Currently watching the press conference with Bush, the Coast Guard, and the government, and I hope this is the type of silly PR rapture the NY Times wants. How anyone thinks this is useful is beyond me. What needs to be done is to simply inundate the area with relief efforts- not press conferences where the President exhibits ‘leadership.’
What the people want is help, not press conferences. It ain’t hard to imagine why, and I have no idea what having the President in the region accomplishes. It looks like a stupid distraction, it will rightly be criticized, and it looks, quite honestly, obscene.
*** Update ***
Some confusion- I don’t think the President in the region is ‘obscene,’ I think that that stupid briefing looked obscene. Whoever thought that was a good idea should be beaten with a stick. Or forced to address the folks stranded at the Superdome. And the president shouldn’t have gone along with it, despite the fact that political opponents are clamoring to make hay out of this. It was a PR event, and stupid.
Kudos for that post, John. I watched it too and sat here shaking my head. Thank heavens the people in the Superdome and the Convention Center didn’t have to watch it.
I’m not exactly a fan of Bushes, but jeez his little dog and pony show was downright revolting. Not exactly what you would expect out of a leader.
Empathy is not this guy’s strong suit. This was done for politcal purposes. I have never thought Bush or his folks were stupid, But come on, whomever is setting this stuff up for Bush should be fired.
I don’t understand why you wrote that. Was the NY Times asking for a press conference?
Can you explain? Honest…
Joe Albanese
People want both. As a New Yorker I can attest to that. I was gratified to see Mayor Guilianni, with the Governor at his side, and the police and fire commissioners having frequent news conferences. It assured us they were doing what had to be done. It was comforting. It dispelled false rumors. It is an important part of leadership. When the leader is seen as actively engaged it sends a message to everyone down the line that this is important. That we have to do everything in our power. It is VERY important.
John Cole
NY Times.
Good fucking grief that was bad. The patent scriptedness. The prioritizing of rebuilding Trent Lott’s house. The rolled up sleeves (I get it…).
But the worst travesty?
The thanking of Mike Brown. Medal of honor anyone?
Joe Albanese
… but let me add, the “press conferences” or briefings or whatever you want to call them have to be felt as genuine not photo opps. This is Bush’s real failing. Whatever is in his “heart” it does not translate into “we feel your pain” genuinely. Thats why I have so much admiration for our former REPUBLICAN mayor, he was very real, not giving us happy talk bull shit. At times like this people hunger for Leadership and quite frankly Bush has displayed virtually zero on this score.
I would’ve liked to see the man demonstrate genuine leadership, a “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself” moment.
That wasn’t it.
I’m with Joe on this one. I think people need to see that someone is in control of the situation. I can’t see the press conference, but from what I’m hearing, the problem is that Bush isn’t very good at these kinds of speeches. Fine. Put someone else out there who is. Then again, given the performance of the head of FEMA, the REAL problem might be that NOBODY is in control of the situation. In that case, John is right, they should all shut up and get to work.
No John. The NY Times wasn’t asking for more press conferences, it was hammering him for the bullshit one that he gave.
Don’t confuse the issue.
The problem is that Bush has never been a real leader. Leaders know how to lead, how to give speeches, when to do the right thing or at least get some action going that takes people they lead in the right direction. Dubya is the direct result of pure GOP marketing and snow job to the people of this country.
He is not a leader. Never has been.
The guy is totally fucking incompetent. And apparently has been most of his adult life.
Just a stupid PR Stunt? My god… what exactly does it take to see this President as anything other than the moronic asshat he constantly shows himself to be?
Elephant in the room: Bush doesn’t have that fundamental sense of empathy that most people have. He just doesn’t care about other people and he’s shown that over and over and over.
That’s not unusual for rich, spoiling brats.
Good one John Cole, and Joe Albanese. :)
This was a shamefull foto op. He looked like a complete putz lecturing and rambling, contradicting himself. The best form of immage management they could have done is give Guiliani the mic. Sure people would have said something, but, Guiliani would have inspired a hell of a lot confidance anyway, even when it’s percieved to be a show.
Rusty Shackleford
…And the president shouldn’t have gone along with it, despite the fact that political opponents are clamoring to make hay out of this. It was a PR event, and stupid.
