Here are some quick links of things I have read today:
Publius Pundit discusses trade v. aid in Africa.
Gerry Daly revisits the Hillary Clinton/DLC issue.
Jeff Goldstein examines the testimony from the Plame hearings in Congress. Ok, not really.
Macho Nachos notes the blatant pandering yesterday by Mitt Romney- “Why does Mitt Romney think we can’t recognize when we’re being pandered to?”
Hugh Hewitt notes I sometimes ‘kick him like a flat tire in the rain.’ Only when I think you are wrong, Hugh, and only because you are better than the rest of the radio voices out there on the right, and I expect more.
Der Commisar provides about the only possible humorous angle regarding Hanoi Jane’s recently announced Crisco tour/protest.
Rick Moran reviews the possibility of George Allen in 2008.
The PhotoDude dabbles in stream of consciousness blogging.
The DailyPundit examines Zimbabwe.
Kevin Srum provides some Harry Potter spoilers.
Red State announces a merger, of sorts.
Harry Atkinson
New Qunnipiac Poll shows Bush’s approval dropping to 41%. Rumors are the impending Zogby number will show Bush falling through the 40% floor for the first time. Any speculation on the 2008 Republican nominee (George Allen?) should also include the caveat that by the time Bush gets done it very well be worth less than a warm bucket of spit. My take is McCain will eventually decide it just isn’t worth the bother, leaving it one of the knuckledraggers so common to the GOP these days.
Emma Zahn
Isn’t “stream of consciousness blogging” kind of redundant?
Richard T
I looked all over the page for any reference to Hugh Hewitt or Tancredo and didn’t find it. Am I blind, or is it a bad link?
Talk about damning with faint praise.
I am outraged, shrill even, that Mr. Cole has so misrepresented my words as “stream of consciousness blogging,” leading to consternation for fine netizens like Emma.
The linked article is clearly titled “Random Stream of Miscellany,” as I would never dip random strangers in to a real stream of my conciousness, not without level four chem-bio protection. My insurance won’t cover it.
As for Mr. Cole, I expect an immediate front page retraction. Or a beer.
Actually, I’d prefer the beer.
Ever listen to Dennis Prager? BTW, as Richard T said, Hugh has a bad link so no one can tell what the ‘kicking’ was about.
John Cole
Retief- That wasn’t meant to be damning with faint praise. I meant it as a straight up compliment. I think he is smarter than every other radio host out there, and a much more articulate advocate for conservative viewpoints than many individuals. And there is no doubt he is politically astute.
I just get mad at him when he sounds like an RNC press release- there are enough folks out there doing that.
Tim F
OT heads-up re a subject I’ve been yammering about for some time.
Back on topic, Hugh Hewitt is a complete nimrod. Being better than Michael Savage simply makes him a numrod capable of feeding himself without assistance.
Tim F
Ay, there’s the rub. Don’t mistake Movement Conservatism for the real thing. Hewitt is MC to the core.
There certainly are enough people out there adding their echos to the chamber. If you think Hugh is capable of better than that, I’ll gladly take your word for it and give him a try. I had not noticed such a capacity in the past but then, I mostly noticed him when he was committing some outrage.
Pan is a non...
You really ought to check out the excellent FP/Anti-Bolton party going on over at The Washington Note. I know serious policy discussion isn’t your thing, John, but this is a great congregation of moderate voices with experience and vision for a bipartisan foreign policy.