Lot of new people here, it appears, so some quick rules:
1.) I don’t mind swearing, but I try to keep it to a minimum unless I am unhinged about something. Which is frequent. Please try to do the same (not the unhinged part), and at least leave comments that have some substance.
2.) I have spam filters, so the first time you leave a comment, it will go into the moderation cue until I can manually approve it. You are not being censored, this is a mechanism for preventing spam. Deal with it. You will be allowed to pretty much say whatever you want.
3.) Try not to spam the comments yourself with multiple pointless comments.
4.) Use the button bar to embed your links. Above the comment box is a little arrow ‘<<.' Click that, and buttons become available. Also, there is an icon on the lower right to enlarge the font size. 5.) There are only two ways to piss me off: One- leave a comment on a particular post assuming all sorts of things about me, when this is the first damn thing you have ever read by me. Two- demand I write about something or make catcalls such as 'why haven't you written about this,' etc. I have no problem with you leaving links to things you want me to see, but I get pissy when you tell me to write about something or accuse me of covering something up because I haven't written about it. I probably won't do anything about it, but those two things really get me going. 6.) Whenever I write 'this is the last I am going to say about this issue, you can be assured I will have 15 posts about the topic in the next few days. Deal with it- I know I am full of it myself. That is all. Have at each other and come back if it pleases you. And if there is anything you would like done to aid readability, let me know (feeds, etc.)
Tim F
Is there a rule about images? If not there should be…
Uh oh, I think that was partly for me.
I tend to get a small obsession with threads. I’ll try not to over-post.
It’s nice to see a forum with such diverse views.
Gary Farber
“Use the button bar to embed your links.”
This is a rule? It’s forbidden for me to type them in as I always do? Do you have a mechanism to catch me? Can you tell which is which? And how ignorant does someone have to be to not know how to enlarge fonts on their own browser, anyway?
“And if there is anything you would like done to aid readability, let me know (feeds, etc.)”
I’m pretty sure I requested a Thai food feed, but you stubbornly refuse to comply! I blame President Bush.
No, really, I read better with the food feed.
I think you’re selling yourself short here. (Snark is still allowed, right?)
I’m actually just coming back to read you, over the last couple of weeks to a month or so. When when you started pushing the Swift Boat Losers, I got pissed and went away. (I still can’t believe you peddled that crap – I consider you, and this place, for the most part, one of the true “No Spin Zones”, of left or right, but you were pushing that junk.)
Oh well. No one is perfect!
OK, could someone explain how all the buttons work. I read here alot but am new to this posting thing?
I’m smarter than I thought.
Brad R.
1.) I don’t mind swearing, but I try to keep it to a minimum unless I am unhinged about something. Which is frequent. Please try to do the same (not the unhinged part), and at least leave comments that have some substance.
Michael Moore is fat.
Good to see the rules. I’ve been reading for a couple of months but just started posting. Came here from DailyKos and I really enjoy someone that can post respectfully even when we don’t agree on some ideas. (I’m of the pro-Afganistan, anti-Irak war field.) It’s nice to hear a conservative voice that doesn’t speak like dougj
Although answer me this, dougj is a liberal trolling your board with an exagerated version of neo-con thought, right? I mean, nobody can believe all the stuff that appears under his name. Right?
I always took that as a desperate plea, rather than an announcement, anyway.
Sounds great — we don’t all agree here about our politics but we all agree that you do a great job running this site, John.
mac Buckets
Three- teach creationism in science class.
THREE! There are only THREE ways to piss me off:
Assume about me, demand I write about something, creationism in science class, and Michael killed Terri Schia– FOUR!
FOUR ways to piss me off…
Balloon Juice Rules!!!!
Oh, sorry. I thought I was just agreeing with you.
Never mind.
Oh well. No one is perfect!