
Dabney Braggart
Remember, if there had been no report that Israelis were warned, that would be proof that they got a secret warning. Similarly, if Raimondo were to be struck by lightning, the Israelis obviously had got him; if he should live a happy and prosperous life, it would be proof of how canny those darn Jews are.
Remember, if there had been no report that Israelis were warned, that would be proof that they got a secret warning.
Awesome! I’m going to have to remember that one and use it sometime.
To paraphrase Scott Johnson of Powerline, who was referring to Josh Marshall), “Enough of Justin Raimondo… he’s a tendentious buffoon and will remain one until the end of time.”
When Paul “Kinko’s” Lukasiak calls you an asshole, you know you just got schooled by an expert on the subject!
Robin Roberts
I suggest that Raimondo never again be referred to as anything other than “The antisemitic sack of manure Raimondo”.
Honor the Dead
Big Skunk
PowerLine’s not much better than Raimondo — they are also a bunch of hatemongers. Just substitute “zionist” in Raimondo’s writings for “leftist” and you have John Hinderaker and Scott Johnson and the other jerkoff. You should see that video of buttrocket saying that all “leftists and democrats” want to bring down America. That’s what they believe — why is that any better than Raimondo’s dumb ass?
Just to be clear, is not the same as (See here.) Good post, though. This lie needs to be exposed. Some misconceptions or myths may be harmless, but not this one.
Because the charge that leftists and Democrats are a fifth column bent on destroying our nation is based on repeated observations of true events and words spoken, proudly and without any denial or equivocation, by same, whereas Raimondo’s rant is just a hodgepodge of confusion and chronological error ginned up into an egregious calumny with no visible means of support?
Uh, while you all rant about your favorite anti-semite, Amy Teibels AP story has been at the top of Drudge for say, just the WHOLE day.
Since that’s probably about 10 million views today,
is Drudge a lefty anti-semite now?
Geek, Esq.
To be honest, Raimondo has never struck me as anti-semitic.
Just freaking nuts.
Assrocket also believes that evolution has been scientifically disproven, btw. He’s like a rightwing Raimondo without the talent for writing.
John Cole
Why, you are right, SRV. Linking to the initial wrong story and writing the bullshit Raimondo is spreading is exactly the same thing. In fact, I linked to Teibel’s story too, so I must agree with Raimondo!
One of the problems — and the puzzlements! — is that the original AP story is linked above the headlnes by Drudge …
The frum Hamodia newspaper, saw fit not only to publish the false AP report, but to put it on their front page!
The problem with this story, as has been pointed out, is its prominence on Drudge. I suspect we have a lot of Headline Pundits (HLP) who simply glance and go with the “inferred” information.
Disappointing really, as sad as some of the “if only we hadn’t invaded Afghanistan, Iraq, etc” commments on some of the other sites. To be certain there is a long and complex history behind the current state of affairs and the origins of the jihadists and their dysfunctional supporting structure.
But Israel ain’t it. In fact, I would posit that as the peace process rolls forward, this area of the world will return to being a great vacation spot and not a hot spot.
It wasn’t the Jews!! It was the French!
You’re rigt – Justin Raimondo is a complete fuckwit.
I just finished reading the Raimondo article-while I don’t agree with him point by point,he does present a legitimate perspective by essentially asking who benefits from the London bombings.To not factor Israel into any equation regarding the Middle East,Islam,or related issues is naive,as is the assumption that governments voluntarily tell the truth.
I am so tired of all these left-wing anti-semitic nuts. I wonder if it hasn’t occurred to them that they can be compared with Nazis…ooooh, that so dreaded comparisson.
Ernie, I get the sense that you are so tired of all these left-wing anti-semitic nuts.
I, personally, prefer to live in a world where ‘Jews Know’ … I mean, seriously, if Justin is to be believed, Jews are fantastic Early Warning Indicators. I can use that.
You know how household pets seem to *know* when earthquakes are about to hit or if there is a demonic presence in the house you’re about move into – the dog barks nervously or is hesitant to go inside, the dad smacks the dog and drags it inside the house … that sort of thing.
Well, Justin might be right and Jews Know.
That’s why I make sure I notice who the Jews are who commute on the same train as I do. If a couple of them don’t show up for the train, well – I just might call in sick that day.
Same at the office – sit near a Jew. He (or she) will know. Have lunch at the office with the Jews. They know and they might slip up and let you know too.
It’s most upsetting that the biggest speculators of all, those so out of the loop that the best question they can ask after jihadi terrorists murder 50 people and injure 700, is ‘where were the Jews’ – such nasty filth believes, which I understand too, that they are educating the world and guiding us into a tolerant liberal, workable future, such as we all strive for. So this Justin’s a pretty foul piece of work. He believes in inverting things so much, that anyone whose life story he doesn’t know like a soldier on a mission to overthrow a dictatorhip or monitor civic peace in war-torn nations or a Jew who makes passionate arguments for Arab and Jew to live in harmony in the way each would want, is totally expendable in Justin’s cause of subverting others. He’s presumably acting out his part in some childhood trauma. I only hope one day people like him get wise, and fess up to their readers they hadn’t a clue and started by scrabbling around and making things up, at no time trusting any official report, in fact invariably disputing it on shoddy evidence no matter what the highly dangerous consequences are. If he could say that he could be a man. Or he can sit in his room, his own little world, blogging and blogging, look at me.
