Try creationists suing the University of California because it won’t accept creationism in place of biology. Apparently, Berkeley is discriminating against them.
Mike S
There was a great line in that article.
“Dinosaurs lived in the Garden of Eden, and Noah’s Ark? Give me a break,” said Kevin Padian, curator at the University of California Museum of Paleontology in Berkeley and president of National Center for Science Education, an Oakland group that supports teaching evolution. “For them, ‘The Flintstones’ is a documentary.
Try creationists suing the University of California because it won’t accept creationism in place of biology. Apparently, Berkeley is discriminating against them.
Ah the good old “pointing out intolerance is intolerant” canard. Call someone in the KKK a bigot and you’re discriminating against their right to be a bigot. Set bottom-line standards for science classes based on science and you’re discriminating against people who take non-science-based “science” classes.
Christian conservatives are getting quite good at (at least in the media) turning the whole “tolerance” thing around to mean “you must never criticize my right to slam you”
I really hope UC doesn’t back down. These morons can take their creationism and go to Bob Jones University. If you take a religious-based biology class on the origin of the species, you will not be prepared for a college-level science-based biology class. Just like taking a class in astrology doesn’t make you ready for astronomy.
Jesus Fucking H. Christ! If I knew Christianity was going to be so goddamned funny, I’d never have left the goddamned fucking church!
Dinosaurs on Noah’s ark? Who’d’a thunk it? But then I guess a lot of that story was lost when they expunged the part about Noah sodomizing Bam-Bam on the lower deck behind a pair of triceratops.
“Ken Ham is quoted as saying they’re ‘taking the dinosaurs back’ from the evolutionists.”
ROFLMAO. Kenny might be honest there. Early dinosaur discoveries were accompanied by some very creative views. ROFLMAO.
Uncle Bubba
The objects of modern science wash up on their remote isolated shore, and they don’t know what to make of them. They are cargo-cultists wearing high-button shoes for hats.
They are cargo-cultists wearing high-button shoes for hats.
Good insight, and very jarring.
Please post pictures of the Allosaurus you keep on your ark. Let’s see how those damn libruls deal with the truth! Can I have a witness???
Boy, this is an open-minded, enlightened dicussion you’re all having here, isn’t it? You’re making a big effort to see both sides of the story, aren’t you? Why don’t you try reading up a little bit on this before you go off on how “stupid” we creationists are
Read what’s there before you dismiss creationism, you “open-minded, tolerant” liburls.
DougJ…didn’t the bible give exact measurements of the Ark? 300x50x30 cubits (a cubit being about the length of a man’s forearm.
This is where the literalists have to twist themsleves into knots, especially if they want to get two of every dinosaur that we even know about. A couple thousand dinosours not to mention all the mega fauna like the sloth, the mastadon, mammoth, etc and that hurkin’ big elk that used to roam the British Isles that had a rack avout 12 ft.across.
All in a space about 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 50 feet high.
Were the australopithocines and the neanderthal on the ark, too? Did little “Lucy” get to go on the big boat?
Professor Bainbridge thinks that UC expecting students to be taught biology is an example of outrageous political correctness.
Ah, there’s that knot twisting…., the big ones were just little babies. (as exactly expressed in the Bible…that’s sarcasm, DougJ) So now we’re talking about “types” of animals and not species. So all the different species that were represented by these “types” that have roamed the earth since the Flood got here how? Could it be…no..evolution?
DougJ, the ark would have been half the length of an avergae oil tanker…
but I love this title: “Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study”…that cracks me up.
Maybe for the big dinosaurs Noah carried fertilized eggs. Or just eggs. Maybe God told him this is a boy egg and this is a girl egg.
Or maybe God snuffed the dinosaurs before the flood and it wasn’t important enough to include in the Bible. Or maybe they went down with the unicorn.
So, if the ark is to carry a subset of the available creatures of the day, then, how do we explain todays vast variety of species? Hmm, they must have evolved from the ark types, eh?
Hahaha…so that is the origin of the word archetypes? Was the original spelling “arkytypes”?
No, it was old greek, like the septuagint, arkytypos.
Or, was it snarkytypos? Let me research.
Or, was it snarkytypos? Let me research.
Snarkytypos? Wasn’t that the dinosaur that had it’s toungue in it’s cheek?
capelza, you bastard, you beat me. ROFLMAO
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I thought dinosaurs came from gas stations?
