This ‘review’ of Mark Furhman’s book on the Schiavo affair is just #@$&*! HACKTACULAR. Contained within the ‘reivew:’
However, I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that Michael Schiavo is a platinum card-carrying malignant narcissist. It
by John Cole| 31 Comments
This post is in: General Stupidity
This ‘review’ of Mark Furhman’s book on the Schiavo affair is just #@$&*! HACKTACULAR. Contained within the ‘reivew:’
However, I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that Michael Schiavo is a platinum card-carrying malignant narcissist. It
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When will you lefties and RINOS accept the fact that Terri Schiavo was MURDERED by the left-wing media. There’s no other way to put it.
Who cares anymore? This is all to make money. I thought you were taking the cheese?
Don Surber
Me, I’d let my inlaws take my wife, please. But who knows? RIP
Yup, and it appears you’ve flushed one out:
Assuming of course that DougJ isn’t just funnin’ us all.
Doug, please contact Jeb Bush and demand that he re-open the criminal investigation of Michael Schiavo. Gov. Bush recently closed the investigation after the State DA concluded that there was no evidence to support the criminal charges againsts Mr. Schiavo.
It seems you have crucial information regarding this case that the judges, prosecutors, and physicians involved over the years have overlooked. The simplest explanation is that there is a vast left-wing conspiracy to bury the truth with false facts. You should take the medical assesment of senate majority leader Bill Frist, MD over the autopsy report that was recently released. Contrary to the autopsy report which claimed that Terri Shiavo was blind and brain-dead, Dr. Frist reported that Mrs. Shiavo responded to visual stimuli.
Look inside your heart and you will find the truth. Stay strong and keep pushing this issue as long as it takes. Particularly, please keep this issue alive going into the 2006 elections.
Think of all the talking heads around the OJ case. It’s as if it was a Paul Weyrich training school for a new genre, cable tv bullshitting, the absolute core of Fox.
Who is that lesbian/”liberal”/gun-totting harpy who’s always bashing Demos? She was head of LA’s NOW when she said she was tired of arguing with black women. Remember her?
Jon Gibson fed at the trough. Granted, Fuhrman’s position was a little closer to the stage, but he got a book out of that one too.
Let it go John…please?
And what if Fuhrman is entirely or mostly correct? Euthanasia (and I believe will be followed by another manifestation of eugenics) is creeping into this country, and not on little cat feet. Long live death, to borrow a slogan from other fascists.
What does eugenics have to do with euthanasia? You righties see a plot in everything.
If I put a clause in my living will that under specific medical conditions I do not wish to be revived or kept alive… how is that eugenics?
Just watch what’s happening in Holland, folks. Jon, living wills have nothing to do with it. Regrettably, it had nothing to do with Terri Schiavo’s death, either.
P.S. Righties see plots! LOL! Well, there were the Mena/Vince Foster moonbats. But coming from Halliburton/TANG/Diebold/Rove paranoiacs, too funny!
Rick is my new favorite. Somehow, Shiavo’s death is pre-emptively choosing birth patterns. Neat.
A poster-boy for the new, completely divorced from reality right wing.
Rock on, Rick.
Bernard Yomtov
The wingnuts have lost their damned minds on this issue.
Jeb Bush and Bill Frist are clearly among those who lost their minds. Whether you classify them as wingnuts or not, the mind loss penetrated pretty widely in the Republican Party.
And you completely failed to answer my question.
I’m glad that liberals here think that discussing a possible murder is “funning”.
I can hardly think of a better example of their moral bankruptcy.
Tim F
In a year Rick will be spreading nasty rumors about Rove’s sentencing judge. As trolls go the guy is a pro.
Back to the review, I think Loretta Dillon (the author) is functioning here not so much as a typical wingnut but as a wingnut who has had some remarkable experiences with boyfriends.
