Someone passed along this piece about Supreme Court nominations by Pat Buchanan, in which he seems to realize that he hates the left more than he hates the Republican party- even the warsome, meddlesome, jew-loving neocons included:
The Left gets it, but many Bush Republicans still don’t. They don’t like moral issues, and they don’t enlist in culture wars. But as the Left has turned the Supreme Court into a judicial tyranny more powerful than the president or Congress in deciding social and moral questions, Republicans have two choices: they can fight the Judges War, or they can lose the war.
Neutrality—a Bush choice of a non-controversial justice—will be, and will be seen by the president’s friends and enemies alike as a stacking of arms, a surrender, a cowardly retreat in the Culture War.
The Judges War is about Bush’s legacy and America’s future. No issue is more crucial. Whether America is kept safe for Christianity is more important than whether Iraq is made safe for democracy.
“Making America safe for Chrstianity, one justice at a time!” It has a ring to it, Pat! Nutty bastard.
What’s *really* frightening is the amount of times (sometimes greater than zero) that I agree with something he’s said durinhg the McLaughlin show. Uusually it’s about the stupidity of the war in Iraq or Israel’s tyranny, but we all know where those latter sentiments come from.
It’s Pat! The anti-semitic nutball.
B. Ross
Interesting that the left is supposedly in control of the Supreme Court when actually it’s the right tha is and has been in control of the Supreme Court.
I happen to agree with Pat Buchanan on this point. Does anyone really think Iraq becoming free and a billion people in the Middle East being given a chance to become democratic is all that important? I think it’s much more important that kids in the public schools be allowed to have a moment of silence. I’m tired of all these judges trying to destroy Christianity. I’m tired of hearing politician after politican attacking Christianity by name and biblical principles in general. If a politician is a Muslim, Buddhist or atheist, he has no problem revealing his beliefs. Maybe one day we will have a politician who will have the guts to claim he’s a Christian and still be elected. In case you all think I’m being paranoid, how is it that we have had over forty Presidents elected in this country and not one has ever claimed to be a Christian? I will leave you with one of my favorite Pat Buchanan lines. It was in response to a question about Native American rights and what we should do to help them.
“We gave them casinos. What more do they want?” God bless you, Pat. Keep fighting the good fight!
yet another jeff
Not one politician has had the guts to claim he was a Christian and get elected? No president has claimed to be a Christian?
Ok, yes, I think you’re being paranoid…and wrong.
yet another jeff
Not one politician has had the guts to claim he was a Christian and get elected? No president has claimed to be a Christian? Indeed, I for one am sick of seeing Christians being fed to lions on Fox Sports every Sunday…why is it always the Christians that are being persecuted in America? Christianity has never had such a struggle as to survive 21st Century America.
Pat’s right here, folks. The librul stranglehold on the courts has spent decades marginalizing Christianity, taking prayer out of schools, forcing evolution down our children’s throats, replacing honest debate on the universe with the dogma of librul-dictated notions of science. I really believe that if things continue within 15 years, it will be illegal to pray in public. In 50, it may be illegal to pray at home.
Quite simply, this is NOT what the Founding Fathers had in mind. They were deeply religious men, who would have been dismayed at the way that librul jurists have twisted their words into an anti-Christian creed.
This nation would have not been founded without the teachings of Christ. Yet now, they want to take Christ out of the country. This is the biggest battle of our lifetimes, the battle to keep the nation safe for people of faith.
Or the expansion of the Commerce Clause to allow the 9 justices to determine how much wheat you can grow on your private land (Wickard v. Filburn) should be restrained so that the “laboratories of democracy” (Justice Brandeis) can operate.
But then that doesn’t have the ring to it of “Making America safe for Chrstianity, one justice at a time!”
I guess…
yet another jeff
Please run a Google search on Founding Fathers and Deism.
I don’t much care for PJB, but the line that you quote from this piece as an example of him being nutty does not appear to be too nutty to me. He said “Whether America is kept safe for Christianity…” I know that there are many who seem to think we are on the verge of some sort of theocracy, but where I sit it has appeared quite the opposite– that there is a growing hostility in politics and in general for all things religious.
There have been times of late where I have wondered if, in ten years, Christians will be openly discriminated against. It scares me, frankly.
Christians will be openly discriminated against
You mean like non-Christians are now?
Mike in SLO
The term “christian” everyone keeps referring to has been hijack by evangelical born-again radicals. That is what is now believed to be “christian” while more moderate and, indeed liberal christians are reglated to the sidelines and marganalized as kooks. While I may agree that there may be persecution against evangelic, born-again christians in the future, it will be because they are insisting on sticking their religion into every aspect of our lives, and the powerful reglions of this country are now getting involved and immersed in politics and choosing one party over the other— a recipe for disaster (just look at history, religion can be found at the core of almost every war ever fought). The “persecution” many of these posters are complaining about is really just the majority of Americans sick and tired of them claiming vicitmization while demanding that all Americans follow their beliefs.
Oh and Giordano, every one of the 40 Presidents has said at one time or another that they are Christian. In fact, IT IS A FACT THAT NO NON-CHRISTIAN HAS EVER BEEN ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
Still feeling persecuted???
yet another jeff
Wait, I thought Giordano was being satirical.
Mike in SLO
Oh gosh, probably so… I keep falling for these satirical posts! Open mouth, insert foot!
Did it
Here’s number one
And if you don’t know, now you know, librul.
Sorry I didn’t embed my link, John. I don’t know now
Meant to write “I don’t know how”.