Try creationists suing the University of California because it won’t accept creationism in place of biology. Apparently, Berkeley is discriminating against them.
Mike S
There was a great line in that article.
Ah the good old “pointing out intolerance is intolerant” canard. Call someone in the KKK a bigot and you’re discriminating against their right to be a bigot. Set bottom-line standards for science classes based on science and you’re discriminating against people who take non-science-based “science” classes.
Christian conservatives are getting quite good at (at least in the media) turning the whole “tolerance” thing around to mean “you must never criticize my right to slam you”
I really hope UC doesn’t back down. These morons can take their creationism and go to Bob Jones University. If you take a religious-based biology class on the origin of the species, you will not be prepared for a college-level science-based biology class. Just like taking a class in astrology doesn’t make you ready for astronomy.
Jim Caputo
Jesus Fucking H. Christ! If I knew Christianity was going to be so goddamned funny, I’d never have left the goddamned fucking church!
Dinosaurs on Noah’s ark? Who’d’a thunk it? But then I guess a lot of that story was lost when they expunged the part about Noah sodomizing Bam-Bam on the lower deck behind a pair of triceratops.
Don Surber
Aw, come on, the dinosaurs didn’t make it because they played around and refused to get on the ark.
Oh wait. I got that confused with the Irish Rovers song “The Unicorn”
Gary Farber
John, it gets so much stupider. At least the other story had dinosaurs. The new one just has homo cretinous.
“Ken Ham is quoted as saying they’re ‘taking the dinosaurs back’ from the evolutionists.”
ROFLMAO. Kenny might be honest there. Early dinosaur discoveries were accompanied by some very creative views. ROFLMAO.
Uncle Bubba
The objects of modern science wash up on their remote isolated shore, and they don’t know what to make of them. They are cargo-cultists wearing high-button shoes for hats.
They are cargo-cultists wearing high-button shoes for hats.
Good insight, and very jarring.
Please post pictures of the Allosaurus you keep on your ark. Let’s see how those damn libruls deal with the truth! Can I have a witness???
Boy, this is an open-minded, enlightened dicussion you’re all having here, isn’t it? You’re making a big effort to see both sides of the story, aren’t you? Why don’t you try reading up a little bit on this before you go off on how “stupid” we creationists are
Try going to
Read what’s there before you dismiss creationism, you “open-minded, tolerant” liburls.
DougJ…didn’t the bible give exact measurements of the Ark? 300x50x30 cubits (a cubit being about the length of a man’s forearm.
This is where the literalists have to twist themsleves into knots, especially if they want to get two of every dinosaur that we even know about. A couple thousand dinosours not to mention all the mega fauna like the sloth, the mastadon, mammoth, etc and that hurkin’ big elk that used to roam the British Isles that had a rack avout 12 ft.across.
All in a space about 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 50 feet high.
Were the australopithocines and the neanderthal on the ark, too? Did little “Lucy” get to go on the big boat?
Capelza, I refer you to
which has an excellent discussion of this alleged “difficulty”.
Professor Bainbridge thinks that UC expecting students to be taught biology is an example of outrageous political correctness.
Ah, there’s that knot twisting…., the big ones were just little babies. (as exactly expressed in the Bible…that’s sarcasm, DougJ) So now we’re talking about “types” of animals and not species. So all the different species that were represented by these “types” that have roamed the earth since the Flood got here how? Could it be…no..evolution?
DougJ, the ark would have been half the length of an avergae oil tanker…
but I love this title: “Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study”…that cracks me up.
Maybe for the big dinosaurs Noah carried fertilized eggs. Or just eggs. Maybe God told him this is a boy egg and this is a girl egg.
Or maybe God snuffed the dinosaurs before the flood and it wasn’t important enough to include in the Bible. Or maybe they went down with the unicorn.
So, if the ark is to carry a subset of the available creatures of the day, then, how do we explain todays vast variety of species? Hmm, they must have evolved from the ark types, eh?
Hahaha…so that is the origin of the word archetypes? Was the original spelling “arkytypes”?
No, it was old greek, like the septuagint, arkytypos.
Or, was it snarkytypos? Let me research.
Snarkytypos? Wasn’t that the dinosaur that had it’s toungue in it’s cheek?
capelza, you bastard, you beat me. ROFLMAO