Ah, but then the Jews will know what you’re up to when doing that, and take evasive action. Maybe even file a restraining order on your gentile ass.
Me, I think Mr. Raimondo’s been “tagged” by the same thing Rudy Banning was hit with in Greg Bear’s Vitals. That assumes that he was, at one time, a normal and decent human being, which may be a stretch.
richard mcenroe
Why yes, the Powerline authors are just like Justin… why, who could forget the thousands of lefties who’ve been killed because of their bigoted rantings (I mean, there MUST have been thousands, right? The fact that no one has heard about them just proves how powerful and insidious the VRWC is)…
I worked for an international bank in 2001. In the days after 9/11 I got several emails which were addressed to entire workgroups announcing times for funerals, and several were obviously Jewish funerals. I got at least one announcement of when/where to go to sit Shiva for a 9/11 casualty, too. Gee, for a worldwide superhuman conspiracy, those Jews sure are screwups… (Do I need a /sarcasm tag?)
cathy :-)
Jeff Z
I can’t believe that you’re all missing the truth, when it’s staring you right in the face!
Who really benefited the most from 9/11? Who went not from a position of power to more power, but from obscurity and impotence to one of fame and profitability?
Who benefitted most when the US went into Afghanistan so that the obscurity and uncertainty of a far away war could make plausible almost any charge, no matter how outrageous?
Who benefitted most when the US invaded Iraq, thus permitting crediblity of even the most absurd comparisons to Vietnam and of the secret control of the US by Exxon?
And now, who benefits most from a horrible terrorist attack that will provoke a debate about further internal security measures that will give widespread admiration to anyone who claims this is the imposition of the fascism?
Of course, he blames it all on the Jews. It’s the classic technique of those who want to deflect attention away from themselves, the truly guilty.
Since 9/11, we’ve all been blind to the true master of the evil conspiracy that has catapulted him from nothingness to notoriety: Raimondo!
Raimondo sez: “My short book […] shows that Israel wasn’t behind the 9/11 attacks, as many in the Arab world allege, but that they did have some knowledge that a terrorist attack was about to take place on American soil and somehow neglected to tell us about it.”
Hmmm. Does anyone else smell the irony here? Because I can think of a few non-Israelis who had some knowledge that a terrorist attack was about to take place on American soil and somehow neglected to tell us about it.
“Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US”, anyone? Anyone? …Bueller?
Jeff Z
I can’t believe that you’re all missing the truth, when it’s staring you right in the face!
Who really benefited the most from 9/11? Who went not from a position of power to more power, but from obscurity and impotence to one of fame and profitability?
Who benefitted most when the US went into Afghanistan so that the obscurity and uncertainty of a far away war could make plausible almost any charge, no matter how outrageous?
Who benefitted most when the US invaded Iraq, thus permitting crediblity of even the most absurd comparisons to Vietnam and of the secret control of the US by Exxon?
And now, who benefits most from a horrible terrorist attack that will provoke a debate about further internal security measures that will give widespread admiration to anyone who claims this is the imposition of the fascism?
Of course, he blames it all on the Jews. It’s the classic technique of those who want to deflect attention away from themselves, the truly guilty.
Since 9/11, we’ve all been blind to the true master of the evil conspiracy that has catapulted him from nothingness to notoriety: Raimondo!
Because the charge that leftists and Democrats are a fifth column bent on destroying our nation is based on repeated observations of true events and words spoken, proudly and without any denial or equivocation, by same.
Really? Would it violate some posting rule if this Democrat told you to go fuck yourself?
W.B. Reeves
Far be it from me to defend Raimondo’s obsession with the Israeli Mossad. I used to read him regularly but his enthusiastic embrace of any tidbit that might, just possibly, stretching the bounds of credulity to the breaking point, make the Israelis look bad, has put me off him.
That said, a little reality check here.
I know of no one outside of Zionists, anti-Semites and their supporters who equates Israel with Jews as a whole. Whatever I may suspect about Raimondo’s motives (and his embrace of Pat Buchannan, that fan of Francisco Franco, does raise an eyebrow), I’m not aware that he has ever made such an equation in any of his numerous conspiratorial rants.
His latest, which moves seamlessly from the defensible contention that Israeli intelligence could have picked up warning signals about impending attacks to the completely unsubstantiated assertion that Netanyahu “surely” knew in advance, is no exception.
Being neither a Zionist nor an anti-Semite, I don’t view Israel as anything other than yet another nation state with its own military and intelligence agenda. As with all states it has its own character dictated by its history.
For me this doesn’t translate into any exceptional status for Israel whether divine or diabolic. The trouble with Raimondo isn’t that he speculates about Israeli actions or motives or even that he is hostile towards Israel. The problem is the same one that afflicts most propaganda masquerading as analysis: it presents possibilities as probabilities verging on certainties with no real evidence beyond the author’s political prejudices.
