Harry Reid suffered either a mild stroke, or a precursor to a stroke:
Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic leader, suffered a neurological dysfunction on Tuesday that can be a sign of an impending stroke, his office said Friday night.
Mr. Reid, 65, who was in his hometown, Searchlight, Nev., during the Congressional recess, sought medical attention in Las Vegas after he became lightheaded, according to a statement from his office. A spokeswoman said he had been hospitalized in Las Vegas and has remained in the city. But she declined to discuss the specifics of his treatment.
The statement said Mr. Reid had experienced a transient ischemic attack, which doctors say is sometimes a warning sign of a stroke. Medical tests can usually determine the cause of the attack and the potential risk to a patient’s health. A spokeswoman for Mr. Reid said he felt fine and planned to return to work when the Senate reconvened in September. She said Mr. Reid would evaluate his schedule after the weekend.
Get weel soon. Does anyone know if the risk factor for this type of event includes a background in boxing?
Best wishes and prayers for him and his family.
no shit, Reid was a boxer? I didn’t know that.
goonie bird
Just what happens when he spends too much time running around the nation ranting against bush without taking a good long rest