I have had a few pieces of hate mail, and I have weathered some pretty stupid commentary, but this is hands down the best comment I have ever received (for sheer entertainment value):
Dear fascists on this site:
I am a liberal.
I would rather live as a slave on my knees…
…then die on my feet as a warmonger.
Cindy is better than Jesus and Rosa Parks. You are worse than Hitler.
Fuck off.
A liberal
Worse than Hitler? C’mon Miss Lewinsky, get off your knees.
*** Update ***
Damnit. Same comment left at Jeff’s. I don’t feel special anymore.
I wonder what college he’s a professor at?
Peter T.
Umm, maybe somebody is trolling? Ya think?
Dean Esmay
The best hate mail is always incoherent. :-)
You know, it’s just really too bad that the wingnuts on BOTH sides are screaming so loudly that everybody thinks that they represent the true feelings of most members of their respective wings. Being in Canada — on the outside looking in, so to speak — it just seems that everybody spends a lot more time arguing and refuting the talking points of those whose sole mission in life is to piss people off and be provocative. All that mental energy and time could be better spent — maybe on starting a real dialogue about how to actually end this war, bring the troops home, and then use the money to beef up home defenses (airports, borders, shipping ports, increased police forces) to help Americans TRULY feel safe?
Just a thought.
Gawd. Honestly, can’t we just call it a day and say there are looneys on both sides of the aisle. Really, we all have our political prejudices, but this kind of thing is just stupid.
You have been trolled, John, feel better?
Bah, that guy’s a noob! I see bigger ones flung right here.
Krista, thought? Doesn’t that imply being less angry? HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!
Otto Man
Does anyone really think this was posted by an actual liberal?
You really think that comment came from someone who was being sincere?
I can’t believe you looked at this twice, much less gave it the honor of its own entry.
You have to admit, he’s not as good as Karl at identifing targets.
John S.
John cannot resist the lure of the Sheehan bait…
If he were Superman, she is his kryptonite.
What’s really entertaining is that some people think the comment is genuine. Real boneheads
Mike S
Anybody else detect a bit of DougJ in that?
Being angry without focus and without a persuasive argument…well, that’s just a temper tantrum. People might listen, due to sheer volume. But will anything actually be accomplished? Nope. I think that people like “A Liberal” have no goal other than to distract everybody, ruffle everybody’s feathers, and keep us from working to solve this problem. Some people get off on sowing dissent and disaccord, and know no other way of communicating than by incoherent, ugly rants. I say we just ignore them until they can conduct themselves like adults.
M. Scott Eiland
Fake. It’s retarded enough to be a real lefty troll–but the spelling and grammar is too good, and there’s not enough profanity.
I think you’re trying a little too hard, John.
Why don’t you just post a picture of her with the caption “Satan’s Whore” and get it over with? You can turn your blog into the electronic equivalent of the Star:
“Cindy: I’m Having Charles Manson’s Baby!”
Marcus Wellby
Damn, sounds like there is a liberal version of Doug J out there…
But, Krista, there are better ways to deal with the republican base that ignore them.
Hey John,
I am a liberal.
But I think you’re the coolest Republican blogger around.
Keep up the good work.
*than, not that, dam sperlin broke
John Cole
I just thought it was funny. I couldn’t care less if it was intended or not.
I mean, better than Jesus and Rosa Parks is pretty damn funny.
That was obviously a fake.
It’s clearly a parody by a righty, if you look at the email addy.
Still funny though.
ppGaz is trying for his own entry.
I’ve got some ideas of my own.
John = Evvvvil McHaliburtoin ChimpyMcHitler Amerkkkian Poody-head.
I wish I got hate mail. It all seems so funny..
It definitely gets my vote for the “Over-the-top” award. I’m surprised that it didn’t declare that Cindy was the love child of Jesus and Rosa Parks.
The sad, scary thing though, is that there probably are people out there who think like that. Yikes.
More popular than Jesus, wasn’t that what John Lennon said?
