Off to a training seminar until this evening. Wage your comments wars here, please. To get the flame war started, I offer you this:
“Is there anything dumber than blaming American columnists for an uptick in domestic violence against Muslims in England post 7/7?”
Also, find the irony in this:
Not until people are completely hateful towards each other can we expect the violence to escalate to acceptably high levels. Keep at it, dickwads, and hopefully one day everyone will be completely suspicious of everyone else and no one will have a moment’s peace.
Additional bonus irony- the author of the previous statement systematically rejects the notion that Newsweek discussing Koran abuse sparked riots.
mac Buckets
Yes, Pandagon is a hateful, retarded waste of carbon.
So, who got eliminated on INXS last night? My TiVo didn’t get it, and I was at a ballgame.
So having all the righty pundits screaming at English reporting methods (not calling terrorists terrorists, etc) is ok? I’ve heard every one of them doing it, as if a label is going to make violence somehow stop, or its going to place a big T lightbulb flash on over every potential terrorist around the world.
What I’m getting at is that mistreatment of Arab swarthy types isn’t making the world safer. Its going to create an alienation and dehumanization that is only going to create an ever deepening division between the White Western World and the Islamic world. Making them afraid of the West will only make them more suspicious and determined.
But keep preaching hatred of Arabs, keep playing to the fears of simple people that the Islamicists hate us for our way of life, and therefore want everyone else to die. Its really going to just create an endless war that will have no humanitarian style end. The division is widening and instead of trying to create bridges, you knock down all of the existing ones and curse anyone that attempts to encourage new bridges.
Because its just us vs. them, right?
I don’t watch the INXS show, but I’m hoping for a miracle tonight in the BB6 household. Bye Kayser, I wish I could have stared at you longer. Sigh.
Cat blogging commencing – My 13 year old blind kitty is feeling much better, and has gained half a pound in 2 weeks. She weighed 6lb 11oz last check up, and now she weighs 7lb 4oz. She had vestibular syndrome for almost a year and she was steadily losing weight the entire time. Now she’s feeling better and eating like a Hobbit, second breakfast indeed. She started asserting her rightful place as the head of household by waking my husband up at 1:00 AM for a soft food feeding. She is feeling her oats again.
End cat blogging.
Because its just us vs. them, right?
Ummmm, yes. It’s been on all the news shows for the last 4 years.
Defense Guy
Now your just making shit up.
Wow, thanks for that excellent point, DG, you really learned me somethin gud!
Defense Guy
Well binkyboy, you are the one attempting to paint racial overtones into a fight against terrorism, so you need to learn something. Then again, you probably think that all real racial problems throughout the US history are the fault of the eeeeevil republicans, so you may be beyond help.
I’m not talking about the US, I’m talking about the Western World, which includes Europe. Dehumanizing an enemy that has no positive identification only villanizes and marginallizes those that resemble the enemy and further extends a mentality of defensiveness. Keep treating those that are on your side like they are the enemy will only convince them that their first feelings were wrong. It will be used as a further recruiting tool by those that work in the background as justification for their actions.
But hey, its not like you’re asking for genocide, right?
Defense Guy
The enemy we are fighting could give a crap what we think or what we do. They are going to do what they are going to do, as evidenced by the fact that they were doing so long before we were even willing to admit we were involved in an actual war.
Show me where this is being done. You are the one who attempted to paint a racial overtone into this, not me.
What? The dehumanization of Islamisists? lets see….
Sand nigger, oil ticks, encouraging racial profiling, calling for Islamic concentration camps, shall I go on?
I suppose you’ll want links. All of that can be found on LittleGreenTesticles or Michelle Magalagalagadingdong’s site on an almost daily basis.
Then you have the cops holding down the swarthy man and shooting him in the head 6 times, I’m sure that makes all of the friendly Islamisists feel really good about living in Britain or in America where such comments as “thats not enough, shoot him some more” can be found in excess.
And from your responses, I’ll assume you didn’t follow the links to Pandagon or onwards, which is where the original racial overtone started and what the entire thread is about…
At least I’m not shallowly talking about big brother or how Richard from Survivor is such a hot Conservative that I want to have his babies.
“What I’m getting at is that mistreatment of Arab swarthy types isn’t making the world safer. Its going to create an alienation and dehumanization that is only going to create an ever deepening division between the White Western World and the Islamic world. Making them afraid of the West will only make them more suspicious and determined.”
Well…At least all the Black Western World people will be safe. We won’t have to worry about the Terrorists killing them.
Anybody know how much a skin pigment alteration costs these days?
You seem fixated on race. Why is that the case? Noone here uses that kind of talk, so why rant at us?
Britain has problems with their multicultural policies, because it is based on division. Soccer hooligans will beat each other up over a soccer match, so a jump to beating up Asian men after suicide bombings perpetrated by integrated British Muslims does not surprise me. I think Britain has serious underlying problems with immigrants, and the lid is coming off. America doesn’t seem to have this problem because the focus of most immigrants is to live the Amercian dream of freedom of religion and thought. They become Americans, who happen to be muslim, and they just want to raise their families in peace. My muslim friends are more indicative of the majority of muslims in the world, they want peace and a better place for their children.
