Or so thinks HuffPo’s Catherine Ingram:
Unlike much of America I am dismayed by the success of “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.” Aside from finding the show’s humor banal, I am genuinely concerned with its message based on a comment by a 17-year-old relative who told me that all politicians are alike and there was no difference between Bush and Kerry. He, like many young people, gets his news almost exclusively from Jon Stewart. And, though I suspect that Stewart himself is a Democrat, he did such a great job of evenly skewering Kerry and Bush that a young person would not make any distinction between say, lying to take a country to war and having a dorky way of speaking. As a contrast, Bill Maher uses humor with intelligence, makes it hilarious, and lets you know exactly where he stands. With so much at stake, it is a shame that people of influence such as Jon Stewart (not to mention our politicians) don’t use their national platforms to go on record with what is in their hearts, even if it costs their jobs (as it did Maher his show on ABC). If enough of them spoke out, maybe it would start a trend: standing for what one believes instead of whoring for more cash, ratings, and power.
Jon Stewart’s comedy show on Comedy Central isn’t overtly partisan enough. You can’t parody some of these libs.
To a small degree – she’s right.
Stewart is courteous to anyone on his show and never tries to back anyone into a corner. He lets all of his guests get their point of view across.
His humor, on the other hand, is definitely point more harshly at the Republican side. I think, not so much because of a political bent, but because so much of the stuff he covers is being ignored by the press.
BoZ the Rider
He’s like all comedians though, and it is a show on COMEDY CENTRAL.
He, and the rest of the crew, make fun of the party currently in power because it’s always great to laugh about it. Comedians probably hated Bush coming into office, but knew that it meant another 4 years of easy jokes.
Not everyone out there, even if they feel strongly against a politician, will go out and try to use their clout to change things. I’d have to commend Stewart for his evenhandedness, even if the Bush Administration deserves to be tarred, feathered, and put on public display.
I’ll repeat it: it’s Comedy Central people! Good Lord, they aren’t serious about anything! As Stewart himself said, “My lead in show is puppets making prank phone calls!” How can this be taken seriously? Ms. Ingram here is just as guilty as her 17-year-old relative of taking TDS seriously. Her response to him must be “That’s nothing but a comedy show. It isn’t news, or even substantive opinion. What’s presented shouldn’t be taken seriously or believed.”
And using Maher as some sort of benchmark?!? Puhlease. His show was anything but politically incorrect. The longer it was on the air, the more it became about him and his views, and everyone else got the occasional one-liner. Hardly a “debate.” I don’t mind him putting forth his own (idotic) viewpoint, but let the rest of the folks on have input. (see TJ quote by BoZ)
I love this.
Jon Stewart gets skewered by this idiot because he’s balanced and Bill Maher gets a pass because he’s not. You can’t make it up.
eileen from OH
Oferpete’s sake. It’s a comedy show and, if anything, its target is the media. She lost me when she said the humor was banal. Stewart ain’t the greatester interviewer in the world, but the rest of the show is invariably hysterical.
And, though Maher can be funny, even brilliantly so, his smarminess and I’m-oh-so-hip routine undercuts it.
eileen from OH
This subject is full of interesting tidbits. People “get their news” from the Comedy Central channel? That isn’t about Jon Stewart, or Comedy Central. It’s about what crap the MSM news outlets have become.
I read this within the last day or two, can’t remember where: If George Bush declared that he believed the earth to be flat, the MSM media would report it this way: “Opinions differ on shape of earth.”
“Balance” and “fairness” have nothing to do with facts. Facts are neither balanced, nor fair. MSM thinks it’s about balance and fairness, but they’re wrong. Journalism is supposed to be about facts. That might be why people seek “news” on a comedy channel. They can’t get anything useful from CNN, Faux, or MSNBC. A show of hands, please. Is Natalee Holloway “news”? Is Robert Novak about “news”? Is Nancy Grace about “news”? Where does Ms. Ingram think that these young people should go for “news”? Her argument collapses when she whines about “speaking from the heart” and “taking positions.” WTF does that have to do with “news?”
As for humor, Stewart’s show is reliably funny and Stewart is one of the sharpest wits in the public eye.
W.B. Reeves
Pricelesss. Kerry couldn’t distinguish himself sufficiently from Bush in the last campaign to impress a non-voting 17 year old and it’s all Jon Stewart’s fault. Right. It’s not the cynical behavior of politicians that inspires cynicism amongst the populance, it’s the comedians that point out the bankruptcy of the politicians.
Make no mistake. Comedy is a dagger pointed at the heart of the nation. What we need is a Global War on Satire.
I have heard this same argument many times about John Stewart. I think it’s pathetic.
In today’s environment unless you are overtly partisan, there’s something wrong? It’s a damn comedy show!!!!
He is doing nothing more than Jay Leno, Dave Letterman and the rest of the talk shows. It’s a show.
If you want an intellectual discussion, try Washington Journal on C-Span. That will get you decent discussions.
If you want blithering idiots shouting partisan talking points, tune into any cable/network outlet.
Blaming Comedian John Stewart because he isn’t educating the nation’s young on your political points is just ridiculous.
I can’t watch him anymore because his smarminess and his misogyny makes me want to punch his “hipster” mouth. Ugh.
Jon Stewart is clever and his show is occassionally funny, and this woman needs to get a sense of humor. If you can’t laugh at your own side then something is wrong, and you are taking things way too seriously. I don’t watch the Daily Show because it’s not that funny to me anymore, but I usually don’t watch any comedy show for long. I also despise talk shows, like Letterman, etc. so this one falls into that category for me. Reno 911 is the only comedy show I watch consistently.
