Does anyone have any updated information on the Hackett/Schmidt Ohio Race? Like, for example, exit poll data.
I really don’t care who wins- Schmidt, by all accounts, should be defeated for her horrible record on fiscal issues, and has not covered herself with grace in the past few weeks of the campaign. On the other hand, I am evil enough to wish for a Hackett wash to watch the left wing of the blogosphere explode into a frothing mad rage.
Either way, it is a win for me. But I am still interested.
*** Updates ***
Thanks to the coments section, results can be found here. Also available here at Red State.
Already, it looks much closer than I thought it would be, but we know how election tabulations go…
I don’t see how Hackett can win. Bush won the district by 40 points in 2004.
I have to admit that from what I have read Schmidt is not so great. She should have come clean about her associations with Noe associates. You’re not going to catch me calling Coingate a tempest in a teapot. It’s a real scandal.
The district is heavily Republican. It would be no surprise if Hackett lost. Since the Repubs haven’t attacked him as a veteran, they must be feeling pretty confident.
Moe Lane
I was looking, too: but I think that this was under a lot of people’s radar until about two days ago.
Come on, whoever that is spoofing DougJ, cut it out already. We all know that Coingate is an example of the pinko Democrat party expressing their hatred of free enterprise and trying to destroy a responsible businessman.
I’ll eat one of my (smallest) hats if Hackett wins, or even comes within five points of winning. If Schmidt doesn’t take it by at least 15 points, though, look for the Rethugs to do some serious soul-searching. OH-2 should be an absolute cakewalk, even for damaged goods like Schmidt, and if it isn’t…
Doctor Gonzo
First, Republicans have attacked Hackett’s service: Limbaugh has called him a “staff puke” who didn’t really serve.
Second, why would lefties explode into a mad rage if Hackett wins? I don’t get it.
Sojourner… No, they have. A few times.
Mike S
Sure they have. Even Rush, anal cyst, Limbaugh called him a “staff puke.”
It’s still bizarre that Pat DeWine didn’t win the primary. Schmidt is such an unimpressive candidate.
Brad R.
I am evil enough to wish for a Hackett wash to watch the left wing of the blogosphere explode into a frothing mad rage.
What, the Bolton appointment didn’t satisfy your fix?
Seriously, Hackett all the way. If we can’t beat a candidate like Schmidt, we’re in bigger trouble than I thought.
Actually, his military record has been attacked twice. The second attack took place early this morning.
I did a quick look [10 mins] for anything about an exit poll on this race and here’s the only mention I found:
Might be a left-leaning source, but I don’t think they’d make up the “no exit polls”.
Well, I for one hope Hackett wins. Not that he’s my Congressman or that I’ll lose any sleep over it if he loses, it’s just that I’ve seen Jean Schmidt on television and she seems to be nothing but a group of talking points wrapped up in one person. In other words, like every other politician in Washington. Plus, I can’t lie, the fact that Hackett has been to Iraq appeals to me. I also agree with his libertarian outlook on various political issues. Of course, I’m not expecting a win, the NRCC has out spent him bigtime from what I’ve read, the district is a Republican one, but in all I think he’d be a nice addition to Congress.
Oh, and John, I don’t think you’ll see too much outrage on left if Hackett loses. I was just at Dailykos and they’re treating this election more of an expirement than as an absolute have-to-win deal. From what I’ve read, people there will be happy to have a loss that’s under 15%.
“On the other hand, I am evil enough to wish for a Hackett wash to watch the left wing of the blogosphere explode into a frothing mad rage.”
Now, now John, spare us your snark, why don’t you give some real commentary? If we don’t get any justice this go-around, all we have to do is wait until the election cycle of 2006, there are bound to be some Republicans going down in flames, most notably, Randy “Duke” Cunningham our esteemed Congressman from San Diego for his extra-legal shenanigans involving real estate and defense contracts.
Vladi G
On the other hand, I am evil enough to wish for a Hackett wash to watch the left wing of the blogosphere explode into a frothing mad rage.
I don’t think many, if any, on the left are really predicting victory. The previous officeholder won consistently by 50 points. Anything within 10 or 12 points should be an embarrassment for the local Republican party.
Rusty Shackleford
I wonder if the Republicans voting for Schmidt over Hackett will at least have the decency to remove their “Support the Troops” bumper magnet before driving to their polling place.
eileen from OH
I know (or hope) that you’re being facetious/flippant, John. But it’s rather disappointing. I would think that you would be encouraged by the election of a libertarian-leaning candidate (which Hackett is) of either party. Or if not encouraged, at least not willing to take accept a trade-off of his loss for an opportunity to chortle at the leftie blogs. If Hackett loses, it won’t be a surprise to any of us. But if he even comes close, it will be a wake-up call to your party. Isn’t that what you would like?
eileen from OH
Eileen from OH, any particular feelings about how the race will come down? Everything I’ve read so far (mostly lefty sites) seems to indicate a Schmidt win. Any insight available from your area of Ohio?
Geek, Esq.
Look for GOP fundraising efforts to dry up like the Sahara if Schmidt loses. This would be like the Democrats losing D.C. to a Republican.
It would be shocking for Hackett to come within 10-15 points, historically speaking. A win is barely conceivable.
John Cole
What? I can’t even snark anymore? Sheesh.
Oh hell John, snark away.
