Atrios wants us to be shocked at this:
What prompted the committee’s entry into the Schmidt-Hackett race was a comment made by Hackett in a USA Today article published Thursday. Hackett, talking about his service as a marine in Iraq, is quoted as saying, “I’ve said I don’t like the son-of-a-b— that lives in the White House. But I’d put my life on the line for him.”
Because Hackett said that, Forti said, “we decided to bury him.”
Look, when a candidate is running around calling the President a ‘son-of-a-bitch,’ it is only natural that the opposition would want to make sure his candidacy fails. Hackett, to his credit, was on Hardball last night (I will link the transcript when it is up), and stated, essentially, that he has launched his shots and can take as good as he gives (and he quoted Truman).
Mr Furious
I LOVE this guy!
That’s a whole lot less than the crap the Repubs pulled against Clinton both before and after he was elected.
I can’t believe they have the balls to be shocked by something as trivial as this.
But then the Repubs are becoming the party of hypocrisy.
John, it’s hardly about Hackett not being able to take it. It’s about fundraising.
I thought Republican’s like the plain speech? You know, “bring it on” and stuff like that. The kind of speech that puts our soldiers and ground-war support civilians in harms way.
Who would you rather drink a beer with? Isn’t that the really important question?
Another Jeff
“that’s a whole lot less than the Repubs pulled against Clinton…blah, blah, blah”
Can we establish some type of ground rules for when it’s okay to bring up Clinton and when it’s not? I thought that since Clinton wasn’t President anymore, nobody was allowed to ever mention him again.
Geek, Esq.
Jeesh. They’re trying to bury him because it spells BIG trouble in 2006 if he wins.
Proposed rule: When someone can point to a situation that is valid and legitimate, which details that the person on “your side” does something wrong/immoral/incoherent/embarrassing/disagreeable/etc., it is perfectly reasonable to respond to the news with something OTHER than one more incarnation of “well, the other guys are still worse”, especially since that line of reasoning is narrow minded, ill-conceived, remedial and represents the debating tactics most often used by 6 year olds.
Is there a second?
“it is perfectly reasonable to respond to the news with something OTHER than one more incarnation of “well, the other guys are still worse”, especially since that line of reasoning is narrow minded, ill-conceived, remedial and represents the debating tactics most often used by 6 year olds.”
Isn’t that also known as the tu coque form of argument?
Heh. I said “coque”.
Me too. I hope that he is the model for the Democrat of the future. Somebody who’ll cut the crap and spell the end for the likes of Biden and Lieberman.
As for calling Bush a “son of a bitch?” That’s called “damning with faint praise.”
“ppGaz Says:
I LOVE this guy!
Me too. I hope that he is the model for the Democrat of the future. Somebody who’ll cut the crap and spell the end for the likes of Biden and Lieberman.”
In other words, someone that has absolutely no interest whatsoever in bringing the country together. And here I was thinking that was one of your criticisms of Bush…
I love this guy too. Gave him $10.
When when Republicans run into a Democrat who isn’t a mealy mouthed gimp (“waa, stop hitting me”) they get a case of vapors and have to clutch their hankies to their bosoms and ask for the smelling salts. If the dems ever want to be a majority party again they’re going to have to fling poo as well as the Rs do. This is a good start.
I’m sorry … did you have an interest in bringing the country together?
By all means, the floor is yours …………
Take all the time you need.
They’re going to have to show that calling a spade a spade is more American than mealy-mouthed doublespeak.
I’d never call George Bush just a sonofabitch. That’s giving sons of bitches everywhere a bad name.
Given that reporters have been called @ssh0les and Cheney dropped the F-bomb in the U.S. Capitol, I’d say Hackett’s not exactly blazing new ground, here. So is it cool if the GOP starts (or rather, continues) using strong language against Democrats?
Personally, I’m curious whether Hackett is still in the service. If so, DoD could drop the hammer on him under the UCMJ for publicly attacking the CinC.
“ppGaz Says:
In other words, someone that has absolutely no interest whatsoever in bringing the country together.
I’m sorry … did you have an interest in bringing the country together?
By all means, the floor is yours …………
Take all the time you need.”
Now that would be rude of me to go first, since you clearly had the thought in mind from the very start.
