Here is the post for you to tell me what is wrong with the site and what needs to be fixed.
Oh yeah- If I forgot a permalink for you, please let me know.
Does anyone know how to enable trackbacks? And are pop-up comments a possibility?
by John Cole| 35 Comments
This post is in: Previous Site Maintenance
Here is the post for you to tell me what is wrong with the site and what needs to be fixed.
Oh yeah- If I forgot a permalink for you, please let me know.
Does anyone know how to enable trackbacks? And are pop-up comments a possibility?
Comments are closed.
Well, like how your name and email shows up automatically now, that’s one thing.
I miss having the comments open while you can read the main page.
I miss how you scroll down all the way and get to the end, instead of not knowing with the ‘next pages’ how much more there is.
I miss the ‘preview’ on the comments
I miss the gray color.
I miss it all!
Darius K.
When I try to go to a pre-redesign post from Bloglines, I get a 404 error.
Too much credence given to Oliver Willis’ comments. Ignore them. That’s what’s wrong with the site.
Oh, you meant the design? Fine, although I did feel nothing was wrong with the old one.
You could use standard capitalization (“Redesign”). More seriously, I think a two column format would suit, and if you used drop down plugins, it wouldn’t effect the blog roll at all.
Empty list element under “to the left”
Text size changer to the top [possibly in blue bar below banner, would have to resize text & images]
contact info? [again, possibly in blue bar]
Comment preview, definately.
More cowbell.
I like it. If I had any $$$ to $pare I’d $end them too.
cj in MI
One other suggestion: separate “Center to Right” into “Center” and “Right.” I’m curious about how the groupings would shake out (and I suspect that people you think of as “Center” are considered pretty far to the right by Democrats or GHWB Republicans).
Tim F
Rather than alphabetically, the blogroll should be ordered by how long it’s been since they linked to you.
I had some other comments in an email awhile back, but I’ve already forgotten what they were. Easter eggs might be cool.
John Cole
Working on that. Should be a few days.
Maybe in the future when I get comfortable with WP. This is the ‘for now’ look.
Monkeys might fly out of my butt, too. It took long enough to get that working with all the .rdf feeds.
An idea.
A Blue Donkey in the upper left corner.
Quickie question: Did you mean for the site links to go to the parent domain []? I manually entered a couple links using just and they seemed to work fine.
…both go to the same place.
Just one of those things that search engines will pick up, as well as statcounters…might not see all your traffic data recorded correctly, otherwise its not that big a deal.
Where are the rightwing nutcases? Don’t you love us anymore?
Awaiting moderation? Guessing because I submitted it from the…. type in.
John Cole
Clever- Patience. It takes time for things to sync up.
Baldilocks- fixed. Sorry for the oversight.
Personally, I think you should eliminate the “Three column” approach, and just do your blogroll under the ads.
Sorry. Too much coffee and coding today.
O.F. Jay
John, don’t forget to set your domain name in the options if you want to keep using Otherwise WP will keep using as the site’s domain. OH yeah, think I can make it on your blogroll now? :-p
The only problem I have is that when hovering over links in Mozilla, they turn to black-on-black. Quite annoying.
I’ve noticed that comments will appear and disappear, such as in the newest immigration post, my comment disappeared for 10 minutes, then came back but was ordered differently than before.
Your RSS Feed is not loading the live bookmarks.
John Cole
Dave- I have no earthly idea what that means.
The Commissar
Technically, you seem to be at about my level – knows just enough to be dangerous. :)
Trackbacks on WordPress are not so good. They work, but each one is manual. Movable Type ‘discovered’ TB’s automatically. As near as I can find out, you have to paste the target TB URL into that box in your control panel.
As far as incoming TB’s go, it seems you have to monkey around a bit with your templates to display the Trackback URL for your readers.
After endless mucking around, I finally determined to solve one of the TB issues first (either incoming OR outgoing). When that on was resolved, onkly then did I swithc my attention to the other aspect.
Email me if I can be of more help on this.
Jim Henley
I’ll second Neil’s complaint about the link-hover color.
John-To enable pop-up comments, simply add the line
somewhere inbetween the and tags of your template. The two numbers are the dimensions of the window.
I’m going to play with the auto-Trackback feature and see if I can’t get it to behave.
Looking good, thanks for going with the elctric blue. I shall now perform a commenting
jujitsutest.We should get a bottle of Laphroig sent to us on our 500th comment. Just send the cheap stuff for the 100th.
Posted in other thread, how can this remember my info, so I don’t have to type my name and email over and over?
Scott Chaffin
My old eyes are complaining about the small text combined with the width of the center column…
John Cole
Scott- I have seen pictures of you. You aren’t old- not even by a stretch. Please tell me you are joking.
If not, hit the text enlargening function down in the lower right.
Jane Finch
Call me a liberal reactionary, but I liked the old one fine. Like Scott says…it’s all out of proportion now.
I absolutely agree with JaneFinch that the old design was great. John, you say that the old design was hard for some to read but I think this new design is hard to read. This text is too skinny, not bold enough.
Mr Furious
The top banner link back to the main page is NOT working for me anymore. It did for a while yesterday. At the time it was working, the banner appeared centered. It is now back flush left.
I am on a Mac, using Safari.
UPDATE: I just tried the site in Explorer. The banner is centered on the main page and on a comment page, and the link works.
The Commissar
You should show your RSS feed URL in your sidebar. An earlier commenter said something about “new bookmarks not showing in RSS.” I think that means that your old RSS feed URL no longer applies. It likely changed when you switched to WP.
Don’t know if it’s a bug or a feature (or maybe I just missed it), but I couldn’t find a link to send some e-mail your way.
(Incidentally, I was just going to send you a pointer to a copy of a letter posted by TPM from former CIA agents to Congressional leaders regarding talking points about Plame being undercover or not.
Decided Fencesitter
Just testing to see if I can post here.
How can I get it to remember my info for commenting?