And yet another facet of the Culture Wars hits the courts:
A federal judge Thursday asked to review notes and other source material of two freelance newspaper reporters subpoenaed in a lawsuit over a school district’s inclusion of “intelligent design” in the ninth-grade biology curriculum…
An attorney for the Thomas More Law Center said the reporters’ testimony and notes were essential to clearing up questions about the accuracy of their stories about the school board meetings.
In sworn testimony in January, school board members denied or said they did not remember making statements about creationism during the meetings, which both reporters included in their stories.
“Creationism was a term that was put in their mouths,” Thomas More attorney Patrick Gillen said.
The plaintiffs’ attorneys also had subpoenaed the reporters, but later agreed to accept affidavits from them and their editors attesting to the accuracy of the stories. Benn argued that the defense lawyers could get their questions answered by interviewing members of the public who attended the meetings.
Activist Judge! As a side note, I am warming to the idea that Judith Miller should be forced to testify, which is my weaselly way of admitting I was wrong that she should not be in jail. I maintain my right to waffle on this issue in the future. Some might call me a flip-flopper.
While we’re on the subject, this story just caught my eye. The Parents Television Council wants the FCC to fine ABC for airing a swear word in a Who song during the Live 8 concerts.
You’d think they could let this one slide, given the Christian-compatible goals of the concert organizers, but even if Live 8 miraculously and instantaneously ended African poverty, these people would be too upset that a swear word was involved to see the good in that.
John, you may consider a new category: Christian Stupidity. Before I get flamed, I’m not saying all Christians are stupid any more than the Republican Stupidity category implies that all Republicans are stupid, which (I think) is not at all.
Could anyone explain to me again how Intelligent Design isn’t Creationism?
The spelling is totally different. Hell, “intelligent design” is two words; “creationism” is one word. Therefore, they are two totally different things.
OK, other than the spelling thing, they’re the same frickin’ thing, except for intelligent design’s thin, glossy sheen of pseudoscientific language.
Could anyone explain to me again how Intelligent Design isn’t Creationism?
Creationism is based on religion – not neccessarily biblical, since it can encompass the creation myths of non-christian theologies as well.
Intelligen Design is more encompassing, in that it not only encompasses the creation myths of multiple religions, but also of those who believe aliens brought about our creation.
Creationism says that God created the universe. ID says that the universe is so irreducibly complex that it had to have been created by a supernatural being. So as you can see they are completely different.
“Intelligen Design is more encompassing, in that it not only encompasses the creation myths of multiple religions, but also of those who believe aliens brought about our creation.
Thetans? I guess Scientologists are also IDers, then.
Lovely. It’s like the wierd New Agers of the 70’s got together with the Jesus Freaks of the 70’s and cooked up ID between ’em.
So, what’s the ID position on Magic Healing Crystals?