So, calling a ‘spade’ a ‘spade’ is making political hay out of the situation?
Bush phucked up badly. People are suffering and dying here in the U.S. and all you can think of is how to protect “Dear Leader.”
BushCo knew the storm was headed for the area last Friday and didn’t have anything in place until end of the day on Thursday. Go ahead and blame the looters and lawlessness if it makes you feel better. But the lawlessness was almost non-existent on Monday and on Tuesday and on Wednesday.
If this was a terrorist attack, would BushCo’s response had been sufficient?
Didn’t think so. Bush failed (again) and must be held responsible (for once).
“Thats why I have so much admiration for our former REPUBLICAN mayor, he was very real, not giving us happy talk bull shit. At times like this people hunger for Leadership…”
Exactly right.
Remove the worthless little twit and put in a responsible “National Emergency” leadership. If things are getting done, the American people need that reassurance, because right now it looks like diddly shit is happening for the people that are trapped or left homeless. There is NO plan, there is no semblance of a plan, there is just a strutting costume cowboy trying to appear empathetic and useful. Screw him 4 ways to sunday and send him home. We need some real leadership in this country NOW.
Mike S
At least he’ll be able to sit on Trent Lott’s awesome new porch.
I never like the idea of the President going to disaster areas so soon. There is too much involved in protecting the President that can take away from the relief effort. I think he was shamed into it in a sense and that’s too bad. I would not have complained if he had said straight out that he is sending people out to give him detailed reports of the destruction and relief effort, although many would have. I have defended him for not going to the areas immediately, just as I did when people complained that he “hid” during 9/11.
This was a no win situation for him. If he didn’t go many would have complained that he didn’t care. By going he is somewhat of a hinderence to the effort. But I think the presser was just bad.
I’m also with Joe on this one. I usually agree with a lot of what you have to say, John, but there really is something to be said for instilling calm and confidence in the rest of the country in a situation like this. Watching 9/11 from a distance, knowing my friends and family were nearby and unable to do anything directly, I was reassured by Guiliani’s press conferences.
If Bush is really not capable of that, and he seems not to be, then I also agree with Mr. Ortiz: leave it off. It’s better to not do it than to do it badly. Of course, I say this having not seen the conference today. But based on his speech the other day, I’m doubtful.
As for him visiting the area, I’m of the opinion that it should only be done if it’s not going to distract from relief efforts for too long. If he’s bringing along security that was only going to be with him anyway, then fine. But I don’t want police and/or Nat’l Guard that would otherwise be helping to be diverted from that task in order to secure his motorcade.
When did Nagin become a Republican?-
MSNBC just had the Mayor of New Orleans and during his obscenity laced diatribe (with good reason, btw) about where the hell the President and Governor were.
MSNBC’s caption to Nagin’s picture
– (R) Mayor – New Orleans
fwiw – Nagin’s a Democrat.
Here’s some evidence of that:
ABC News Vote 2003: Louisiana:
Breaking party ranks, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin is endorsing Republican Bobby Jindal in the Louisiana November 15 governor’s race run-off. LINK
Oh yes, Bumperist, his party affiliation is the MOST important thing to consider right now?
Is that how you are trying to decide whether to roast Nagin or support him?
The President should not precede water and food and support personnel.
Visiting the scene should happen after the disaster is over. This one is still going on. It is nowhere nears its last “throes”.
Bush will be lambasted for this and he should be.
Let’s face the truth. As President, George Bush is in so far over his head he can see the main street of Atlantis. PLEASE bring in Colin Powell to take control of this situation. We Must have grownups in charge. There are not enought terrorists on the planet to do the damage and long term harm we are potentially dealing with now.
“Winning” is NOT the point. This is not some game of political football.
Joe Albanese
Guys don’t agree with me, it’ll only make John want to tell me to go fuck myself another six times.
You’re taking one for the team, Joe. We all owe you a beer.
In another thread, I complained about the President’s lack of leadership. This press conference/photo op/PR pitch is not exactly what I had in mind. I agree with everything that’s being said here.
Many people have derided President Clinton’s declarations of I-feel-your-pain empathy. President Bush doesn’t appear to feel anybody’s pain.
