If you were a casual news consumer, you might not know the backstory and find this headline a bit amusing:
Democrats celebrate narrow U.S. House loss in Ohio
Hell, I know the backstory, and I think it is funny. In a serious vein, Michael Barone blogs why Republicans should be worried. (via Instapundit)
If a Republican lost a race for the MA 4th district (Barney Frank’s home base) by 4 points after the DNC declared it would “bury him” and spent half a million bucks in a special election race, Republicans would celebrate.
As well they should.
Republicans do well to be worried. Republicans in OH in particular are on the verge of losing power by virtue of the sheer baldness of their own corruption.
Too bad for them.
Cheers –
M. Scott Eiland
The difference being, of course, that Barney Frank is a popular, multi-term incumbent and Jean Schmidt isn’t.
W.B. Reeves
True enough but if Frank were to have resigned and it were to lesser known wannabes in contention, Russell’s point would remain valid.
M Scott –
Leave Frank aside.
If the Republicans lost *any* congressional district in, for instance, eastern MA, with or without incumbent, by a mere four points after the DNC promised to “bury” their candidate and spent half a million bucks, they’d be crowing.
As well they should.
Schmidt won by the skin of her teeth when it should have been a layup. Unlike some, I don’t see this as indicating some great groundswell of support for Democrats. More’s the pity.
There are a number of reasons why Hackett, specifically, did well in *this particular race*. One of those reasons is the fact that OH voters, Republican and otherwise, are sick of the clownish, bald-faced corruption of the OH GOP.
It’s not my state, not my party, and not my problem. I’m just pointing out the obvious.
Cheers –
Blue Neponset
Why does anyone link to Mike Barone:
To me, not losing 26 might be more of an indication that a good showing by a Dem in a special election in a heavily Republican district doesn’t mean anything.
Now, to be fair, it would have been slightly more of a victory if the Dems had actually won. Schmitt was a horrible candidate who’s only merits included a memory sharp enough to parrot the party line without cue cards and an inability to give a straight answer to a direct question (that’s a merit in politics FYI). If ever there was a race the Dems should have won – even in a heavily Republican district – this was it. Contrary to the Dems assertion that they’ve got Republicans on the run, this election might just prove that you can still put one over on 52% of the population by being a RNC automoton. Schmitt is going straight into Tom DeLay’s back pocket and I don’t think anyone here even slightly doubts that.
That said, winning 48% of the vote in OH-02 would be like winning 48% of the vote in the Crawford Ranch area. Sure it’s not a win, but its still just not supposed to happen.
Otto Man
Where else can you get gems of alternate-reality wisdom like this?
Pure comedy gold.
Point is the RNC said they’d “bury” Paul Hackett. A 4% margin is not buried. He put up a great fight.
Paul Hackett went on Pacifica radio and started the whole Republicans are unAmerican rant. Real class act, glad he lost.
I read on Kos that if all congressional districts made a 12-point shift from R to D, the Dems would have 73 seats.
Impeachment, anyone?
Argh. GAIN 73 seats.
I deserve whatever you hit me with.