Props to WV Blogger Don Surber, who made the Opinion Journal’s Best of the Web today:
West Virginia’s Sen. Robert Byrd “is running scared,” according to blogger Don Surber, a Mountain State journalist. Last week, as Surber noted, the National Republican Senatorial Committee began airing anti-Byrd ads, and now Byrd is airing back. Surber transcribes the Byrd ad:
Announcer: Out-of-state special interests are running false attack ads against our Sen. Robert Byrd. Their agenda: privatize social security and tax breaks for companies that ship our jobs overseas.
Man in blue shirt: I’m Sgt. Jared Towner and I served in Iraq. Sen. Byrd has provided for us, bringing jobs to West Virginia, funding schools and hospitals, protecting our jobs and supporting our troops.
Byrd: I’m Robert Byrd. I approved this ad because the people of West Virginia deserve the truth.
Noting that Byrd “never was re-elected by less than 30 percent,” Surber sees the early ad as a show of weakness: “West Virginia may have its first truly contest Senate race in 22 years.”
Good show.
Nathan Lanier
Excellent. I check out Don everyday. *high five.
Byrd’s fate will be sealed if/when he gets endorsed by Kos.
Don Surber
Thanks, John. You have been very kind to me and your comments section shows a tolerance that frankly I do not have
Rome Again
I gotta tell you John, I have respect for the fact that he carries a copy of our Constitution in his pocket and tries to educate others about what it says; but to be quite honest, any member of the Democratic party who once belonged to an organization of racist bigots either started out with little to no marbles and developed them late (and must therefore apologize profusely, publicly and often in admitting he did those things but finally realized how wrong it was) or never had the integrity that a Democratic senator should have (of course, quite a few of our Dem congresspeople these days don’t have much integrity at all and I fully admit that.) I would never vote for him personally. I guess it is a good thing for him that I don’t live in West Virginia.
We both seem to be in the same boat don’t we? Both of us disappointed by our respective parties.