Calling Bush a son of a bitch isan unprovoked attack on Barbara Bush. Is that really nescessary to win an election? Atttacking mothers? I prefer ‘incompetent jackass’ to ‘son of a bitch’.
Richard Bottoms
Mr. Hackett sounds like a straight talking hombre to me. Lest one forgets he was one of those Marine warriors we love so much, no snark really, and representative of Democrats who have had it absolutly up to here with taking crap of any kind from Republicans.
It’s all modesty and civility please, except when using a whispering campaign about being a pedophile against your opponent.
“In one indicative move for a seat on the bench, Rove drove up the negatives of the well-respected sitting Democratic Judge Mark Kennedy by circulating rumors that Kennedy was a child molester. It didn’t phase Rove that Kennedy was well-known in the state for his work on behalf of abused children: Kennedy had served with the Children’s Trust Fund of Alabama, founded the Corporate Foundation for Children and at the time of the whisper campaign, he held the position of president in the National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect. He convinced a number of students and professors at the University of Alabama law school that his opponent was a pedophile and these transmitters promptly relayed the message.”
Mr. Hackett, please go kick their asses.
With the way things are going, by the time 2008 rolls around, a significant majority will likely agree with Hackett.
John S.
Are we still positing on whether Bush is a uniter or a divider? I think the facts speak for themselves…
With me, you need to be careful about putting words in other peoples’ mouths, my mealy-mouthed friend.
The thought I had in mind is that some jackass named George W. Bush pimped a slogan: “I’m a uniter, not a divider.”
And like everything else he says, it turned out to 180 degrees out from reality.
He’s your monkey, you train him. Not my job.
Otto Man
Hey, they only have control of the House, the Senate, the Presidency, and the Supreme Court. What do you want them to do from such a powerless position? Lead?
Defense Guy
I find it especially amusing that some of the left leaning folks believe that the Dems have been playing a clean game up until now, and that having a “dirty talkers” is going to be helpful for you all.
I take it as a sign that you haven’t yet recovered your senses yet and will continue to lose elections. Nice.
I did, until the Chimp explained, during the debates, that it is all Hard Work.
Who knew?
james richardson
“That we are to stand by the president, right or wrong is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
Theodore Roosevelt
yes, public dissent is bad! what does he think this is, a free country?
Shocked? I dunno shocked. Are we allowed to think it’s stupid? Spending money not on where it is needed, or to defeat candidates who hold positions most opposed to R goals but because the opposition is a big meanie-pants? *shrug* The RNC can spend its money where it wishes but I don’t know why they’d want to claim their prime mover is spite.
Andrew J. Lazarus
Anyone believe that the RNC would be interested if Hackett had called GWB an SOB and was 40 behind in the polls like the previous Democratic candidate.?
Me neither.
I said it in the 3rd comment and I’ll say it again. This is about fundraising, not about spite or who called who a poopyhead. Hackett calls the President a bad word, and the RNC uses it to get people fired up. The RNC says a mean thing about Hackett, and the Dems use it to get people fired up. “Quick, send your money to OH-02, the bad guys just came over the hill with tanks!” Neither side is actually outraged here, although the people sending money might well be.
Hate to admit this, but I kind of admire Hackett’s moxy.
“ppGaz Says:
The thought I had in mind is that some jackass named George W. Bush pimped a slogan: “I’m a uniter, not a divider.”
And like everything else he says, it turned out to 180 degrees out from reality.
He’s your monkey, you train him. Not my job.”
That was a mistake on his part I agree. I like the new George Bush far more. Basically he seems intent on driving Liberals so bonkers they all want to move to Canada. I like that plan…
Funny how you never hear the liberals hoping that people will flee the country.
No, although plenty of liberals (I was one of them at the time) “threatened” to flee the country (don’t throw us in that briar patch …) in 2000, and again last fall …
Not at all the same thing. And how many actually left? Probably not many because they decided they had to stay to fight to get their country back.
Liberals are being told that if they don’t like the way things are, they can get out. What an American thing to say.
Oh, I’d never say “love it or leave it.” It’s a dumb thing to say.
I don’t know who is saying that, though, except maybe freaks like Ann Coulter. But then, your freaks seem to enjoy calling people who disagree with them Nazis, etc. Lots of rhetorical feces being flung from both sides.