Britain has let the extremists that even Arab countries kick out into their country. Then they put them on welfare and give them housing while they advocate violence against Britain and the West. Britain will not extradite wanted terrorists out of their country, and now they are faced with home grown suicide bombers. It is very sad.
Mike S
Jordis did “The Man Who Sold the World” again and it was almost as amazing as the night before. She’s the only woman left I could see winning.
Another Jeff
“You seem fixated on race.”
Stormy, you noticed that too, huh?
You know what the funniest thing about it is, click on Binky’s link. He in frickin Idaho.
So, he loves to run around calling people racist, yet he lives in lily-white land. The only interaction he ever has with someone black is when he’s posting his idiocy over at Fat Ollie Willis’ site.
“Hey, i love to go from blog to blog calling people racists, but i’m sure as hell not gonna live around dem coloreds”.
Defense Guy
You seem confused, so rather than just repeat what Stormy said, let me add that you are making a classic mistake.
Simply pointing out the racial makeup of an individual or individuals involved in criminal acts is not the same as stating that all individuals of this ‘race’ contain these characteristics. Stating the obvious about one arab man is not the same as stating it about all arab men. Do you see the difference?
Also, cut the crap on painting everyone on one side of the political spectrum as signing up for what a few individual posters state at LGF. It is a dishonest tactic at best, and an attempt to further muddy the already opaque waters. It is not helpful.
Marcus Wellby
The INXS show is a trainwreck, which makes it unbearable and great TV at the same time. The dingbat hostess has all the charm as a bag of rocks though.
Yeah, it is goodbye to Kayser. I do not see any way that he stays. I hope Janelle or Howie get HOH. Maggie needs to go home next week. He could come back later in the season, they started with 12 houseguests, not the usual 14, so something may be in store.
Maggie does need to go, followed by big mouthed Ivette (Evilette) and April. I think Jenn is flying under the radar right now. Howie is too funny, and I like him for winning. Janelle,too, although she has a huge target on her back.
Maybe Kayser will be back, here’s hoping.
Plame Flame – brocolli sucks and deserves to be outed from the Vegetable Alliance.
Awww, man! But broccoli has made the transition from “hated it as a child” to “actually kind of like it as an adult.” However if somebody were to, say, eradicate asparagus from the face of the earth, I’d chip in a couple bucks to help the cause.
Brocolli cannot be redeemed, even with the wonder that is cheese. Sorry no hope for it.
Asparagus will also have to be eradicated, preferrably from space, it’s the only way to be sure.
I too would like to see some sort of anti-asparagus space death ray, for an asparagus-free world is a world we can all enjoy.
Does anyone read Pandagon? Oh wait. That’s right, John does.
Brocolli and asparagus can’t compare to the evil alliance of lima beans, brussle sprouts, and carrots.
I believe all true Americans recognize the necessity of dealing with the threat of smelly and/or vaguely brain-shaped vegetables.
Our first priority should be the Broccoli Death Laser. Later, funds permitting, we can turn our attention to secondary targets like asparagus and cauliflower.
Cauliflower – the albino food. What kind of sick and twisted vegetable is the color of worms. Ewww! It does need to be put on our list.
Lest we leave out the legumes – Butter beans should be put on notice.
Just to prod Cole:
I’d support a strongly-worded resolution. I don’t think butterbeans are bad enough to be immediately included in the Axis of Ick, though. We’ll keep our eye on them.
A better bit of irony is that while the anti-war crowd crows on and on about the insignificance of language Lakoff is lecturing leftie pols on…
wait for it
the significance of language. Why don’t both sides go ahead and call bullshit on the other and hold hands while you exit the sandbox?
Food lover to food lover? Few things in the world are better than a bundle of fresh asparagus tips, buttered and olive oiled, a little salt and garlic, and roasted under a broiler or on your barbeque. Gift from heaven.
add asparagus ….
Have you eaten properly cooked asparagus?
Never cook them in water. Never eat canned ones. Never eat frozen ones.
Fresh only, do not boil or steam, never overcook. They must al dente. Season and butter. You have then died and gone to heaven. Trust me. Sweet, like sweet corn.
Kayser is eliminated, but he may become America’s choice to go back into the house. Summmer of Secrets! Vote early, vote often.
I don’t know ppGaz, asparagus can be tricksy.
mac Buckets
Preach it, brother! Roasting fresh asparagus with a little garlic, s&p, and EVOO is the way to go. Just snap the stems (they’ll naturally break where the woody bit stops, another miracle that indicates Intelligent Design — cough, cough), and you’re good to go.
And the smell of your pee will let you relive the asparagus experience the next day!
See, tricksy!
Unwanted information!