I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, the chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, has told federal investigators that he met with New York Times reporter Judith Miller on July 8, 2003, and discussed CIA operative Valerie Plame, according to legal sources familiar with Libby’s account.
The meeting between Libby and Miller has been a central focus of the investigation by special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald as to whether any Bush administration official broke the law by unmasking Plame’s identity or relied on classified information to discredit former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson, according to sources close to the case as well as documents filed in federal court by Fitzgerald.
The meeting took place in Washington, D.C., six days before columnist Robert Novak wrote his now-infamous column unmasking Plame as a “CIA operative.” Although little noticed at the time, Novak’s column would cause the appointment of a special prosecutor, ultimately place in potential legal jeopardy senior advisers to the president of the United States, and lead to the jailing of a New York Times reporter.
The meeting between Libby and Miller also occurred during a week of intense activity by Libby and White House deputy chief of staff Karl Rove aimed at discrediting Plame’s husband, Wilson, who on July 6, 2003, had gone public in a New York Times opinion piece with allegations that the Bush administration was misrepresenting intelligence information to make the case to go to war with Iraq.
Have at it.
Joe Albanese
Judy, Judy, Judy. Seems as if Ms. Miller is smack dab in the middle of this ROVEGATE mess whether she wrote an article or not. I think journalists that continue to support her refusing to testify should really re-evalute their position in light of this information.
It is one thing for a reporter to protect a “source” that is a true whistleblower, but in this case it is becoming increasingly clear that the “source” is not a whistle-blower but rather a high ranking white house official who’s purpose is to destroy and discredit the TRUE whistle-blower – a complete perversion of the confidentialty argument often put forth. And if part of the information she received, included protected classified information that as the Appeals court opinion stated, has seriously damaged the national security of this nation, then she has no moral grounds whatsoever to refuse to testify.
The article suggests that she may have been given, or shown, the Top Secret State Department Memo which mentioned Ms. Plame’s CIA status. Pretty reprehensible behavior on the part of Scooter Libby if true. To protect that sort of un-American and treasonous behaivor is quite nauseating to most citizens of this country. I have no sympathy for her continued incarceration. Perhaps she should be offered a cell in Gitmo where other enemies of our nation are housed. I’m told the food is quite good at that beach front resort.
Libby does what he is told to do, by his boss. Dick …. somebody? Dick …. uh …. It’s on the tip of my tongue …
Well, anyway, he’s a Dick.
“No, no, don’t back up!” — The Roaming Gnome
Anyone who gets that joke, dinner is on me.
Of course, when the President’s man, Rove, and the Veep’s man, Libby, are both doing the same treasonous crap, one would imagine that the source of this organized criminality would be above those two men. I know it’s hard for some to believe, but put down the koolaid and pick up a crayon and try to draw a chart on this.
As for Judith Miller, I would not be surprised if she’ll get her own set of charges.
Ooops. I got bubbles in my whoops a daisy!! – The Roaming Gnome.
A place with Wolfgang Puck is cooking is fine with me….
Rome Again
Uhhh, that’s the reason that Bush and Cheney both lawyered up, right? Right?
Bush Lawyers Up
Cheney Lawyered Up too (according to John Dean in last paragraph)
My impression is that they “lawyered up” because WH lawyers aren’t the President’s or Veep’s personal attorneys, and attorney-client privilege doesn’t apply to them.
This was established during the GOP’s revenge fantasy, “The Impeachment of Bill Clinton,” back when lying about an extra-marital affair was considered an egregious breach of the nation’s honor.
Outing a CIA agent to take revenge on her husband for publically calling a spade a spade, on the other hand, is an example of heroic patriotism.
Dontcha love RW moral values?
Anyone who gets that joke, dinner is on me. Yes is good.