This may make Raimondo unreliable on the subject of Israel but it doesn’t make him an anti-Semite, unless you think that questioning the motives and intentions of the Israeli government is the same as defaming all Jews. I don’t believe this and niether do most of the Jews I know, whether they be Zionists or not.
While on the subject of Raimondo’s political prejudices, its more than a little silly for people to be using him as a club to bash “leftist anti-Semites.” Raimondo is certainly no leftist. He is a Right Libertarian of the sort spawned by Ayn Rand. He’s just more consistent in his anti-statist views than hypocrites such as Neil Boortz.
Of course, if anyone can present an actual instance of Raimondo attacking Jews as a whole from a perspective within the fantasyland of anti-Semitism I’ll have to reassess my view of him.
FG Powers
Some idiot said: “Really? Would it violate some posting rule if this Democrat told you to go fuck yourself?”
No need to demonstrate the point… or your suggested action… so graphically.
Those lefties… so unsubtle.
No finesse.
John Gillnitz
For a story that is completely untrue it did have a high level of detail. Where did that detail come from? Stratfor says that the Israelis had uncovered a plot and warned the British days before the bombing, but the British ignored it to keep G8 humming along. Apparently there had been other warnings about events that turned out to have been aborted and the British thought this would be a goose chase too.
I don’t know one way or the other, but the initial story still sounds fishy to me.
If this one happened while the others were aborted because the British had been alerted it would indicate some level of infiltration of British intelligence.
All speculation at this point.
He’s like a rightwing Raimondo without the talent for writing.
Raimondo is rightwing.
Jeff Z
“I know of no one outside of Zionists, anti-Semites and their supporters who equates Israel with Jews as a whole.” Yeah, well exactly, W.B. The problem is that there are millons and millons of “anti-Semites and their supporters.”
PS: Sorry about the earlier double-posting. I hit the wrong button when trying to close the window.
Geek, Esq.
Raimondo is rightwing.
‘Rightwing’ no longer means what it used to. It used to mean a fierce dedication to keeping the government small and uninvolved. Now ‘rightwing’ means the Spongedob Stickypants/Randall Terry crowd who want the state to vigorously enforce their own cultural norms.
The Al-Qeada in Europe has scored its biggest point right here with you people attacking each other!! I don’t know any of you, muchless Raimondo, yet I sense the blame game is a tool the evil guys depend on.
Even if the Israelis had known in advance and warned Soctland Yard, it still would have happened. And why would a caller contact Irael instead of Scotland Yard with a warning? Did the Palestinian bombers call London before bombing in Israel? Makes no sense.
Brian Crouch
An otherwise awesome post suffers a bit from this:
“And Justin has a whole theory (with no disrespect meant to weightier theories, like, say, creationism, or the Protocols of the Elders of Zion)”
Why put “creationism” into the same category as those? Why throw the life-affirming Genesis of God’s Hand in the universe into the same category as conspiracy ravings by anti-Semites? One is from the Jews, the other is against them. They don’t belong side by side.
John Cole
Because creationism is not a theory, it is a fanciful tale.
You are right, however, that it is out of place with the other two… Edited.
W.B. Reeves
Not to be thick but I’m not sure what you’re trying to say. I don’t see how the fact that anti-Semites exist affects the points I raised.
W.B. Reeves,
Strictly you’re right. It’s like one story after another about, say, black guys killing everyone, eventually there’s an agenda to your reports belied by the speculative bits. The suggestion that there is a Zionist conspiracy represents clear antisemitism, hardly objective comment. Jews are mostly Zionists, happy to be associated with Israel. It’s a pretty familiar situation to identify with all three terms, and considered comment on Israel, even negative comment, doesn’t imply any commitment to smear Jews. But obsession and the routine referencing of essentially antisemitic theories in a slightly altered, deeply offensive guise – well, if he’s not downright antisemitic he’d have to be monumentally ignorant of antisemitism and stupid enough to believe anything. He might be that damn stupid but he at least knows where he read what he writes.
W.B. Reeves
Solid point. Which is why I expressed my own suspicions about Raimondo’s fixation. However, Zionism is a political ideology just as Israel is a political entity and “most Jews” are still not all Jews. Erasing these distinctions seems to me to be essential to any anti-Semitic perspective.
There have been plenty of anti-Zionist Jews both historically and in the present. In the past they constituted a majority of the Jewish Community. In the present, they are a distinct minority. If we are going to conflate opposition to Zionism with anti-Semitism we will have to label such Jewish folks, past and present, as anti-Semites. I can’t swallow that.
The anti-Semite is more than happy to embrace this equation. As are militant Zionists for an entirely different set of reasons.
Oh well, historians had long declared the Hyksos to be Israelis in stead of Arabs – that was along time ago. Today nothing has changed – except that conspiracy theorism has jumped in now as a fine tool to spread the alleged facts and their unlikeliness over a vaste area of intrigues, making it less likely that the man in the stread finds the courage to disagree.
Keep the blogsphere busy. Playing the CIA is probably not really much worse then playing DOOM.