Binky –
Nope …
but getting the party affiliation of a mayor of a major city should be pretty easy for a professional news network. Apparently, though, MSNBC felt it important enough to include party affiliation on the graphic rrather than simply saying : “Mayor – New Orleans”
One would hope MSNBC could be bothered to get that bit of information right.
Leaving aside party affiliation, it’s worth pointing out that there was a hell of a lot of things the municipal government could have done prior to Katrina’s landfall to prepare the SuperDome and Convention Center (and hospitals) without needing federal dollars or the okay of the governor. It wouldn’t have prevented the damage, but the situation would be much less dire.
Yeah, blah blah blah. You’ve made it clear what you think is important this morning. It’s been noted.
Andrew Sullivan at least voted for Kerry in the last election.
Wish more Republicans would have as well. Physician, heal thyself!
I suppose that depends on whether MSNBC is part of the mainstream media.
Joe Albanese
I think most of the posts on here have hit the nail on the head, this is about leadership and not press conferences per se. Press conferences are only a means to exert leadership to a nation if they are done properly. If they are not done properly then they do the exact opposite, they highlight the absence of true leadership. Bush, unfortunatly, has fallen into the latter category.
Now the question many ask is this just that he is a bad TV performer? or does he really not care? In my opinion, and of course its only an opinion, is that no I dont’ think the impression he gives off is far from the truth. I don’t think he cares much for others that don’t travel in his rarified social class.
Something I have never forgotten about Bush was that when he was governor and was once asked about a female inmate about to be executed in Texas and was asked what did he think she would say to him, he mimicked a female falsetto voice and said, “please don’t kill me”. This is a man with little empathy.
The right always told us that “character matters” you know what, I totally agree. Character matters and at times like this, we get a little peek into someone’s character. I dont’ like what I see.
james richardson
I remember when Putin got beat up in the press when the russian submarine (the Kurst was it?) went down and he was no where to be found. As if Putin himself were running the rescue operation. I don’t think it’s just an American political animal.
Unfortunately all Americans saw on the news were pictures of helpless victims and the president on vacation. If there were mass droppings of food, water, sanitary items, the news shows would have shown them as well, but there weren’t (at first).
The people suffering and dying in NO don’t care about PR, they care about supplies. But the rest of us, sitting comfy in our homes and being overwhelmed with these pictures, were indeed looking for some leadership. Actually we were waiting for news shots people being rescued and supplied with basic necessities; in the absence of that, we were looking for leaders to tell us those things were on the way.
So maybe some part of the human social animal does need a little PR.
For real entertainment, you need to be watching the Tom Delay Bromide-a-Thon and Platitude Party now being held on your tv.
Amazing, stunning. America will pull together, says Tom.
Imagine that.
Joe Albanese
True, but what he said was still very very strong.
I couldn’t agree more.
Yeah, blah blah blah. You’ve made it clear what you think is important this morning. It’s been noted.
Good municpal government, pp. The preplanning for this sucked and that was purely a municpal issue. Though your ‘concern’ over the welfare of those in the Superdome has been noted as well.
blah, yourself.
NOLA was identified by the federal government Department of Homeland Security to be the #3 target in the US.
But thats just because the municipal government sucked so bad, I guess.
No it wasn’t. There’s plenty of blame to go around, as we will learn in the fullness of time. As for the city government, you are saying something I said here at least 4 days ago. I will thank you not to plagiarize my material.
But your blurb is just a cover for the fact that you’ve made an ass of yourself for barking about a cable network’s onscreen party attribution under a talking head …. AS IF ANYONE GIVES A SHIT or it affects anything at all.
Like I said, your sense of priority has been well noted.
My advice? Get a new handle, and start posting to the Teletubbies newsgroup. More your speed.
Dear Leader, still engaged in pre-Katrina thinking, good for him, punk.
John Cole
And let me just note how much my head hurts from largely agreeing with ppGaz. Up is down, worlds colliding, cats and dogs living together.
Laughed out loud!
You’re a good man, John. No matter how much I bitch, this is the best blog in town. Keep up the good work!
Is that a true story, or an urban legend started by Democrats?
Its true. He started giggling nervously and repeated it “don’t kill me, please don’t kill me”
I lost the video about a year ago, I wish I still had it.