This email reminds me of the scene in the Rutles when Nasty was misheard. He hadn’t said the Rutles were more popular than God, he said they were more popular than Rod. Rod Stewart, who hadn’t yet become popular.
That is to say, this was a forgery.
Dear Communists/Socialists (and temporary allies) on this site:
I am a
liberalFascist.I would rather you live as my slave… on your knees
AND then die
as a warmongerat my feet as a barking moonbat.Cindy is
better thanno different than Jesus – useful idiot (Rosa was just damn tired). Youare worse thansupplicants of the neo-Hitler. As am I – political expediance is paramount, and framing a story trumps all. Praise Osama…p.s. Piss off and die
An Islamofascist and his supporting staff.
Seems like amateur Rove strikes again.
goonie bird
A dim-witted egghead dummy who dont know the earth is round and i,ll bet he thinks the world is balanced on the back of a big turtle that walks slowly around the sun and that the stars are little lamps lit by the sky people at night and blown out in the day how backwards is this moron?
ROFLMAO goonie what the hell are you doing?
Amateur? AMATEUR???
here you are spreading my propaganda, and You Call ME AMATEUR!!!
You will meet your maker slower than I intially anticipated…
Amateur. It’s “more slowly”, not “slower”. And you need to use the past perfect, “anticipated”, not the present indicative, “anticipate”.
He has it backwards, this person will die on their knees as a slave, decapitated by hooded men hollering “allahu oakbar!”, mindlessly, over and over. Then they’ll show it on TV and be very proud of their blood-thirsty god. Better to die on your feet, a free man or woman, gun blazing, killing islamofascistic bastards.
Mike Slag
Hilarious, I am sad though, I wrote my own little op-ed piece on Sheehan and didn’t receive any comments like that, only supportive ones. Am I doing something wrong? Am I not being Fascist enough, maybe I’ll put and edit on that says…something like…. P.S. Die Cindy Sheehan, followed of course by maniacal laughter. Ah well keep up the good work grapevine.
i just want to point out that, in the case of the beatles, john lennon was right. they really were (are)bigger than jesus, in a literal sense. jesus is big among christians. the beatles are big among anyone who knows anything about music, and a lot of people who don’t.
oh, and i’m pretty sure that comment was incomplete. it should have included something along the lines of “MAKE ABORTION MANDATORY!” and “ME LOVE MICHAEL MOORE LONG TIME!”
I am a conservative:
I think all Muslims should be killed and Christianity made the official religion.
I am a liberal:
Bush is actaully the spawn of Hitler and the Devils and put upon this earth to cause kill all people with less than $10M of personal wealth.
See how easy it is to make a side look bad. Don’t fall for it.
I am from Kansas, the only things I want taught to my kids is what comes from the bible, everything else is untrue.
I am from Massachusetts, anyone who believes in God is an ignoramus.
Umm, maybe somebody is trolling? Ya think?
I’m SHOCKED, SHOCKED I tell you to hear there is Trolling on BJ! Next thing you know someone will say DougJ is just a Troll and not a true American Patriot! I need an adult beverage to calm myself.
Ann Coulter
I think all Muslims should be killed and Christianity made the official religion.
I like your thinking :-)
This is just a Kos mainstream Democrat.
i want to apologize for the kind of incomprehensible (but mostly just not funny) comment i left earlier. i had just woken up, and apparently, wasn’t thinking clearly.
The MEMRI/False Flag syndrome:
More and more posts seem artfully over-the-top as if to discredit the cause they proport to advance.
Like MEMRI, the “objective” MIddle East source that collects and disseminates the absolute nuttiest Moslem rants, crafty ideologues now give wide currency to the craziest partisan statements as if they are mainstream examples of the opposing point of view.
Or, like False Flag operations, ideologues wholly invent extreme opponents in order to discredit a cause embraced by more moderate elements.
It is wise to reflect on the likelihood that much of the worst of what you read is pure moonshine, brewed up by the opposite people to whom it is attributed.