This is just weird:
The Roanoke Wal-Mart tried to turn its store into the retail version of a singles bar, designating “flirt points” and providing shopping cart bows to identify shoppers on the prowl for love, but enough customers complained to spoil the fun for everyone else. The Bentonville HQ ordered the Roanoke store to shut down its cruising night.
Oh, man. What was that line from When Harry Met Sally?
Walmart has been doing this successfully in Germany. I guess this was an attempt to start date night in America.
Tim F
Some supermarkets have been doing this in the US for awhile. The head office might have used “complaints” as an excuse to stifle independent initiative on the part of the local manager. Wal-Mart doesn’t like that.
Jon H
If there were complaints, perhaps there were gay people participating. For lots of people, seeing gay people flirt at WalMart would be tantamount to seeing a full-on same-sex orgy in Housewares.
OT: To the people who claim that Valerie Plame wasn’t undercover because she worked in McLean, note the following from the CIA website, which refers to high-level officials in the CIA who work at headquarters but are undercover:
The Executive Director of the Central Intelligence Agency is currently under cover and cannot be named at the present time. Assisted by an Executive Board and the Directorate of Support, the EXDIR manages the CIA on a day-to day basis.
The Directorate of Intelligence, the analytical branch of the CIA, is responsible for the production and dissemination of all-source intelligence analysis on key foreign issues. The current director is John A. Kringen.
The Directorate of Operations is responsible for the clandestine collection of foreign intelligence. The current director is under cover and cannot be named at the present time.