I’ve heard it all now: The liberals make Mr. Bush give bad press conferences. Laughable.
From David Frum’s Diary, as cached by Google, from 2003:
(National Review Online):
Christ on toast…he just brought up the War on Terror. WTF?????
When asked about how people are going to have houses again, he said something about offering low-interest loans.
The people who have lost everything they’ve owned, and were too damn poor to buy insurance must be pleased to know that their government is willing to only charge them a single-digit interest figure.
John Cole
They asked him about troops overseas being a problem, and he responded we can do two things at once- fight the war on terror (he believes Iraq is part of that fight) and take care of things ast home. WTF did you want him to say, christ on the toast notwithstanding?
I must say, he looks better out there with his arms around people who lost everything, than he does with a suit on, or holding one of those dumb press conferences.
Ah okay…my bad. I had just turned on the TV and heard him mentioning the WoT, and was wondering if he was trying to further that agenda. Thanks for the clarification. (And feel free to use that turn of phrase, by the way…I find it quite satisfying.)
I kind of have to laugh. It just showed a sign outside this guy’s house, obviously addressed to any looters:
“Don’t try, I am inside with a big dog, an ugly woman, two guns, and a claw hammer.”
thanks for the reference ppgaz. That statement from Bush was extraordinarily callous
No prob, Darrell.
Digging that up, made me think …. it isn’t really these kinds of things than make me “hate” Bush. Actually, he’s a kind of guy I’ve known many of over the years. Likeable in many ways, and not bad folks. Not guys I’d want as a president, but that doesn’t make them bad.
What I hate about the Spuds is that they pretend to be something they are not. It’s a thing that, to me, permeates everything they do. The whole war in Iraq thing hangs on this for me. It’s that they go bumbling in there talking as if they know what they are doing, when they clearly don’t. It’s the pretense that gets me. The relentless self-congratulation and self-justification.
My brother (most rabid Bush spupporter I know) will testify, I didn’t hate Bush when he was elected. I was giving him plenty of latitude. I thought that DC needed a cleanup after too many years of Democratic cronyism. But I had no idea what a bunch of pretenders these people were. It took a long time for me to really hate them.
Believe it or not, they could still turn me around. They could admit that they are human, don’t have all the answers, and maybe made some mistakes in Iraq. They could admit that they really have no idea what the outcome of Iraq will be, and ultimately, will have no control over it. They could stop acting like it is unpatriotic to question or criticize them.
Bush could spend the rest of his term out there hugging people who are lost, homeless, desperate, and I might turn into his biggest fan. I’m easy, actually.
Is the Recovering Republicans club looking for new members? How can replace these phonies with real republicans
Dunno, maybe John can help you. I’m a Goldwater Democrat ;-)
Unfortunately, they could not bring back the WTC and the 3000 who died there, bring back the 1885 US military who have died in Iraq, bring back the 24495 (or more) Iraqi civilians who have died during the war, restore the health of the14021 US wounded in Iraq, undo the mistreatment of detainees and prisoners, and restore the US Treasury surplus. If they could do those things, they could turn me around.
Sorry ppGaz, I really like most of your posts, but I strongly differ with you on this. This crowd could redeem themselves only by turning the omelet they’ve made back into eggs.
Jim Caputo
But Bush didn’t seem “actively engaged.” He stood there listening to people tell him things he must’ve known two days ago at least. The whole time those people spoke to him, Bush had no questions. No questions??? Not even one??? The only sound he uttered before speechifying at the end was to grunt like a pet pig whenever someone mentioned gasoline.
The man is useless.
A better photo op instead would have been having the president order the Coast Guard helicopters behind him to get in the fucking air and get to work. Photo op over.
I know, I’ve blown my cover. I’m actually a softie.
I realize that toothpaste cannot be put back in the tube. your points are well taken.
Seriously. Fuck George Bush. The guy is officially a waste of oxygen. We see what his much-vaunted “leadership” is now: utter bullshit. He has no leadership in him. He’s a complete and total phony, a fake, a fraud, and a despicable human being. I have nothing but contempt for him for using a disaster of this magnitude as a fucking photo op, and I want him to suffer. Not suffer in his poor tragic idiot blue-blooded rich boy way, but really suffer. Like the people in New Orleans. He deserves nothing else.