Not so much losing their minds as pulling down their mask. A formerly human husk that happens to have a heartbeat is deserving of more of society’s resources than a living child who no longer happens to be in its mother’s uterus. From birth to brain death, it’s sink or swim, survival of the fittest. But before birth and after brain death, call your Senator, get the federal government involved because it’s “culture of life” time.
Jon H
It’s amazing that people put so much emphasis on defining ‘life’ as a heartbeat and breathing, when those are two functions that can be provided by machines and/or transplants, while the only organ that defies transplantation or emulation, the brain, is considered irrelevant.
Tim F – I wonder why you find the need to call Rick a troll, considering he’s been reading this site for quite some time before all you lefties showed up. You called me a troll, without knowing that I posted comments here before you showed up. Plus, I’ve read this blog for years, and occassionally commented on movie threads. Quit throwing troll words around.
Rick’s point about the Dane’s is a good one. A hospital just implemented the Groningen Protocol to euthanize children under age 12, if severely disabled. What a nice Nazi-like ring to the name.
Groningen is a city in the Netherlands (not Denmark). Protocol is a word you can look up in a dictionary.
What you mistake for a Nazi-like ring is probably due to having overdosed on Robert Ludlum novels (The Balloon Juice Memorandum), which you’ve apparently mistaken for reality.
Your right, it is the Netherland’s, and here is one link. Still sounds pretty horrific to me, since these protocols are put in place for people with no free will. Nice. The Nazi’s started with the handicapped, for their own good, you know.
Please remember, people, that I took no side in the Schiavo matter, so lumping me in with “fundies” will be met with derision.
And you completely failed to answer my question.
No, I didn’t, but you *completely failed* to read my comment before getting your feathers in a fuss.
“Euthanasia (and I believe will be followed by another manifestation of eugenics) is creeping into this country…”
See? One, followed by the other. One is not synonymous with the other, though there is some connection.
I have a living will, and don’t know a soul, or a “formerly human husk,” who has any problem with them. Maybe some do, but there’s no question who’s “making the call” in a living will, so objectors have no standing.
And snitrocket–It isn’t birth patterns that concerns me, it’s the quality of life judgments passed by 3d party “experts” that is the worry. Soylent Green is People.
A poster-boy for the new, completely divorced from reality right wing.
Balloon Juice dissent is patriotic!
Yes! By questioning the Balloon Juice narritive of pre-emptive leftism in the comments, we are fulfilling our duty as patriotic reality right wing peeps. I am strong in the dissent, hear me ROAR!
Tim F
I called you a troll because in reply to some guy’s post you remarked that you pissed him off, without actually responding to anything that he said. That looked and smelled like troll behavior. Since then I haven’t seen anything else to support the idea that you are a troll so I changed my mind. Maybe that other guy really was a jerk and deserved the brush-off you gave him.
About Rick, do you honestly think that he supports the Schiavo nuts? To me he seems a bit urbane to be a fundie. Our friend is the spitting twin of a guy who went by “Ricky,” “Bob Cat” and “Jennifer” at the Atlantic and “Bob Katz” among many others at the NYT boards. Among trolls a true professional. In the end I don’t really care whether our “Rick” is the same guy or not, troll behavior speaks for itself.
Hey, you guys need what we right wing troll types call a sense of humor. Stat!
That book review was awesome! It reminds me that I have to go out and buy that book. By the way, how many of you Schiavo defenders have ever seen any of his interviews on TV? The ones I saw on Larry King were enough for me. I’ve seen too many Dark Heart Iron Hand on latenite MSNBC to not know the face and the speech.
Scott Chaffin
Who’s lost their damned minds? More likely the guy who’s written 180 “Last Word on Schiavo” posts.
Hey at least Terri Schiavo can live on forever in our blogs, if not in life.
it’s the quality of life judgments passed by 3d party “experts” that is the worry.
You are, of course, referring to Frist here, right?
Why do the Fetus People love Terri so much?
Because brain-dead people are just like a fetus in that tehy don’t have any inconvenient opinions–you can dress them up in whatever litte outfit your heart desires.
Control freaks always begin with those least able to resist them.