Cynical Nation
From what I’m hearing, the DNC is starting to claim that 45% for Hackett would represent a ‘huge victory.’ Sounds like damage control to me. Sounds like the exit poll data shows Hackett going down with 45%.
With the exception of some of his over-the-top anti-Bush rhetoric, Hackett seems like exactly the kind of candidate I could support. And his campaign has relied heavily on his pro-gun, pro-military stance. As much as the MoveOn crowd would love to spin his race as a victory for the progressive cause, to me it just says that when a Democrat runs as a Republican in a Republican district against a lackluster non-incumbent, he can do pretty well. BFD.
I certainly wouldn’t put it past my party to reduce expectations, but, in this case, I think the DNC is pretty serious. The Cook Report marks OH-2 as R+13 over the past few races, so doing significantly better than 60-40 would be a serious victory.
That said, Jean Schmidt is damaged goods, so it’s not at all clear to me whether that’s a reasonable judgement in this case.
Cynical Nation, I guess I differ with you. Paul Hackett has never made any bones about being pro-choice in an anti-choice district, at least from what I’ve read. He’s also criticized President Bush’s most recent rounds of taxcuts, not exactly a platform to grab conservative voters with in a conservative district. Last, from what you can see here at these posts at DKos and also here at MyDD, posts dated days ago, some of the most prominent lefty bloggers have acknowledged all along that this race is a near impossible win. Their goal was to field a strong candidate in a tough-to-win area to see how things would turn out. Don’t get me wrong, I think they’d like a win (as I would), but are not expecting one.
Here is a page which will have the results as they come in:
A 10 point gap. Something for everyone (kidding)
mac Buckets
I’m not sure this race says much about 2006 at all. It’s an open seat, a bad GOP candidate, and a Iraq veteran running for the Dems.
If you think that translates to 2006, where in order to gain on the majority, the Dems must beat many proven winners (with the benefits of incumbency) with lesser-known candidates who are more-than-likely not veterans of Iraq, then I’d say you’re fairly high on crack.
I’d say you’re putting words in my mouth, let’s just hop into the wayback machine, and take a look at exactly what I did say:
…If we don’t get any justice this go-around, all we have to do is wait until the election cycle of 2006, there are bound to be some Republicans going down in flames,…
And there it is, I said nothing of the kind, all I stated was that there were bound to be some Republicans going down in 2006. Nowhere did I state that this would translate into a Democratic Majority in Congress in 2006, you said that.
Can I have some of what you’re smoking? Because you’re high on something.
Off topic, but did anyone see that Bill First was not invited to Justice Sunday II. I guess he really does know he’ll never get the nomination in 2008.
Don Surber
Does the vote-for-the-vet crowd support Hiram Lewis in his battle next year against that guy who sat out World War II racking in big bucks welding?
I don’t have an anal cyst, I have a DD214. That make me a better candidate for Congress than say Barney Frank?
Good point, Don.
It would also make you a better candidate than Rush Limbaugh, Lying Nazi Whore. But then again, so would I since I also have a DD214.
Hey Republicans, here’s a crap-your-pants alert,
US HOUSE Ohio 2nd Dist
56 precincts of 753 reporting
PAUL HACKETT 6,562 51%
JEAN SCHMIDT 6,276 49%
You can find that little gem here.
mac Buckets
I assume you think I was responding to your earlier post. I was not (hint: I use blockquotes if I’m addressing a particular post). I was just referring to the general attitude of some Democrats, as expressed on Kos, DU, and here, that this OH2 race is any sort of substantive prelude to 2006.
Incidentally, I’m just high on life. And Grolsch.
mac Buckets
No, that would violate their bumper-sticker: “Support the Democrat Troops.”
<snark>You just go on thinking that</snark>.
The single best indicator of trouble in a party’s control of Congress is a mid-term by-election going against it. If Schmidt loses, the Republican kierarchy will do things: publicly leak stories about how bad a campaign she ran, and privately start polishing up resumes. Now, if Schmidt loses, pigs will fly, but…
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Grolsch!
Well that’s a good one to be high on. I may not agree with your politics, but I salute your choice of beer.
Yes we know how “tabulation” goes with you repugs…
If you know anything about the area, this map will show you how Republican Ohio’s Second Congressional District is. You have the rich eastern Cincinnati suburbs coupled with mostly rural Ohio River areas:
Definitely not a “must win” for the Democrats. Embarassing for the Republicans to even have it close.
Cynical Nation
Alleging fraud means never having to admit you lost, right, Jill? ;-)
Well, it certainly worked that way for Dino (“Sore Loser”) Rossi in Washington State’s last Gubernatorial election.
I just checked the results at 10:20pm and Schmidt only leads Hackett by 800 votes. He may pull it off.
I believe it was John who said “we know how tabulation goes”, right, CynicalNation?
I guess that the Repub’s will start changing votes in those 91 precincts still not in. As of 10:48pm the results have not changed. There are 672 precincts reported out of 753 and the vote is 50/50 with Schmidt leading by only 800 votes.
I assume that the final tally won’t be in until late in the night when its easier to steal votes.
M. Scott Eiland
I assume that the final tally won’t be in until late in the night when its easier to steal votes.
Step on in–the “Sore Loser Chorus” always sounds better when it’s at least a quartet.
Otto Man
The margin was four points, Demimondian. Hope you’ve got some steak sauce for that hat.