This Lost City piece is a pretty riveting read, including the legal ditherings by the White House attorneys to the cock-ups by Mayor Nagin to the entire scope of the mess.
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by John Cole| 5 Comments
This post is in: Domestic Politics
This Lost City piece is a pretty riveting read, including the legal ditherings by the White House attorneys to the cock-ups by Mayor Nagin to the entire scope of the mess.
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Looks like Operation Deflect Blame is in its last throes.
From Newsweek, “Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco seemed uncertain and sluggish, hesitant to declare martial law or a state of emergency, which would have opened the door to more Pentagon help”
Yet a State of Emergency was declared by the state on the 26th of August. I hope that Newsweek issues a correction. The Washpost did ,
“A Sept. 4 article on the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina incorrectly said that Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco (D) had not declared a state of emergency. She declared an emergency on Aug. 26.”
Eric notes the same thing I did: that the front page of the Newsweek article puts forward at least one of the Administration’s lies as fact. This really bothers me — the Blanco story was trivially easy to check, and both the WaPo and Newsweek clearly failed to do so.
“We’re baaaack! Wow, I go away and you guys just trash the place. Oh, well, I was getting bored of mousaka anyway.”
Here’s something some might find interesting. It make my stomach turn and I’m not sure why. I think it was the word security.