Boy, we have some real students of comedy around here.
Red Skelton’s “oh so clumsy” routine undercut him.
Jonathan Winters’ “oh so crazy” routine undercut him.
Don Rickles’ “oh so nasty” routine undercut him.
Rodney Dangerfield’s “oh so victimized” routine undercut him.
Did it occur to you that comedy might be about exaggeration?
I can understand why you’d complain about somebody whose act is about being “hip.”
It’s because, in Maher’s case, he often comes off as a complete asshole.
People like Catherine Ingram drive me nuts. If she wants the 17 y/o to be politically aware, spend some time with him talking politics, don’t leave it to a Comedy show to do it for her. Methinks she is protesting too much about one little show as the sole reason the kid is so cynical.
I love the Daily Show. It’s funny and for the most part sadly very true in it’s satire. But it’s NOT news. Jon is a gentle interviewer, sometimes I wish he wasn’t, but overall I like that he is decent and respectful to his guests. Does Ingram want Stewart to be like Coulter or Hannity?
In comedy, the thing is to come off as a funny asshole. Thereby causing people to laugh, and thereby causing them to buy tickets to performances, and so forth.
Rush Limbaugh and Michael Moore have made themselves rich by being practiced assholes.
It’s all good. It’s all show business. The fact that some would take them seriously just enhances the effect.
Forgot to add, if Ingram thinks Maher is better for Democrats, she is really a boob. If anyone is even handed in skewering the left and the right, it is Maher. “With so much at stake”, she might not to use Maher as an example. I like Maher, though acknowledge the smarmy weaselness of him, and have enjoyed his show on HBO.
Defense Guy
I have to agree with the chorus that Maher is not so funny anymore these days. I used to watch the HBO show, but stopped after the number of laughs delivered got lower and lower. Now he mostly seems angry and self-rightous to me, which is a shame.
The Daily Show is a hoot, and only a small part (half?) is due to John. His supporting cast buries him almost every show. As has been pointed out, the fact that people are looking to it for news content is in itself comedy gold, and very, very sad. It is, IMO, easily in the top 5 funny shows on TV.
Better to spend our time around here, then, eh?
Defense Guy
I don’t go to Mortons steak house for an oil change, if you get my drift. If he still makes you laugh enough to keep watching, then by all means keep watching. I’m done until I hear rumors that he’s funny again.
Moe Lane
Jon Stewart’s evisceration of Begala and Carlson on national television – and I’ll admit, I especially enjoyed watching Carlson get wuss-slapped, for all that he’s nominally on my side – was one of the best moments of the 2004 election cycle. While I respect the fact that other people find Maher’s current stuff to be funny, I’ve never seen him do anything half as good.
Even in the old, old, old Politically Incorrect days.
Maybe if Maher spent less time snorting coke off Playboy Bunnies derrieres, and worked on his jokes he might become funny again. I think he grows more bitter with each passing day. Carlin knows how to be funny without being a bitter jerk.
I don’t agree with Carlin, but he’s funny as hell.
I got your drift. Mine was aimed at the irony of your statement.
Translation: Without saying things that you find politically offensive. You know, things that might be said on a show called “Politically Incorrect.”
You just can’t stand the idea that somebody you don’t like has a following, or makes a lot of money being somebody you don’t like.
Just so you don’t waste your time ginning this up, I don’t watch Maher’s show; I think I’ve seen one half of one episode. I’m usually watching baseball.
Carlin’s whole schtick is politically offensive to me, but the dude makes me laugh. Maher is not funny, just bitter. I used to love Politically Incorrect, but as Maher became more know-it-all smarmy and bitter about everything, I tuned out. Even when the jokes cut the left down, which is frequently, they are not funny. I don’t care how much money Maher has or that he has his own show, I like capitalism. Moore making lots of money does not bother me, either. I like Moore, he helped get my guy elected. Thanks, Michael Moore!
To you, you mean. To you. The person who wants to “light up” Palestine. Now that’s funny.
Of cours it’s clear to most that Stewart hosts a comedy – not news – program, and has no responsibility to “educate” or “inform” his audience – just to entertain them.
Apparently the same is true of the Huffington Post blog – it certainly hasn’t done a good job of educating or informing the Catherine Ingram’s of the world.
How embarrassing for her.
Otto Man
Paul Krugman.
I caught part of his new HBO special, and it came off like a harangue. One part comedy, three parts lecture. No thanks.
Guess I’ll just have to keep watching the comedy channel to get my laughs. They’ve got all my favorites — John Gibson, Sean Hannity, and of course Bill O’Reilly. Keep ’em coming, boys!
Right, thanks. I thought the blurb was funny as hell, and it stuck in my mind even though I don’t recall what the heck his article was really about.
“Opinions differ on shape of earth” for me sums up the state of MSM “journalism.” They seem to think that pimping the contention is more appropriate than laying out the facts which illuminate the subject. Ratings, and all that.
Which is why, if I’m a 17 year old kid, I might be thinking, Jesus, do all these adults have their heads up their asses? I’m flipping over to Jon Stewart. At least he is trying to be intentionally funny.
Comedy Central is probably the only show on TV that is not afraid to parody this abomination and embarassment we have as a current president.. and the corporate pirates they pander to.. 75% of the money in the energy bill that just passed went to subsidize big oil.. as if with record profits they need any help..
Thank GOD for John Stewart and the Daily Show..