So apparently on “Just Us” Sunday was not divisive and obnoxious enough, and they have decided to have another go around. After looking at the page I see Chuck Colson prominently listed- is that the Watergate Chuck Colson?
At any rate, some suggested topics:
Will a conservative Supreme Court Justice be able to Never mind. I am just goingto get myself in trouble.
(via C&L)
Mike S
Zell? What’s he gonna do, challenge us to a duel?
And yes, it is the Watergate Colson.
And so what if it it’s the Watergate Colson?
John Cole
Then it is the Watergate Chuck Colson, Jay. I thought he was dead.
Mike S
IIRC he became a preacher in prison. Still trashed Felt though.
Felt, the leaker? Oh, wait, he’s a good leaker. Sorry about the mix-up.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Nixon administration, The criminal and corrupt one? Oh wait, I forgot you support corrupt administrations Stormy.
P.S. Do you have any proof that Felt leaked information, Stormy, or are you just talking out of your ass?
Woodward and Bernstein have always contended that Felt only confirmed information that they recieved from other less reliable sources.
I think Felt admitted he leaked information. That’s a no-brainer. But he leaked information about White House connections and cover-ups of the Watergate break in. Karl Rove leaked information about a CIA agent who was researching WMDs in Iraq.
That’s the difference between whistle-blowing and treason. Whistle-blowing reports a criminal activity, outing a CIA agent is a criminal activity.
You’re wasting your time trying to educate Stormy. She’s a little lacking in patriotism, having given that up along with her soul in return for Bush’s tax cuts.
Aha! My patriotism is being questioned because I believe in tax cuts. Sacre Bleu, I am undone! On that perfect note, I will retire for the night.
No, your patriotism is being questioned because you buy every lie this administration throws your way. It would be a shame if your conscience forced you to vote for somebody else who might actually carry out an effective war on terror, be against torture, outing CIA agents, and smearing veterans at the expense of your beloved tax cuts.
The Disenfranchised Voter
I’m still waiting for a response to MY question stormy. Dodging it by responding to adhominem posts by others isn’t going to get you off the hook with me.
Do you have proof that Felt leaked classified information or not?
Mike S
Sorry, forgot where I was. Criminals are OK if they are Republicans. Nixon was a great guy who did nothing wrong.
Defense Guy
So if it turns out that Rove was just confirming what others already knew, then all is well then? I am interested to know how one acquires this level of nuance.
The Disenfranchised Voter
I am not sure exactly what you are asking but I’ll give it a shot anyways.
I think what you are saying is that if Rove only confirmed Plame was an undercover CIA operative then I should see nothing wrong with that since I see nothing wrong with Felt’s confirmations. Well, no I do and I’ll explain why.
The reason for the nuance is that you are using a false analogy, which is a logical fallacy.
Felt’s confirmations and Rove’s confirmation would be on completely different levels. Felt’s confirmations were about criminal activity, Rove’s was about a vendetta.
With that said…
With the evidence presented, I do not believe Rove has committed a crime. That is how I see it as of now. Unless there is new evidence that implicates Rove, I do not think the current email chatter amounts to crime.