I can't speak for Mickey Kaus and everyone, but most of us were joking with our treatment of Oliver Stone. And, dear, could you please stop pretending you are above us all, stepping in every now and then to referee the rabble? That whole mangling of names schtick ("Captain Crunch") and faux detachment from all of the blogs you read daily has gotten old. So what if you are a fashionable New York socialite writing for Vanity Fair who seems to be preternaturally concerned with the random online musings of middle America- you could just as easily be writing in your underwear in a loft in Hoboken after your double-shift waiting tables.
In other words, you don't NEED to be a condescending asshole to make your points, and it might be wise to remember that no one other than the 'bloggers' you mock are going to care enough to read your tripe. It sure as hell isn't going to show up in Vanity Fair, even if the "unabashed purpose" of the magazine "is to make icons out of idiots."